Lovers Transcending the Duality Void


There is much conversation today about gender equality, sensuality, sexuality. We talk about these things because our very deep and ever-present desire is to experience ourselves through love. We want to know love in all of its forms and manifestations… true lovemaking. But to know this, we must know what is within, unite what has been divided, and create what is new.

So to begin, we ask: what is the feminine spirit within and what is the masculine spirit within?

The first answer: they are not two – they have been divided at some point in history, but they are not two. What we must do is take what has been divided (torn apart by conditioning) back, and make it into: one. For those who wish to know the true meaning of oneness, this is it. You cannot have oneness in your outside life, so to speak, if you don’t have it within.

These forces interact within as the creation void: the field of infinite possibilities. These qualities are one within us, sometimes balanced, mostly not. Voids are not easily conquered.

Going about our daily lives, we try to correct that imbalance by interacting with our so-called counterpole. Men will go courting women, and women will go courting men, faintly knowing that who they are courting is themselves… deep within the hidden realms of their soul. So basically, when we look into the mirror reflection of the other, we see our own image on one level, and recognition on another. That seems to be the key to finding ourselves through love.

Such a precious finding has many names: soul mates, twin flames, cosmic souls… yet a sweet, sweet promise of merging into a state of Bliss. And yes, we still sit by the sunlit lake, gazing at its surface… waiting, through endless nights.

The day will come when we merge within ourselves, through our beloved. On that day we truly can speak of cosmic union, twin flames, soul mates… and transcending the absurd matrix parameters for physical love.

We can talk about sex, but sex is very uninteresting. Sensuality is everything. And sensuality can only exist when equals meet and surrender. Trust is the key… trust and non-competition. Equals don’t compete… they accept. The rhythm is: conquering, surrendering, conquering, surrendering.

What has happened to take us off track? We are dual, hetero-centered beings becoming alienated into a gender-bender scare agenda. People are gender scared by design.

Man’s feminine aspect put into context is: introspection, intuition, awareness of the other, awareness of feeling and emotions, a giving sensuality, perception of softness and flow, his ability to perceive the beauty he encounters.

But all too often man’s feminine aspect has gone bent. He opens to the feminine and forgets that he is masculine with power and authority to act. Is this a man, behaving like a wet noodle in a boring restaurant dish with only the parameters of the matrix guiding him the wrong way?

He believes he must be soft, he must go to sensitivity classes, he must debate his femininity with other men, he needs written permission for French kissing… his empowerment is gone. Much can be said about that – but first we will say that he didn’t put himself there.

Who did… what did? We see the bending of an awakening in the 60s and 70s: breast swinging women’s liberators going bezerk on equality. Yes, men and women are equal but men and women cannot be equal if the feminine insists on having the power in the relationship. That’s just a switch from the masculine having the power.

Trading places is not balance, and it’s not interesting any more since: Love doesn’t compete – Love IS the power. It does not insist on the struggle to avoid the surrender and keep up the differences.

When masculine enters feminine space it is not diminished; it is still masculine. The domination of the feminine agenda has caused confusion, the loss of masculine force, and the loss of respect… a very sad situation for all.

Don’t get it wrong here – we see true liberation in women setting themselves free. The liberated context of woman’s masculine aspect is in her ability to act upon self and others through feminine self-knowledge. When the feminine enters masculine space she does not lose her mind – it is a magnetic force of intelligence, spirit and conscious sensuality.

When a woman’s masculine aspect goes wrong she takes up control and becomes hard and competitive; discarding the knowing feminine, transforming her outer look into mirroring the masculine, diminishing her sensuality. It’s a craving for power, and that craving for power discards the knowing deep within her.

Diminished is the woman who does not know… she need not fight, she need not go to war. She can impact a household with the lift of her eyebrow. That is the feminine power – subtle, powerful subtle. And the masculine will stand in awe of that, knowing he has crossed her boundaries. He will not bow down… he will give in. That’s a huge difference, a transcending difference, and she will give in to his signs of discomfort.

So, disempowered man in all of your acquired helplessness, power craving woman pumping gender bender irons in the name of misconcepted equality…

Wake up – is everybody in? The ceremony is about to begin.

We’re approaching an end point… gender confusion supported by the matrix, by legislation, by interfering in people’s private lives: diminishing the right to be a man and the right to be a woman and stand proud by it.

Confused is the man who cannot let his eye wander upon a beautiful woman dazzled by her sensuality (which is basically the embodiment of the feminine sacred spirit) – not wanting to engage – just being in awe of it. The muse-effect has fueled much creativity.

Confused is the woman who cannot gaze at the masculine power – not wanting to engage – just to stand in admiration of it. That’s the point of accession. Empowerment, inspiration, sensuality – the joy of being different while knowing deep inside that the difference is just an illusion – it is within reach when we don’t cling to the programming.

What have we with the politically correct conditioning? We have reached the cliff’s edge. Kindergarten children in Sweden are not allowed to refer to each other as he and she. What are they thinking about? The rules are set up by professionals who know that children develop their gender identity at that precise age.

Imagine those children growing up, wanting to have their first kiss, their first relationship. How will they know an approach? Is this a road sign to a trans-agenda? It is the exact opposite of where we need to go – erasing polarities on the outside will result in a state of stasis: gender confused drones who cannot breach the reality gap.

So everybody is suffering here in the genderless matrix – humanoids seeking automatic body movement in order to find release in whichever way programming suggests. If he can’t satisfy you, get a nine volt device instead. If she can’t, see a 20$ hooker or how about an online chat. That is beyond sad, and the revenue and the demand for add-ons is big business.

For the orgasm outcome no heart-centered energy is required. In fact, quite the opposite can be true. There is a pleasure potential, and also a descending potential which we have seen result in some of the greatest suffering that we know of in the world today.

It’s a sad sight to see lovers who cannot open each other into the sensual world, because they plugged into the world of the matrix-defined mechanical body movements.

Nature pulls male and female together in magnetic attraction. We are part of that nature, but we can go beyond that. We can transcend it but we need love in the flesh to show us the way to pleasure a thousand raptures deep – surrendering, transcending, loving, giving it up.

Stepping back from the cliff, we can see the return of romance, balanced male and balanced female, sensuality, beauty in feminine flow, beauty in masculine action, respect, renewed life, lovemaking from heart and all the body – from top to toe – everything embedded. We can be as balanced as we want, depending upon what we want and our willingness to sail the uncharted sea of the divinity in love. This sailing is not instant: it requires time, commitment and effort.

How does sex become lovemaking? The shift is within our intent. When we go from being result oriented to being process oriented the result will follow… if we surrender to it.

We can surrender if we are safe – if we feel safe within our feminine or masculine spirit. It’s true that we may need our partner to guide us to surrender. We cannot expect that two people when they meet are at exactly the same level – let he or she who has traveled the furthest show the way. That becomes a beautiful trust.

In the heart we experience the magnetic attraction of the other polarity through our senses: we look at the beauty, we smell the fragrance, we feel the spirit, we touch the body, we listen to the voice, we resonate with it all. That is why we desire and it should be all we desire.

Evolution is not difficult here… yet finding the courage to forego political correctness and speak up for it seems to be one of our major obstacles. Merging hearts will take us to our love affair with the god within – the feminine and the masculine in oneness – on the inside.

And that is where we started out….

About the Authors

Ida Lawrence is an author, blogger, copywriter and editor based in Atlanta, Georgia. She has contributed to and edited two books on racial justice and human rights, and numerous articles on human rights, self-empowerment and related subjects. Her latest book is entitled The Warrior’s Way to Heaven on Earth. Ida has also published a companion book of blog favorites from

Soren Dreier is the author of, an excellent blog with mind-blowing perspectives on the modern world.

This article is offered under Creative Commons license. It’s okay to republish it anywhere as long as attribution bio is included and all links remain intact.

The Metaphysics of World Collapse


V. Susan Ferguson

“…movement and change are actually prized for their own sake…outward action…fleeting…dispersion…a tendency toward instantaneity, have for its limit a state of pure disequilibrium, which…would coincide with the final dissolution of this world; and this too is one of the clearest signs that the final phase of the Kali Yuga is at hand.” – Rene Guenon, ‘The Crisis of the Modern World’

The French metaphysical scholar Rene Guenon (1886-1951) is considered to be one of the greatest of all in the western world. Guenon was no mere occultist. He was an authority on the Sanskrit teachings, Sufism, Taoism, and many others including western esoteric traditions. ‘The Reign of Quantity’ is his masterwork and was the turning point in my own understanding as he convinced me to accept the Cycles of Time as reality.

Guenon’s ‘The Crisis in the Modern World’ was written in 1942 (three years before my own birth) and describes our current times with prescient and increasing accuracy. In the chapter on ‘Knowledge and Action’ Guenon explains in his razor-like French precision that the modern world, its sciences and philosophies, its very foundations have become completely disconnected from any metaphysical truth. The reason for this is our ongoing Kali Yuga descent into matter and limited five-sense perception, which blocks our understanding of the Invisible Realms that are the support and substratum of this entire universe.

