The Seven Pillars of the Matrix

“No one is more of a slave than he who thinks himself free without being so.”
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

Contemporary baptized, corporatized and sanitized man rarely has the occasion to question his identity, and when he does a typical response might be, “I am product manager for a large retail chain, married to Betty, father of Johnny, a Democrat, Steelers fan and a Lutheran.”

His answers imply not only his beliefs but the many responsibilities, rules and restrictions he is subjected to. Few if any of these were ever negotiated- they were imposed on him yet he still considers himself free.

But is free the right adjective for him, or would modern domesticated simian be more apt? He has been told what to do, believe, think and feel since he can remember. A very clever rancher has bred billions of these creatures around the globe and created the most profitable livestock imaginable. They work for him, fight for him, die for him, believe his wildest tales, laugh at his jokes and rarely get out of line. When domesticated man does break one of the rules there are armies, jailers, psychiatrists and bureaucrats prepared to kill, incarcerate, drug or hound the transgressor into submission.

One of the most fascinating aspects of domesticated man’s predicament is that he never looks at the cattle, sheep and pigs who wind up on his plate and make the very simple deduction that he is just a talking version of them, corralled and shepherded through his entire life. How is this accomplished? Only animals that live in hierarchical groups can be dominated by man. The trick is to fool the animal into believing that the leader of the pack or herd is the person who is domesticating them. Once this is accomplished the animal is under full control of its homo sapien master. The domesticated man is no different, originally organized in groups with a clear hierarchy and maximum size of 150- it was easy to replace the leader of these smaller groups with one overarching figure such as God, King, President, CEO etc.

The methodology for creating this exceptionally loyal and obedient modern breed, homo domesticus, can be described as having seven pillars from which an immense matrix captures the talking simians and their conscious minds and hooks them into a complex mesh from which few ever escape. The system is so advanced that those who do untangle themselves and cut their way out of the net are immediately branded as mentally ill, anti-social, or simply losers who can’t accept the ‘complexity of modern life’, i.e. conspiracy nuts.

DELUSION DWELLERS, Laurie Lipton, 2010

Plato described this brilliantly in his Allegory of the Cave, where people only see man made shadows of objects, institutions, Gods and ideas:

“–Behold! human beings living in an underground cave…here they have been from their childhood…necks chained so that they cannot move, and can only see before them. Above and behind them a fire is blazing at a distance…the screen which marionette players have in front of them, over which they show the puppets… and they see only their own shadows, or the shadows of one another, which the fire throws on the opposite wall…”

It began with the word, which forever changed the ability of men to manipulate each other. Before language, every sensation was directly felt through the senses without the filter of words. But somewhere around 50,000 years ago language began to replace reality and the first pieces of code were put in place for the creation of the Matrix. As soon as the words began to flow the world was split, and from that fracturing was born man’s angst and slavery. The words separated us from who we really were, creating the first screen onto which the images from Plato’s cave were cast. Gurdjieff said it well, “Identifying is the chief obstacle to self-remembering. A man who identifies with anything is unable to remember himself.”

It’s no accident that in Hesiod’s ages of man the Golden Age knew no agriculture, which appeared in the Silver age, and by the time we reach the Bronze age the dominant theme is toil and strife. The two key elements to the enslavement of man were clearly language and agriculture. In the hunter gatherer society, taking out the boss was no more complicated than landing a well placed fastball to the head. Only since the advent of farming was the possibility of creating full time enforcers and propagandists made possible, and hence enslavement inevitable.

The search for enlightenment rarely if ever bears fruits in those temples of words, our schools and universities. Almost all traditions point to isolation and silence as the only paths to awakening; they are the true antidotes to modern slavery. As Aristotle wrote, “Whosoever is delighted in solitude is either a wild beast or a god.”

So from the institution from which we are mercilessly bombarded with words and enslaved to time, we begin our descent through the seven layers of the Matrix.