The people who have become prominent in all fields of modern life simply are no longer capable of understanding the real underlying metaphysical principles that are the substratum of the temporal illusory earth we stand upon. Thus the various and always changing theories that become the basis of our lives are profoundly flawed, unsound, and subject to collapse. Rene Guenon: “It is impossible in any way to separate knowledge from the process by which it is acquired.” The intelligence that is now held in high esteem is of the lowest order — regardless of how many corporate global policy institute think-tanks these modern era PhD priests are ensconced within.

True knowledge consists in ‘identification’…

Guenon: “…for all true knowledge essentially consists in identification with its object.” This is the traditional ancient way of immersing consciousness to reach wisdom knowledge and is precisely what the shamans still today practice. In the west and spreading around the globe, this process of intense identification is overlooked and “…they admit nothing higher than rational or discursive knowledge, which is necessarily indirect and imperfect, being…reflected knowledge.” One is reminded of Plato’s shadows in a cave being taken as real.

This ‘lower type of knowledge’ has become more and more valued ‘only insofar as it can be made to serve immediate practical ends.’ Our modern western culture has become absorbed and obsessed with action, scientific and mathematical theories that produce profitable results, and have denied everything that lies beyond the grasp of their own limited five-sense perception. These servants of the corporatist scions are blind to the fact that acts thus disconnected from metaphysical truth degenerate — “from the absence of any principle, into an agitation as vain as it is sterile.”


We still know very little about the mysteries of our universe, beyond what produces short-term profit at the expense of Mother Earth. Reflect on the countless theories, scientific and others that have come and gone like ill winds. Arthur Koestler, the now forgotten genius whose works were highly honored not so long ago, wrote about this in his 1959 book, “Sleepwalkers” in which he chronicles the parade of scientific theories that have been discovered, lauded and discarded.

“The muddle of inspiration and delusion, of visionary insight and dogmatic blindness, of millennial obsessions and disciplined double-think…may serve as a cautionary tale against the hubris of science. … The dials on our laboratory panels are turning into another version of the shadows in the cave [Plato’s analogy]. Our hypnotic enslavement to the numerical aspects of reality has dulled our perception of non-quantitative moral values; the resultant end justifies the means ethic may be a major factor in our undoing.”

Surfing the Surface

Concurrent with our descent into matter has come the need for ‘ever-increasing speed’ and ‘ceaseless agitation, for unending change.’ We have become addicted to surface effects. Recent observations, one might say warnings, from Jaron Lanier and Nicholas Carr reveal that surfing the Internet is reconfiguring the human brain. The evidence is conclusive. We are lost in what Guenon back in 1942 called “dispersion in multiplicity, and in a multiplicity that is no longer unified by consciousness of any higher principle.” This external multiplicity is merely the temporal ‘appearance’ generated by the eternal Real, the One substratum beneath all appearances. And yet the best and seemingly the most intelligent are consumed in its quantitative analysis, a bottomless pit of frantic change for its own sake and profit.

Guenon:  “…in daily life, as in scientific ideas, it is analysis [of external multiplicity] driven to an extreme, endless subdivision, a veritable disintegration of human activity in all the orders.” Nothing is of value that cannot generate profit, while the wisdom that is born from silent contemplation is ridiculed. Thus we live in an intellectual environment suffused in “the inaptitude for synthesis and the incapacity for any sort of concentration.”

High Frequency Trading

What could be more symptomatic of this dispersion into multiplicity, addiction to speed and what Guenon terms an obsession with ‘instantaneity’ than the recent revelations regarding HFT, high frequency trading in the markets. Michael Lewis’ 2014 best seller ‘Flash Boys’ explains that the process of buying and selling have been transformed into a high speed mechanism in which those with the biggest fastest computers and most sophisticated algorithms will always be winning, the ‘front runners’ over any others. The markets have been rigged by the impenetrable wizardry of the science of algorithms. Sophisticated slight-of-hand advantage smacks of criminality and contributes to the collapse of fragile democracies around the planet, allowing the worst to rape the earth.

Guenon in 1942: “It is therefore to be expected that discoveries, or rather mechanical and industrial inventions, will go on developing and multiplying more and more rapidly…and who knows if, given the dangers of destruction they bear in themselves, they will not be one of the chief agents in the ultimate catastrophe.”

Sovereign Debt Collapse does happen…

As odd as my interest in finance may seem to many, I am convinced that the collapse of our current economic system is indeed ‘one of the chief agents’ in the catastrophic events that occur at the close of any Kali Yuga. Complexity theory expresses the notion that complex systems must inevitably collapse as they become more complex and unstable. We are approaching the edges of instability in the realm of fiat money, sovereign debt default, trillions of dollars in derivatives, and an increasing loss of confidence in the world’s reserve currency. Indeed as many far more knowledgeable and brighter that me have publicly stated, confidence is all that remains between our safe secure world and a complete breakdown of civilisation. Once this ‘confidence’ is gone no one really knows what will follow.

Are we being indoctrinated by the globalists to accept a new reserve currency? The Special Drawing Rights, the SDRs created by the IMF are waiting in the theoretical wings to rescue us from financial chaos and oblivion. But who created this instability? In his most recent book ‘The Death of Money’ James Rickards says that the Federal Reserve does not understand that the recent unlimited printing of trillions of dollars, known as QE quantitative easing, can be a perilously irreversible process. The reckless creation of fiat money (along with now $600 trillion in derivatives) may produce a total loss in confidence not only in the dollar, but also in the financial institutions themselves. Once this loss of confidence occurs, a new system must be created to replace the abandoned one.

This entirely new system, often called the New World Order, will be a planetary financial system which has been in the plan stage for centuries, but now actually appears to be gaining success mostly due to the advances in technology, meaning the global access which computer technology allows. Is this all ‘bad’ as the conspiracy researchers have warned us? Surely there is an argument for a more fair system that does not solely serve only one country.


What worries me is the heinous effects we have already seen that result when corporations are allowed to plunder – (can there be another better description?) – resources in far away lands with impunity. The multinational corporations are poisoning the planet and her oceans. I need not enumerate the plethora of irrefutable evidence, anyone can see the curious disturbing neglect in Fukushima, the consequences of desperate fracking to local water supplies, the obscene greed of GMOs, the insidious ongoing dispersion of endocrine disrupting chemicals EDCs, the insane buying of world water rights, and more. Here clearly we see the results of a loss of individual financial sovereignty and remote control global governance.

While I do recommend that you read James Rickards in online interviews, YouTube, or his books, I have come to believe that his job is to indoctrinate the more financially keen into the IMF’s plan to implement their SDRs and complete control of global finance. In ‘The Death of Money’ Rickards says that when the dollar ceases to be the world reserve currency there are three probabilities: the SDR will replace the USD as world money, the possibility of a gold standard, and the threat of social disorder. I think this threat of social disorder has been carefully inculcated into our consciousness by many bizarre events, which normal peaceful law-abiding citizens have wondered at. Are we being warned? Accept the global system or face the frightening consequences. Anything will be better than lawless mad-max chaos and disorder. But will it?

A done deal?

Rickards says that the substitution of SDRs for dollars as the global currency is now in motion. A ten-year IMF transition plan has been ‘informally endorsed’ by the United States. What? So, we are told this is a done deal. No one has asked the public, there has been no democratic vote, no consensus from we the people. In a rather causal unexpected sentence, Rickards calmly says that money riots would be (his words) ‘squashed quickly’. I see. Resistance is futile indeed. This suppression of money riots is already legal because of a little known legislation passed in 1977, the IEEPA, the International Emergency Economic Powers Act. Many of the rather frightening rumours floating around the Internet begin to make sense in light of this impending transition. Follow the money, indeed!

Rickards tell us that the IMF is buying time, some say in desperation. Thus the quantitative easing may go on, but he cautions the reader that the plan for a peaceful transition to SDRs or even gold may not occur before the collapse — and because of the prevalence of high frequency trading, collapse of the financial markets will be likely come flash-crash fast.

Money as Water

Money can be understood as the ‘water’ necessary to business and trade; and financial institutions, banks & bonds, are the conduits through which money flows. Rickards says that the large banks, such as Goldman Sachs will be instrumental in the future distributions of the new planetary reserve currency, the SDRs. Thanks to Mike Taibbi’s courageous journalism, we have fully understood how deserving the Vampire Squid is of our complete trust. James Rickards’ publishing company Portfolio Penguin also happens to have published three books that were finalists for the prestigious Financial Times/Goldman Sachs Business Book of the Year Award.

Edward N. Luttwak explains in ‘The Rise of China vs. the Logic of Strategy‘ that the “highest echelon” of the U.S. Treasury, for example Timothy Franz Geithner, “is staffed almost entirely by former or future employees of the leading financial firms” that are sensitive to Chinese enterprises as future clients. According to Luttwak, these financial power elites have no responsibility for or indeed any intellectual interest in the condition of the U.S. manufacturing sector and the subsequent loss of jobs, which they regarded as “uncompetitive and not worth having” — and their willingness to bend to Chinese demands for the sake of making cheap capital available to private finance, has also allowed a tsunami of technology, including aerospace technology, innovated by American enterprise to be given to the Chinese.

I wish I could believe that all this is a rather benevolent and necessary transition. Certainly the obviously very bright and astute Benn Steil of the Council of Foreign Relations makes rational intelligent calming practical arguments somewhat in favour. Steil is extraordinarily knowledgeable and a wonderful writer. He says many in the USA will not be willing to undermine the US monetary sovereignty. However a lack of confidence in a dollar, which is used globally, will undermine the ability of the Federal Reserve to control interest rates, inflation, and contain any domestic financial crises; and therefore inevitably the power of the FED will decline to the point that the sovereignty of the USA becomes, in his words ‘meaningless’.

Unanswered Questions

Can it be that globalization is something that recurs on all planets in their various stages of social and financial evolution, as they move from tribal & clan, to nation states, to global interests? Yet the question remains: Why allow the destruction of the planet herself, the contamination of her oceans, our fields & land, and the air we breathe? Who turns away from planet Earth’s future for mere profit?

This incessant frantic descent into ever increasing multiplicity and complexity is, as Rene Guenon says, the result of “a pretended intuition modelled on the ceaseless flux of things of the senses, far from being able to serve as an instrument for obtaining true knowledge, represents in reality the dissolution of all possible knowledge.”

An intelligence that has been disconnected from the immutable imperishable substratum that lies beneath ‘the curtain of each atom’ [Mahmud Shabistari’s Sufi poem] is necessarily precariously unstable and inclined to collapse. Without metaphysical wisdom, each temporal ‘fix’ our elitist servant PhD’s come up with will only lead us closer to the final moments of this Kali Yuga.

Our sole refuge is a higher consciousness and to individually reconnect with the God essence that dwells within All. Nothing ever dies and as the Bhagavad Gita tells us, ‘The Wise do not grieve.’ Rene Guenon would not have been surprised to witness our current predicament. Guenon offers us one last profound comfort in the final sentence of his brilliant ‘The Reign of Quantity’: “…it can be said in all truth that the ‘end of a world’ never is and never can be anything but the end of an illusion.”

“[We are] made of the same stuff of which events are made…The mind that is parallel with the laws of Nature will be in the current of events, and strong with their strength.” – Ralph Waldo Emerson, from the essay ‘Power’ in “The conduct of Life”

About the Author

V. Susan Ferguson is the author of Inanna Returns, Inanna Hyper-Luminal; her own commentary on the Bhagavad Gita and the Shiva Sutras; and Colony Earth & the Rig Veda. Her website is Metaphysical Musing.


– The Crisis of the Modern World, by Rene Guenon, 1942; Sophia Perennis, NY, 2004.
The Reign of Quantity and the Sign of the Times, by Rene Guenon, 1945; Sophia Perennis, NY, 2004.
The Death of Money, The Coming Collapse of the International Monetary System, by James Rickards; Portfolio Penguin, NY, 2014.
Currency Wars, The Making of the Next Global Crisis, by James Rickards; Portfolio Penguin, NY, 2011, 2012.
The Rise of China vs. the Logic of Strategy, by Edward N. Luttwak; Harvard University Press, 2012.
Money, Markets & Sovereignty by Benn Steil & Manuel Hinds; A Council of Foreign Relations Book, Yale University Press, New Haven & London, 2009.
The Battle of Bretton Woods: John Maynard Keynes, Harry Dexter White, and the Making of a New World Order, by Benn Steil; Council of Foreign Relations Books, Princeton University Press, 2013.
The Sleepwalkers, A History of Man’s Changing Vision of the Universe, by Arthur Koestler; Penguin Arkana, London, 1959.
This Time is Different, Eight Centuries of Financial Folly, by Carmen M. Reinhart & Kenneth S. Rogoff; Princeton University Press, NJ, 2009.
Cosmic Evolution, The Rise of Complexity in Nature, by Eric J. Chaisson; Harvard University Press, Cambridge Mass., 2001.
The SHALLOWS, What the Internet Is Doing To Our Brains, by Nicholas Carr; W.W. Norton & Company, NYC, 2011.
‘You are not a gadget’, by Jaron Lanier; Vintage Books, NY, 2011.

This article is offered under Creative Commons license. It’s okay to republish it anywhere as long as attribution bio is included and all links remain intact.

Passion of Sophia – Gnostic Creation

In the two slightly different tellings of the Gnostic creation story we have at the center our Divine Mother Sophia. Before we get to the shortened Passion of Sophia we really need to know a little more about Gnosticism, starting with Sant Mat.

The term Sant Mat literally translates as the Path of the God-Realized. A Sant is defined as an individual that has attained to the highest spiritual potential to which any human can aspire – complete self-knowledge and God-realization. This spiritually transfigured being, is commissioned by his own Sat Guru, as the literal embodiment of the Sat Purusha, the True God, sitting in all humility amongst humanity. His way, according to Sant Mat, is that of love, forgiveness and compassion. He teaches the necessity of individual spiritual awakening through certain methods of meditation practice. He also teaches the cultivation of ethical virtues including strict vegetarianism as an essential aspect of ahimsa, the virtue of non-violence.

One of the cardinal functions of a Sat Guru is to absolve through his own grace, sympathy and suffering, the accumulated karma of the spiritual aspirant, referring to the cycle of action and reaction that keeps the soul bound in creation, and is the motor force of the wheel of birth and death, the cycle of reincarnation. Without this forgiveness of the karmas of the past, there can be no liberation, for the soul remains ever bound in the karmic wheel. Therefore the guru, as the Word-made-flesh, the embodiment of Spirit incarnate in human form, plays a critical and central role in Sant Mat, and is regarded as an absolute prerequisite on the path of spiritual liberation.

The spiritual practices taught by the Sant: meditation on the inner spiritual Light and Divine Music. The spiritual practice is based on the belief that creation emerges as a state of vibration having two aspects: Light and Sound, termed the God-Into-Expression power, as its true nature is consciousness itself. The spiritual aspirant is guided into contact with the lowest links of these spiritual principles, as they represent the fundamental and formless nature of spirit and regarded as a direct contact with spirit. The first method involves meditation on the Ajna Chakra or third eye, while repeating a mantra consisting of five names, given by the Spiritual Master. These five names relate to the five major divisions of creation and are imbued with the spiritual power of the Sant who has attained each of these stages. They are also said to confer protection on the inner spiritual planes. Meditation at this center, leads to the awakening of inner vision and revelations of light.

The second spiritual practice is meditation on the inner spiritual sound. This practice does not involve any mantra, but attunement within to inner harmonics that first are heard on the right side, then gradually seems to come from above, changing character at each stage and having the quality of dramatic musical tones.

The practice of meditation on the Light and Sound principle as the fundamental worship of spirit, can be traced through various schools of Sufism, through the ancient Upanishads of India, through the practices and references of the Pythagorans and in the Egyptian Book of the Dead itself. It can also be found in the writings of the Gnostics: “I cast a Sound into the ears of those who know me. And I am inviting you into the exalted perfect Light.” – Trimorphic Protennoia

The Sant’s teach that their path has been maintained in its pristine form, unchanged and unchanging in its spiritual principles and practices, and as ancient as humanity. However, its outer expression and terminology has taken different forms according to the circumstance of the time. Kirpal Singh quoting Hazur Baba Sawan Singh in his biography of Hazur: “True Saints are not fastened to any religious sect or dress. They are free personalities. They are neither a party to one nor a foe to the other.”

In other words, in the mind of the Sants, they regard the spiritual teaching as universal, not a distinct sect or cult, but a basic spiritual dharma or truth teaching that is for all humanity regardless of their cultural/religious background. Therefore, they are not tied to any place, time or religious identity but adapt to the environment of the time.

Gnosis is a term synonymous with the Sanskrit term Gnana, and distinguishes direct spiritual realization from belief based on faith alone. As the Christian church grew and attempted to standardize, socialize and politicize its beliefs and doctrines, these mystic schools of Christian thought were increasingly viewed as heretical. Over several centuries, the church gained political power, suppressed the Gnostics and systematically destroyed their works. It was only in the latter part of the nineteenth century that original Gnostic writings came to light. In the early nineteen forties the remains of an entire library of Gnostic literature was found buried near the village of Nag Hammadi in Egypt.

The esoteric spirituality of the Gnostics existed within the setting of a great cosmic drama in which humanity is held captive by a creator God who functions through the rule of law (karma), and seduces man into his false worship. Yahweh is one of the many names of this false God. The True God on the other hand is a transcendent and Unknowable Absolute whose realm is the true place of spiritual liberation and whose nature is truth, love and forgiveness.

As with most of the great myths and “fairy tales” of the old world, story and allegory are meant to speak to the innermost recesses of the heart, mind and spirit. These are esoteric tales regarded as a symbolic/mythic rendering of the actual process and structure of creation. Some of the chief characters such as Sat Purush (The True Form of God/Gnostic: The Only-Begotten) and the opposing force, the energy that gives rise to materiality and rules the realms of karma, known as Kal (Dharam Rai, the Negative Power/Gnostic: Ialdabaoth, the Demiurge, etc.) are a very real presence in the discourses of the Gurus of Sant Mat.

Formless God and the Eternal Realm of God’s Attributes The Eternally Unmanifested Absolute takes form as the Timeless,
Changeless and Perfect Realm, known as Sach Khand (the True Realm) in Sant Mat or the Pleroma (fullness) of the Gnostics. Its inhabitants are the Perfect, Eternal and Distinct Elements of the Divine Totality. According to the teaching of Sant Mat in all ages, it is not given to the hypostasized elements of the Absolute to have the experience of the Wholeness from which their distinction takes its value.

”Only human beings, of all creation, can realize God within their lifetime. In the mystery of humanity is the opportunity for reconciliation between the parts and the whole and in this is hidden the very purpose of creation. It has been said that if even the angels wish to realize God, they too must take on human form, through which the potential for Godconsciousness may be fulfilled.” – Kirpal Singh

“In one there is always the delusion of many, and the totality does signify the existence therein of so many parts. The idea of a part and of the whole go cheek by jowl, and both the part as well as the whole are characterized by the similarity of the essential nature in them. The essence of a thing has its own attributive nature and the two cannot be separated from each other. Just as the essence is both one and many, so is the case with its attributive nature.” – Kirpal Singh

The Gnostic term, Pleroma and the eastern term, Sach Khand, are used interchangeably. These cosmic attributes are known as the Sons of Sat Purush in the East and the Aeons in Gnosticism. Sat Purush or the Only-Begotten is the Aeon that is the Being or the Mind, of the Absolute: pure consciousness and consciousness on all planes, thus also the bridge to creation proper.

“The Only-Begotten Mind alone, having issued from him directly, can know the Fore-Father: to all the other Aeons he remains invisible and incomprehensible.” – Hans Jonas

‘It was a great marvel that they were in the Father without knowing Him.’ – Gospel of Truth 22.27

Creation, Version One:
The myths now run in distinct and precisely opposite directions, at least in the Gnostic forms. The Kabiran version and one of the Gnostic versions states that there was an Aeon that cherished a desire for its own creation as an inherent part of its nature. We could say that the potential for separation from God is itself an Aeon. This leads ultimately to a creation existing in negative polarity with eternal Sach Khand, spinning the universes that exist in Time.

This separative Aeon, known as Mind or Time (Kal), is Sat Purusha’s first expansion in the Gnostic version and fifth in the Kabiran version. Kabir’s Anurag Sagar states that “He is created from the most glorious part of the body of Sat Purush”. Thus Sat Purush is cosmically linked to the “lower” creation, which eventually develops through Kal’s activity. In this we are warned away from value judgements of good/evil, and reminded that this entire process is under Divine Will (Hukam).

This Aeon was female: “Rushing up to the depth of the Father, she perceives that whereas all the begotten Aeons generate by copulation, the Father alone generates out of himself (being in this version without consort); in this she wants to emulate him and also generate out of herself without spouse, so that she may not fall short of the Father’s achievement. She failed to perceive that this is the power solely of the Unbegotten One, and so she managed only to bring forth a formless entity.”

Creation, Version Two:
In the second Gnostic version, the motivation is exactly the opposite; rather than a desire for separation, there is a longing for union. Structurally the tale is very similar in many respects. Here the longing of the Aeon, Sophia, to know the Absolute completely, is the primary force that sets in motion the process that eventually leads to
the development of the lower creation.

So it was that: “The Aeons longed only secretly to behold the begetter of their seed and to search for the root without beginning.” This longing is “the beginning of a crisis in the Pleroma”…since the Aeons “cannot forgo the aspiration to know more than their limits permit and thus to abolish the distance separating them from the Absolute. The last and youngest (and therefore outermost of the Aeons), the Sophia, leapt farthest forward and fell into a passion apart from the embrace of her consort. That passion had originated and spread from the vicinity of the Mind and Truth but now infected
the Sophia and broke out in her so that she went out of her mind, pretendedly from love, actually from folly or presumption, since she had no such community with the Father as the Only-Begotten Mind…The passion was a search for the Father, for she strove to comprehend his greatness. This, however, she failed to achieve, because what she attempted was impossible, and so she found herself in great agony; on account of the depth of the Abyss, into which in her desire she penetrated more and more, she would in the end have been swallowed up by its sweetness and dissolved in the
general being, had she not come up against the power that consolidates the All and keeps it off the ineffable Greatness. This power is called Limit: by him she was consolidated, brought back to herself, and convinced that the Father is incomprehensible. Thus she abandoned her previous intention and the passion engendered by it. These, however, now subsist by themselves as a ‘formless entity.'”

Sophia’s return to harmony in the Pleroma is, as noted by Jonas, “..the first restoration and salvation in the spiritual history of total being, and it occurs entirely inside the Pleroma, though as we shall see it is the cause of a chain of events outside it.”

The image of what has taken place in the Pleroma itself, indicates that the Aeon’s longing, which will ‘later’ lead to the lower creation, is eternally latent, eternally activated, and eternally reconciled. This certainly casts the mold for the triune attributes of creation described by Hinduism, that is, the triple Godhead and the three gunas. However, Kabir and Soami Ji assert that Brahma, Vishnu, and Shiva, satogun, rajogun, and tamogun come much later, far outside Sach Khand. In the meantime, ‘the formless entity’ created by Sophia’s passion, as we shall see, becomes the basis of all subsequent creation outside the Pleroma.

Creation Born of Sophia’s Passion
Once the “integrity of the Pleroma” had been restored and Sophia rejoined to her consort, she contemplated on her fate and the ‘formless entity’ to which her passion has given birth. This gives rise to various emotions, which also become embodied in the formless. The emotions evoked vary according to different Gnostic authors, but include grief, fear, bewilderment, shock, and repentance. A lesser Aeon is thus created out of the admixture of the Sophia’s longing for union, as well as her emotions in the wake of her failure.

The residue of this disturbance in the Pleroma “has become hypostatized as a positive realm by itself. Only at this price could the Pleroma be rid of it.” Thus the Limit (‘which separates the Aeons from the unbegotten Father” above and the ‘formless entity’, soon to be below – NT.) was not planned in the original constitution of the Fullness, i.e., of the free and adequate self-expression of the godhead, but was necessitated by the crisis as a principle of consolidation and protective separation.”

As ignorance and formlessness had appeared within the Pleroma, deep perturbation remained among the Aeons, who no longer felt safe, fearing like happenings to themselves.” A collective prayer to the Father invokes a new pair of Aeons whose purpose is to restore true serenity to the Pleroma and take care of the residual formlessness. These are Christos and Holy Spirit. The Christos imparts to the Aeons knowledge of their relationship to the Father that leads them to perfect repose. “As a fruit of their new unity, they all together, each contributing the best of his essence, produce an additional (and unpaired) Aeon, Jesus, in whom the Fullness is, as it were, gathered together and the regained unity of the Aeons symbolized. This ‘perfect fruit of the Pleroma,’ who contains all its elements, has later, as Savior, to carry in his person the Fullness out into the Void, in which the residue of the past disturbance, meanwhile
“formed” by Christos, still awaits salvation.”

The new Aeon, the Desire of the Sophia, is now separated as an entity unto itself, is called the Achamoth or the lower Sophia. Together with the Passions she is cast “outside” the Pleroma. Energized by the Christos reaching out from the Pleroma, she is left “with the awakened awareness of her separation from the Pleroma and the aroused longing for it. This initiates a redemptional task whose accomplishment requires a long detour of suffering and successive divine interventions.” In other words lower creation now becomes an inevitable development, yet paradoxically essential for
the higher purpose of reconciliation.

“The deserted Sophia impetuously sets out to seek after the vanished light, but cannot reach it, for the Limit obstructs her forward rush. She cannot penetrate through him, because of her admixture of the original Passion, and forced to remain alone in the outer darkness she falls prey to every kind of suffering that exists. In this she repeats on her own level the scale of emotions which her mother in the Pleroma underwent, the only difference being that these passions now pass over into the form of definitive states of being, and as such they can become the substance of the world… grief, because she could not get hold of the light; fear, lest besides the light also life might leave her; bewilderment, added to these; and all of them united in the basic quality of ignorance (itself counted as an ‘affection’). And still another state of mind ensued: the turning (conversion) toward the Giver of Life.”

The essential ignorance of the Demiurge, which leads him to declare himself to be the “unique and highest God”. “Ialdabaoth was boastful and arrogant, and exclaimed: ‘I am Father and God, and beyond me is none other.’” However, the processes he sets in motion, believing them to be his own, are in fact, fashioned by his mother. In this it is again suggested that no matter how ‘fallen’ creation ultimately becomes, the entire process is an expression of Divine Will.

The polarity between an ignorant creator God, well removed from even his Mother, and a far distant Eternity of Consciousness, i.e., the True God, is at the center of Gnostic and Sant Mat theology. Soami Ji repeatedly asserts, as did the Gnostics, that the God of the various world religions is none other then Kal or the Demiurge. Therefore, his worship is false and leads to ever-greater enmeshment rather than true liberation.

The Achamoth, the lower Sophia, leads the Demiurge into the knowledge of what is above him; “however, he keeps to himself the great mystery of the Father and the Aeons into which the Sophia has initiated him and divulges it to none of his prophets.” Imparting knowledge of the Father to the lower creation itself is left to “the incarnation of the Aeons Jesus and Christos from the Pleroma in the person of the historical Jesus.” This, at least, is an interpretation of
the Valentinian perspective, that being the Christian Gnostic tradition from which this story is derived. However, the extension of this concept in other Gnostic circles and so essential to Sant Mat, is that the incarnation in the world of “the common fruit” of the Pleroma, to bring salvation to the lower creation, is a perpetual manifestation,
somehow essential to the structure of the world. This is none other then the Living Master, the Grace bearing manifestation of Sat Purush. In this conception, the Godman, or Word-Made-Flesh, is ever present in the world, not a periodic incarnation as with Vishnu, or one that appears once in history and then again at the end of time, returning as judge and savior, as in the Christian conception.

Unwittingly, the Demiurge, (also known as Ialdabaoth), is led to the creation of godlike, yet innocent primal humanity, but leaves them in ignorance of their true origin and potential. His mother, the lower Sophia, however, working through the snake of wisdom, imparts Adam with gnosis, the spiritual knowledge of his true station. Seeing this awakened state, the jealous and angry Demiurge casts humankind farther into matter, where human nature recapitulates the passions and longing of its high progenitors. This, of course, is the tale of Adam and Eve turned on its head. The first children are
banished, not by God, but their apparent creator, who is, in fact, an impostor.

Despite the jealous machinations of the Demiurge it is the destiny of humanity to be the receptacle of the highest mysteries.

“…Listen to me, the Sound of the Mother of your mercy, for you have become worthy of the mystery hidden from the Aeons..” – Trimorphic Protennoia Nag Hammadi Library p.467

“Behold, Zostrianos, you have heard all these things of which the gods are ignorant..” – Zostrianos Nag Hammadi Library p.392

According to the Gnostics, the hope for salvation from the bondage of Time proceeds from the original passion for mergence in the Absolute God of the primal Sophia, which necessitated creation in the first place.

“Since Oblivion (the lower world) came into existence because they (the Aeons) did not know the Father, therefore if they attain to a knowledge of the Father, Oblivion becomes at that very instant nonexistent”

“Thus the world, unbeknown to its immediate author, is for the sake of salvation, not salvation for the sake of what happened within creation and to creation.” – Gospel of Truth 18. 7-14

In Gnostic theology there is no primal act, such as Eve’s so-called sin against God’s commandment, for which, all of humanity collectively partakes in guilt and for which salvation exists as a path to restoration, according to Christian doctrine. Indeed, true Gnosis is not the reconciliation of God and his rebellious creation, but in the poignant metaphor of the Gnostics, the vicarious fulfillment of the longing of the eternal Children of God, the Aeons, to merge in the Absolute. In this noble vision, though creation is a bridge extending from the fully illuminated realms to the dark, density of matter, this long journey out into Time and Mind generates a path of return transcending all attributes and merging in the undifferentiated Source.

“In Your Absence,
where is the once blooming
and ecstatic state of my heart?
I’m afraid lest the secret of our love
may be disclosed now.
Otherwise, who knew this hidden tale besides You.” – Sant Kirpal Singh

Source used: Dr. Neil Tessler’s book Sant Mat and the Gnostic Myth of Creation
If this resonates with you I recommend the Gnostic book Pistis Sophia (

The Blind Leading the Blind is Mind


By Harry Krueger

The pristine consciousness acts as nature’s universal voice.

Tradition and culture – are they a good thing?

The origin of the word tradition is from the French: ‘tradicion’, a belief or custom that has been passed on. From Latin, the word is ‘tradere’ which means the same as the French, but it also has another meaning: to betray, from the word ‘traduce’. Whenever a response to a challenge comes from mind, the memory-senses complex, that response is incomplete and so, a betrayal of the present.

Intelligence is the mysterious expression of all that exists. This natural affinity also exists between consciousness and mind.

In ancient times there were groups of people who responded to life’s challenges from the pristine consciousness, Nature’s conduit between consciousness and Intelligence. These groups did not indulge in the accepted tradition of carrying over what had been repetitiously passed on, but rather responded with pristine clarity – that which is self-evident. They were carrying on the original intent of the relationship, the consciousness-Intelligence bonding. That relationship cannot be discerned by mind. Their fruits are of a different taste. Because they were mis-understood by many, they were called religious and spiritual cultists. They were by natural intent true traditionalists. They marched to the beat of a different drummer.

The origin of the word ‘culture’ is from the Middle English, denoting a cultivated piece of land. From the Latin it means ‘growing, cultivation’. From sixteenth century Middle English arose the terms: cultivation of mind, faculties and manners. As a result of this cultivation we became civilized societies. We entered into various groups with different ideals, beliefs and philosophies. The separation of consciousness from Intelligence (humanity’s original fall) led to our never ending culture wars.

The Function of Mind

The primary function of mind is to record and store what consciousness experiences and then relay (via the pristine senses) to consciousness whenever there is a request. Unfortunately, this function is scarcely operational. What we presently experience is a political operational system where life’s challenges are interceded by mind to empower its delusional fantasies.

From birth we are cultivated by society’s most prestigious and respected institutions. Their purpose is to advance (through indoctrination) the mind’s deceptions. Whatever culture we are raised in, we respond with similar thoughts and emotions. Our empirical imperial leader is mind. We are the clones and drones of all previous generations. We ask questions as if they are self-generated and not realizing that they are from answers given by family, friends and the various learning institutions.

We are told that we are original thinkers and have the ability to be creative. Many are born with gifts but creativity is scarce. What we may sincerely believe to be making individual choices is false. We are simply re-acting verbally and emotionally from our daily exploitations. We believe we are responding with the science of sound reasoning. As we presently function, that does not exist. Mind, as a recording, storing and relay system, cannot logically reason. It does not have conscious energy to support that assumption.

Mind sees and reasons only through the prism of its biased past.

Consciousness is not tangible. Mind as a tangible instrument of the physical organism can be pro-grammed, whereas consciousness cannot. What we have been told about mind, is a myth. The living organism cannot generate a single thought. It has no volition.

the mind leading the blindThoughts are contained in vessels where the senses lie. They act as a receptacle for its stored images. Those images, falsely acting as independent agents, are seducing the consciousness into believing that what it believes is self-generated. The seduction ends when consciousness can let go its imaginary fears and has the courage to see how it has been duped. In its pristine state consciousness is incapable of fear. Fear is only of the mind. Our conscious fears are really those of mind. At all cost, mind must continue to have consciousness believe the hypnotic lie that consciousness is mind. Without that belief there is an altering of the functioning process. Consciousness now becomes first responder to all of life’s challenges.

There are no winners, only losses to our present responding process. Mind’s loss is the deterioration of the memory cells by its relentless pursuit of emotionally charged non-existent situations. Consciousness’s loss is by the acquiescence of being complicit to mind’s abhorrent machinations and not being faithful to its pristine nature. As a result of its false responses, consciousness suffers a state of un-easiness. That un-easiness is not a judgement but rather a state of conscience. Consciousness is the conscience of the living organism. Conscience is an indication that we have veered off-track.

We experience conscience when there are emotions of hate, anger, envy, greed, anxiety, frustration, excitement of all kinds, hope and hopelessness, etc. To observe with pristine clarity all of our daily challenges and neither accept nor reject what is shown, that is, without judgement or justification, then instantaneously there is a realization that those emotions are of the mind.

In the field where fact-based daily utilitarian information is needed by consciousness, mind’s co-operation is indispensable. By original design it never was meant to supplant consciousness’s role. Consciousness’s role is to lead in all of the decision making processes. This is possible only through the pristine observation process. This becomes self-evident by simply having the courage to look. So be courageous. The first step is also the last step.

That courage is my wish for you.

Previous articles by Harry:

About the author:

California-based Harry Krueger has spent the past 40 years working to awaken humanity to concepts of peace freedom and consciousness. When he was 35 years old, he discovered a book by Sri Krishnamurti (which he read 7 times in a row) and it changed his outlook and consciousness forever. Harry is now 85, and has never looked back.

Through his writing, Harry reveals the glorious reality of who we human Beings truly are, and offers insights to help us to break through the false identification of who we are not.

“Life is real (and only then) when living the attentive life”

 Wake Up World.

Gnostic Chrestians


The Historical Jesus Christ (the presentation of “the Christ” as taught through the medium of a presumed historical person to serve as an example for all mankind to emulate and follow), is not all there is to christianity. It’s the milk for the infant spirit, to awaken it to the mythical and then the amazing mystical. Every major religion has it’s mystical counter part, Islam included (called Sufism).

The Mythical Jesus Christ is the personification of the Sun as it moves on its prescribed path through the Heavens where we find it moving through each house of the Zodiac which goes hand in hand with the changing seasons of the year [Spring Equinox, Summer Solstice, Autumn Equinox, Winter Solstice.

The Mystical Jesus Christ is the allegorical expression of a hidden teaching, a secret doctrine, given under strict and exacting conditions to approved candidates by the Ancient Masters of Spiritual Wisdom regarding the descent of the Logos (God) into matter, ie., mankind.

What escapes the vast majority of Christianity in today’s world is that many of the stories of these “solar gods” and “godmen” down through history which parallel the events in the life of the New Testament “Christ” as found in the New Testament and which appear at first thought to be apparently historical were really purely allegorical. This is why the stories of Osiris, Horus, Dionysus, Attis, Adonis, Mithra, and a host of others read like the New Testament “Jesus Story”. Nowhere is it more necessary to understand this than when we are studying the story of Jesus, surnamed “the Christ”, for when we fail to separate the allegory from the literal truth, and see where the symbols have been mistakenly taken and believed as “historical” events, allegories as histories, we lose most of the instructiveness of the narrative and much of its “Eternal Truth” once given to the Ancient Spiritual Masters. Men fear that Christianity will be weakened when one comes to this understanding, and that it is “dangerous” to admit that events thought to be “historical” have a deeper significance in both a “mythical” and “mystic meaning”. Those who advocate not delving into these deeper areas of understanding of “the Christ” keep others from recovering the truths concerning “the Christ” as the Ancients who gave us those concepts understood them and “him” in the first place. Let us not forget that as Egypt taught in the beginning of recorded history mankind was made in the image of God and not God in the image of man!

The “Mystical Jesus Christ” is how the earliest Christians (actually called Chrestians, not Christians; Chrestians literally means The Good Ones) and the First New Testament from Marcion, which Rome would later corrupt and destroy, understood “the Christ” as a Divine Allegory of a Divine Concept inherent within all of mankind and not exclusive to just one person. That is why this First New Testament of these earliest Gnostic “Chrestian” believers did not teach a “fleshly” or a “historical Jesus Christ”. Nor did the authentic letters of Paul in the modern New Testament teach a Jesus of flesh. His letters were edited, and even misrepresented to make it look like Paul, a Gnostic, hated Gnostics. What a cruel thing to do! An Epistle of Paul are truly now just ”a piss hole of Rome.”

The “Gnostic” understanding of “the Christ” would be lost to the world by the fifth century and forced “underground” by Roman Christianity and their military might. These earlier Gnostic Spiritual Masters were almost persecuted out of existence by Rome and the “Divine Allegory of the Christ Within” would be later “literalized” by Rome in their Second New Testament. Lost to the world will be the earliest understanding of “the Jesus Christ” as known since the beginning of recorded time. This is where most of Christianity exists today believing in a “Literalized Jesus Christ” which has been presented as a historical person when the deeper truths of the “Christ Within” are seldom heard and that goes double for the “Mythical Christ”.

Christians and followers of “the Christ” have a spiritual book given us by Rome that is “forged” in key places which hides these deeper truths from us. It is well past time we get new “keys” to understand our Creator and His true message to us.

Gnosticism flourished in Egypt and Western Asia between 250 B.C. and AD. 400. It was a Theosophic movement made up of elements of Egyptian mythology, Indian metaphysics, Judaism, and Greek philosophy. Gnosticism was overwhelmed by Orthodox Christianity in the fourth century, AD., but some of the lost Gnostic literature has been recovered. The ancient Gnostics were those who “knew”, just as the modern Agnostics are those who “do not know”. Gnostics believed in a Supreme God who was both unknown and unknowable. This unknown god was not the creator of the world; this task was delegated to lesser gods (the demiurge), who were emanations of this Supreme God. Egypt called this the “many in the One”. These subordinate gods or emanations (attributes) from the One true God, who created and governed the world, were called “Aeons”. Among the Aeons were:


The Logos (The Word, Christ [masculine])


Sophia (Wisdom [feminine])


Nous (Mind)


Phronesis (Judgment)


Dynamis (Power)


All of the above are but attributes of the One Supreme Mind, they exist separately but yet are interrelated. The Supreme God and the Aeons altogether formed the Pleroma (Fullness of the Godhead).

After the Roman Emperor Constantine made the Christian religion the State religion of the empire the remaining Gnostics were persecuted out of existence and their literature was destroyed. How and why Gnosticism was destroyed by organized Christianity is, as a rule, glossed over in history textbooks. One American scholar has penned an accurate and colorful account of these episodes. Please read the following slowly and gleam the truths from it:

“Preceding Christianity there was a school of science and philosophy which had accumulated practically all the wisdom and knowledge understandable to mankind. The object was to broadly educate the masses of the people by a unit system which would give to humanity a wisdom in common. This was the most potential period in human intellectual advancement the world has known. This school was called Gnosticism. Gnosis means to know – knowledge. Christianity means to believe – ignorance. These are the two schools; the one advocating the universal education of men, the other the universal ignorance of men. The one desired to develop the unit man, the other desired to suppress the unit and level all mankind to a common plastic mass. To accomplish this necessitated the suppressing of all extant knowledge; the closing of all the avenues through which people might acquire independent learning, education and intellectual training, and the debasement of humanity in abject ignorance The school which pitted itself against Gnosticism assumed the name Ecclesia. This name at once identified the purpose for which the organization was created to seize control of government, that it might exploit mankind for profit, and for its own glorification. Temporal power was the church goal. The name Ecclesia was derived from the Greek, and signified the legislative body which governed ancient Athens long before Christianity was invented. The first essential act of the Eccliesiasts was to suppress Gnosticism, and confiscate its vast accumulation of wisdom and knowledge, in order to control the education of future generations in a manner to adjust mankind to its purposes. Therefore the Gnostic wisdom was not wholly lost to the world but its great, universal educational system was supplanted and displaced. It is a well-established historical fact, not denied by the church that it required about 500 years to accomplish this submersion of Gnosticism, and to degrade the new generations in ignorance equal to the state of imbecility. History again points its accusing finger at the living evidence. The horrible results of such a crime against nature and mankind are pictured in the Dark Ages .. . Not even priests or prelates were permitted to learn to read or write. Even bishops could barely spell out their Latin. During this period of mental darkness, the ignorant masses were trained in intolerance, bigotry, fanaticism, and superstitious fear of an invisible power secretly controlled by the church; all of which begat a state of hysteria and imbecility. Through this terrorism popes seized control of the temporal power, retaining this control for nearly 1500 years. They appointed and deposed kings at will, hence they dictated legislation to their ends and purposes – the very essence of government . . . This process of legislating evil into mankind is to vindicate that damnable doctrine of original sin, which slanders nature and insults all mankind . . . Originally the motive was to confiscate the intellects of man, but the modern policy is much more concerned in confiscating their personal rights and property. Here is the other aspect of the suppression of Gnosticism. Its method of teaching was an understandable symbolism. It specifically recognized nature as the great teacher, and visible things as the traditional records of past events, in progressive evolution from the lowest state to the highest, with thinking, reasoning man as the highest evoluted being. Man did not fall, he was raised up by a natural promotion. Hence every man was a Gnostic to the extent of his accumulated knowledge and understanding. Thus each unit man became a teacher, and all men were given equal rights in the acquirement of knowledge. It was wholly an educational system, and a natural consequence in evolution. The Eccliesiasts, the Roman church, being thoroughly familiar with the Gnostic wisdom concerning astronomy, chemistry, and mathematics, as demonstrated by the splendid systems of Babylon, Egypt and Assyria, conceived the idea of developing a religio-political form of universal government, to control and exploit the future generations of people upon the earth through living, personified agents of the imaginary heavenly powers. . . to monopolize such a divine power as that contemplated it was necessary to personify nature, using the Gnostic system of symbolisms, and to give to these wholly imaginary beings names and functions. The Gnostic system had to be confiscated, and Gnosticism suppressed, to prevent exposure. This is why Christianity is so viciously antagonistic towards science and philosophy.” ~ (Thomas Sawyer Spivey; The Last of The Gnostic Masters, pp. 544-551.)


source: Craig M. Lyons Ms.D., D.D., M.Div. – Bet Emit (House of Truth)


A Handful of Terence McKenna Quotes


“I think of going to the grave without having a psychedelic experience like going to the grave without ever having sex. It means that you never figured out what it is all about. The mystery is in the body and the way the body works itself into nature.”
– Terence McKenna

“If the words ‘life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness’ don’t include the right to experiment with your own consciousness, then the Declaration of Independence isn’t worth the hemp it was written on.”
-Terence McKenna

“You are a divine being. You matter, you count. You come from realms of unimaginable power and light, and you will return to those realms.”
– Terence McKenna

“You are an explorer, and you represent our species, and the greatest good you can do is to bring back a new idea, because our world is endangered by the absence of good ideas. Our world is in crisis because of the absence of consciousness.”
-Terence McKenna

“Half the time you think your thinking you’re actually listening.”
– Terence McKenna

“Animals are something invented by plants to move seeds around. An extremely yang solution to a peculiar problem which they faced.”
– Terence McKenna

“The syntactical nature of reality, the real secret of magic, is that the world is made of words. And if you know the words that the world is made of, you can make of it whatever you wish.”
– Terence McKenna

“The purpose of life is to familiarize oneself with this after-death body so that the act of dying will not create confusion in the psyche.”
– Terence McKenna

“We tend to disempower ourselves. We tend to believe that we don’t matter. And in the act of taking that idea to ourselves we give everything away to somebody else, to something else.”
– Terence McKenna

“The shaman is not merely a sick man, or a madman; he is a sick man who has healed himself.”
– Terence McKenna

“You see, a secret is not something untold. It’s something which can’t be told.”
– Terence McKenna

”If you don’t have a plan, you become part of somebody else’s plan.”
– Terence McKenna

“Nature is not our enemy, to be raped and conquered. Nature is ourselves, to be cherished and explored.”
– Terence McKenna

“My technique is don’t believe anything. If you believe in something, you are automatically precluded from believing its opposite.”
– Terence McKenna

”We can begin the restructuring of thought by declaring legitimate what we have denied for so long. Lets us declare Nature to be legitimate. The notion of illegal plants is obnoxious and ridiculous in the first place.”
– Terence McKenna

“Some kind of dialog is now going on between individual human beings and the sum total of human knowledge and nothing can stop it.”
– Terence McKenna

“Nothing comes unannounced, but many can miss the announcement. So it’s very important to actually listen to your own intuition rather than driving through it.”
– Terence McKenna

“We need to interact with like-minded people throughout the world to establish the new intellectual order which will be the salvation of mankind.”
– Terence McKenna

“Western civilization is a loaded gun pointed at the head of this planet.”
– Terence McKenna

“Television is by nature the dominator drug par excellence. Control of content, uniformity of content, repeatability of content make it inevitably a tool of coersion, brainwashing, and manipulation.”
– Terence McKenna

“Ego is a structure that is erected by a neurotic individual who is a member of a neurotic culture against the facts of the matter. And culture, which we put on like an overcoat, is the collectivized consensus about what sort of neurotic behaviors are acceptable.”
– Terence McKenna

“Life lived in the absence of the psychedelic experience is life trivialized, life denied, life enslaved to the ego.”
– Terence McKenna

“It is the imagination that argues for the Divine Spark within human beings. It is literally a decent of the World’s Soul into all of us.”
– Terence McKenna

”The real tension is not between matter and spirit, or time and space, the real tension is between information and nonsense.”
– Terence McKenna

“Nothing lasts but nothing is lost.”
– Terence McKenna

“Matter is not lacking in magic, matter is magic.”
– Terence McKenna

“People are so alienated from their own soul that when they meet their soul they think it comes from another star system.”
– Terence McKenna

“Nature is not our enemy, to be raped and conquered. Nature is ourselves, to be cherished and explored.”
– Terence McKenna

“If you’re not the hero of your own novel, then what kind of novel is it? You need to do some heavy editing.”
– Terence McKenna

“Culture is the effort to hold back the mystery, and replace it with a mythology.”
– Terence McKenna

“Unexamined cultural values & limitations of language have made us unwitting prisoners of our own assumptions.”
– Terence McKenna

“This is a society, a world, a planet dying because there is not enough consciousness, because there is not enough awareness, enough coordination of intent-to-problem. And yet, we spend vast amounts of money stigmatizing people and substances that are part of this effort to expand consciousness, see things in different ways, unleash creativity. Isn’t it perfectly clear that business as usual is a bullet through the head?”
– Terence McKenna

“The culmination of man’s effort in time will be the perfection and the release of the human soul. And it’s not that we are ‘doing’ it. It’s that a natural law that we are still unaware of is inexorably unfolding.”
– Terence McKenna

“Culture is a perversion. It fetishizes objects, creates consumer mania, it preaches endless forms of false happiness, endless forms of false understanding in the form of squirrelly religions and silly cults. It invites people to diminish themselves and dehumanize themselves by behaving like machines.
– Terence McKenna

“Culture is not your friend. Culture is for other people’s convenience and the convenience of various institutions, churches, companies, tax collection schemes, what have you. It is not your friend. It insults you. It disempowers you. It uses and abuses you. None of us are well treated by culture.”
– Terence McKenna

“Personal empowerment means deconditioning yourself from the values and the programs of the society and putting your own values and programs in place.”
– Terence McKenna

“Chaos is what we’ve lost touch with. This is why it is given a bad name. It is feared by the dominant archetype of our world, which is Ego, which clenches because its existance is defined in terms of control.”
– Terence McKenna

“The cost of sanity, in this society, is a certain level of alienation.”
– Terence McKenna

How To Deprogram Yourself


Society has undergone a mass brainwashing and it is time for us to deprogram ourselves in order to be completely immersed in the evolution of consciousness.

1. Religion

If a UFO were to land in your backyard tonight, I promise the ET will not have either a bible or money.  Religion has been the longest running form of mind control on the planet and has served to not only keep us separated, but to depopulate the world through numerous wars, Inquisitions and Crusades in the name of “God”.

What religion does not teach us is that we are powerful, spiritual beings without them.

In the next few months or years, we can look forward to religion’s next form of mind control as they admit to the presence of extraterrestrial beings.  This, of course, will not fall into the bible’s timeline, unless they try to convince their followers that the ET’s have only been around for the last 6,000 years as well.  If that were true, then why are they so much more advanced than we are if they are able to travel light years to visit us?

The real truth is that the bible is just a story to keep you living in subservience, control and conformity, the same template as every government.

Solution: Ask lots of questions and go within for answers.  It is time to take control of your own life instead of giving your energy and power away to others.

2. Money

How To Deprogram Yourself | In5D.comWhen you find religion, you find money as these two tenets in life are married to one another. Within these two entities, you’ll also find their bastard stepchild, government as all 3 are perpetually tied to each other.

I often ask people, “If there was no such thing as money, then what would you be doing with your life?”  This will give you an idea of what your life purpose should be if you were not influenced by the almighty dollar.

While money can simply be viewed as another form of energy, neither positive or negative, it also takes us away from our true, natural selves along with what is truly important in our lives.

We are all economic slaves to the system.  How many of us work 40+ hours a week only to find ourselves so drained at the end of the day that we don’t want to do anything other than relax and watch TV?

That means that you are working 40+ hours so you can enjoy yourself for the weekend.  In essence, you are an economic slave for 5 days to the corporations in exchange for 2 days to yourself.  Does this sound fair?  And how are you spending these two days?  Are you helping to make this world a better place or are you simply recharging your batteries so you can go back to being a slave to these corporations who drained your battery in the first place?

Solution: We live in a society that relies on money for existence.  Some people are able to get off the grid completely but they are few and far between.  Find whatever it is that truly makes you happy, then find ways to make a living doing it.  There may be a time when you have to work your current job while building a new career, but in the end, you’ll find that working for yourself is much more gratifying than working some job that you hate for a boss who is an a*hole.

Also, stop supporting these companies that keep us living as economic slaves.  Buy local.

3. Nature

Everything that man has done has contributed to the degradation of nature as we have polluted our food, skies and water supplies.  Nature was much better off without us.

Despite our ways, nature provides an outlet and an opportunity to connect with what is important in life because without nature, we do not exist, period.

Solution: Take to time to connect with nature.  Go out for a long walk in the woods or at the beach.  Listen. Stargaze. Find that inner peace that nature provides.  This is much more enriching than wasting your time watching TV.

4. TV

Along with religion, this is one of the biggest mind control venues out there.  How many times have How To Deprogram Yourself | In5D.comyou ever felt good after watching the news?  If you trace who owns the mainstream media in the United States (TV, newspapers, radio stations, magazines, etc…) you’ll find that there are only 6 people at the top of the chain and all have Zionist ties, so what are the chances that your news is “fair and unbiased”?

Do you enjoy being (literally) programmed into what you should eat, wear, drink, etc… through the commercials?

This is why we never see an introverted person on TV ads because it shows the wrong message to those in power as they discourage people from looking within.  Every ad shows some extrovert with his or her group of friends living the fictitious life that you should be living (through their eyes). And these people have above average looks and portray success, which subconsciously tell us that we are not good enough the way we are and if we want to be successful, beautiful and have friends like them, then we need to purchase whatever product they are selling.  Does this sound ridiculous?  It is, yet many people fall for this ploy, otherwise the commercial would not exist.

Solution: Stop watching TV.  If you cannot do this, then record educational programs and skip through the commercials.

5. Meditate

The biggest excuse people say when asked why they do not meditate is, “I don’t have the time” yet these same people will waste hours watching their favorite TV shows.

Another excuse is, “I can’t clear my mind.”

There are many different forms of meditation and in time, you will be able to meditate at a crowded beach or swimming pool if you really wanted to.

There are many physiological, psychological and spiritual benefits to meditating.  (see 100 Benefits of Meditation)

Meditation allows you to connect to your higher self while giving you clarity and insight to your direction and purpose for being here.  This is why our senses are over-stimulated with everything else… to keep us too busy to connect with our higher selves.

Solution:  Find the time to meditate, even if it is for only 5-10 minutes a day.  Experiment with different meditation techniques.

6. Cleanse Your Body

As part of the programming, our bodies have been introduced to many foreign substances, such as vaccines, GMO’s, fluoridated water, chemtrails, mercury fillings, etc…

There is a reason why 55 countries have BANNED GMO’s and why there is a Monsanto Protection Act in the United States.  If you haven’t already, please educate yourself on the dangers of genetically modified organisms.

Each of these substances and elements have been specifically designed to keep our energies at low levels while polluting our bodies along with the air, water and food supplies.

Plus, each of these are introducing elements that are foreign to our bodies and cannot possibly be good for you.

People will say, “Well, I’ve been eating GMO’s for years and I feel great!”

10 years from now, when they’re on dialysis from kidney failure or need massive tumors removed, will they be saying the same thing?

Solution:  Buy local.  Buy organic. Stop buying from chain stores.  Filter your water, use reverse osmosis or buy clean drinking water.  Plant organic heirloom seeds. Replace mercury fillings. Refuse vaccinations. Research holistic physicians and methods to cure holistically.

7. Education

Our educational system is a complete failure as it basically grooms our children to become corporate economic slaves while discouraging them to ask questions and to follow their own path.

Generally, there has been a “dumbing down” in our educational systems because it is not in the controller’s best interests to have a large part of the society questioning why things are the way they are, nor is it in their best interests for us to come up with better solutions.

College is yet another failure as it generally creates even more economic subservience through student loans that will take a life time to repay.

Solution:  Homeschool your children without the state sponsored propaganda. Teach them at a young age to take time out to meditate. Encourage metaphysical abilities within them (or yourself!).


For many people, they will not see or acknowledge the brainwashing and programming that has been occurring throughout the decades and centuries until it is too late.  Many will live their lives content as being economic slaves to a broken system.

There are options and solutions.  Please watch the video below, Global Unity Project: What The World Need Right Now.

We are at an important juncture in human history.  The path we are currently following is unsustainable and will inevitably self-destruct, as it is already doing under its own weight.  What we need are solutions and answers, but first, we need to awaken from the collective programming we’re under and work together to provide solutions in the best interests of humanity.

by Gregg Prescott, M.S.

Copyright Information: Copyright in5d and Gregg Prescott, M.S.. This content may be freely reproduced in full or in part in any form.

432 Hz – Your Natural Rhythm For Spiritual Evolution

What is 432 Hz tuning?

A=432 Hz, known as Verdi’s ‘A’ is an alternative tuning that is mathematically consistent with the universe. Music based on 432Hz transmits beneficial healing energy, because it is a pure tone of math fundamental to nature. The universal music of sacred geometry

According to Brain T. Collins, a musician and researcher, the standard pitch (A=440 Hz) does not harmonize on any level that corresponds to cosmic movement, rhythm, or natural vibration. The greatest musicians, such as Mozart and Verdi, based their music on the natural vibration of A=432. It’s true that it is only 8 vibrations per second different from the standard tuning, but this small difference seems to be remarkable to our human consciousness.

There’s a growing musical and metaphysical movement for recovering optimal integrity in the music industry and spirituality through the 432Hz tuning. In April 2008 Dutch journalist Richard Huisken founded the ‘back to 432 Hz’ committee, claiming that this original tuning was used in ancient cultures and is found on antique instruments like the Stradivarius violin.

The healing benefits

According to Richard Huisken, music tuned to 432 Hz is softer and brighter, giving greater clarity and is easier on the ears. Many people experience more meditative and relaxing states of body and mind when listening to such music. The natural musical pitch of the universe gives a more harmonic and pleasant sound than 440 Hz.

432 Hz seems to work at the heart chakra, “the feeling”, and therefore could have a good influence on the spiritual development of the listener. Some people who are not able to distinguish the 8hz difference claim they can feel the music warmer due to the longer wavelength.Listen to 432Hz and enjoy living in balance

Because 432 Hz gives a greater clarity than 440 Hz, there’s less need to play it as loud as 440 Hz. This means less hearing damage, as long as you put the volume not too high. Furthermore there’s also less noise pressure. Researchers and musicians, such as Coreen Morsink (pianist and music teacher), report that they feel calmer, happier and more relaxed when playing music at 432Hz.

Music based on this natural tone is more transparent, more marked, gives an obvious musical picture and the overtones and undertones moves more freely. Music based on 440 Hz represents stuffed emotions and blocked energy. By lowering the pitch by just 8 Hz, you became more flexible and spontaneous. The 432 Hz tuning releases your energy and takes you into a beautiful state, where relaxation is natural.

Where does it come from?

According to Ananda Bosman, international researcher and musician, archaic Egyptian instruments that have been unearthed are largely tuned to A=432Hz. Ancient Greeks tuned their instruments predominantly to 432Hz. Within the archaic Greek Eleusenian Mysteries, Orpheus is the god of music, death and rebirth, and was the keeper of the Ambrosia and the music of transformation. His instruments were tuned at 432Hz.Orpheus playing at in harmonywith nature

Guiseppe Verdi, an Italian composer, placed A exactly at 432 Hz. He did this because this tuning is ideal for opera voices. Jamie Buturff, sound researcher, found out that some Tibetan monks used this tuning in their hand-made instruments. He put a CD with Tibetan singing bowls into his player and used a Korg tuner to discover that the bowls were all harmonic to the 432 music scale.

This musical tuning can be found throughout various religions and cultures of the ancient world. It seems that implementing it into the musical instruments was a good choice. Even today, many musicians report positive effects from retuning to 432 Hz, such as better audience response and a more laid-back feel to their performances.

Why the modern world forgot about this tuning

This is because in 1885 it already had been decided that A at 440 Hz had to be the standard tuning. A year earlier, Guiseppe Verdi wrote a letter addressed to the Music Commission of the Italian Government. In the letter he writes:

“Since France has adopted a standard pitch, I advised that the example should also be followed by us; and I formally requested that the orchestras of various cities of Italy, among them that of the Scala [Milan], to lower the tuning fork to conform to the standard French one. If the musical commis­sion instituted by our government believes, for mathematical exigencies, that we should reduce the 435 vibrations of French tuning fork to 432, the difference is so small, almost imper­ceptible to the ear, that I associate myself most willingly with this.” Guiseppe Verdi

Unfortunately, the great composer was unsuccessful in his attempt. The American Federation of Musicians accepted the A440 as the standard pitch in 1917. Around 1940 the United States introduced 440 Hz worldwide, and finally in 1953 it became the ISO 16-standard.

There is a theory that the change from 432Hz to 440Hz was dictated by Nazi propaganda minister, Joseph Goebbels. He used it to make people think and feel a certain manner, and to make them a prisoner of a certain consciousness. The Joseph Goebbels theory is certainly interesting, but the true reason of the shift to 440Hz is still not clearly explained.

Before 440Hz became the standard, a variety of tunings were used. The controversy over tuning still rages, with proponents of 432Hz claiming it as being more natural than the current standard. Because of that, the “back to 432Hz” committee wants to get people acquainted with its qualities, and therefore hopes that the industry will change the musician standard.

However, changing the current standard won’t be a simple task, and it’s not because of the influence of any nefarious organization. In my opinion, the reason is more trivial. Most musical instruments can be adjusted in principle, but it’s not so easy for every instrument. For example, most woodwind instruments cannot play in 432Hz because changing the pitch will also change the internal harmonic structure of the whole instrument. The change would require building new instruments.

Let the music of the spheres play inside you32Hz unites you with the universalarmony

This musical pitch is connected to the numbers used in the construction of a variety of ancient works and sacred places, such as the Great Pyramid of Egypt. It’s also more friendly for your ears. For many people, it is nicer for hearing – softer, brighter and more beautiful than music in 440 Hz.

432Hz is based in nature and therefore it generates healthy effects among the listeners. It brings natural harmony and balance of the 3rd dimension and connects you with a higher consciousness. The pure and clean energy of 432Hz removes mental block and opens a way to a more fulfilling life.

Many ancient instruments are adjusted at 432Hz. It is because the ancients knew that this tone is closely related to the universe around us. Don’t throw away their knowledge. The universal and natural tuning of 432Hz is waiting to be discovered by you.

Take the next step:
Download relaxing 432Hz music and resonate with the divine harmony
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About the Author

Karol Jankowiak is an artist, technologist, independent sound researcher, and educated philosopher. He is the founder of Attuned Vibrations where, along with his wife, he promotes healing sound frequencies and alternative musical tunings. Karol left his successful corporate career to dedicate his life to helping others in transforming their own lives and rediscover their true potential as vibrational beings. Visit his site or connect with him on Facebook.

This article is offered under Creative Commons license. It’s okay to republish it anywhere as long as attribution bio is included CC

via 432 Hz – Your Natural Rhythm For Spiritual Evolution.