There are things we are born able to do like eating, laughing and crying and others we pick up without much of an effort such as walking, speaking and fighting, but without strict institutional education there is no way that we can ever become a functioning member of the Matrix. We must be indoctrinated, sent to Matrix boot camp, which of course is school. How else could you take a hunter and turn him into a corporate slave, submissive to clocks, countless bosses, monotony and uniformity?

Children naturally know who they are, they have no existential angst, but schools immediately begin driving home the point of schedules, rules, lists and grades which inevitably lead the students to the concept of who they aren’t. We drill the little ones until they learn to count money, tell time, measure progress, stand in line, keep silent and endure submission. They learn they aren’t free and they are separated from everyone else and the world itself by a myriad of divides, names and languages.

It can’t be stressed enough how much education is simply inculcating people with the clock and the idea of a forced identity. What child when she first goes to school isn’t taken back to hear herself referred to by her full name?

It’s not as if language itself isn’t sufficiently abstract- nothing must be left without a category. Suzy can’t just be Suzy- she is a citizen of a country and a state, a member of a religion and a product of a civilization, many of which have flags, mascots, armies, uniforms, currencies and languages. Once all the mascots, tag lines and corporate creeds are learned, then history can begin to be taught. The great epic myths invented and conveniently woven into the archetypes which have come down through the ages cement this matrix into the child’s mind.

Even the language that she speaks without effort must be deconstructed for her. An apple will never again be just an apple- it will become a noun, a subject, or an object. Nothing will be left untouched, all must be ripped apart and explained back to the child in Matrixese.

We are taught almost nothing useful during the twelve or so years that we are institutionalized and conditioned for slavery- not how to cook, farm, hunt, build, gather, laugh or play. We are only taught how to live by a clock and conform to institutionalized behaviors that make for solid careers as slaveocrats.


In the countries that claim to be democratic the concept of a government created to serve the people is often espoused. Government, and the laws they create and enforce are institutionalized social control for the benefit of those who have seized power. This has always been the case and always will be. In the pre-democratic era it was much clearer to recognize who had power, but the genius of massive democratic states are the layers upon layers of corporatocracy and special interests which so brilliantly conceal the identify of those who really manage the massive apparatus of control.

The functions of the state are so well esconded in dogmatic versions of history taught in schools that almost no one questions why we need anything beyond the bare essentials of government to maintain order in the post-industrial age. The history classes never point the finger at the governments themselves as the propagators and instigators of war, genocide, starvation and corruption. In Hollywood’s version of history, the one most people absorb, ‘good’ governments are always portrayed as fighting ‘bad’ ones. We have yet to see a film where all the people on both sides simply disengage from their governments and ignore the calls to violence.

The state apparatus is based on law, which is a contract between the people and an organism created to administer common necessities- an exchange of sovereignty between the people and the state. This sounds reasonable, but when one looks at the mass slaughters of the 20th century, almost without exception, the perpetrators are the states themselves.

The loss of human freedom is the only birthright offered to the citizens of the modern nation. There is never a choice. It is spun as a freedom and a privilege when it is in fact indentured servitude to the state apparatus and the corporatocracy that controls it.


Patriotism is pure abstraction, a completely artificial mechanism of social control. People are taught to value their compatriots above and beyond those of their own ethnic background, race or religion. The organic bonds are to be shed in favor of the great corporate state. From infancy children are indoctrinated like Pavlov’s dogs to worship the paraphernalia of the state and see it as a mystical demigod.

What is a country? Using the United States as example, what actually is this entity? Is it the USPS, the FDA, or the CIA? Does loving one’s country mean one should love the IRS and the NSA? Should we feel differently about someone if they are from Vancouver instead of Seattle? Loving a state is the same as loving a corporation, except with the corporations there is still no stigma attached to not showing overt sentimental devotion to their brands and fortunately, at least for the moment, we are not obligated at birth to pay them for a lifetime of services, most of which we neither need nor want.

Flags, the Hollywood version of history and presidential worship are drilled into us to maintain the illusion of the ‘other’ and force the ‘foreigner/terrorist/extremist’ to wear the stigma of our projections. The archaic tribal energy that united small bands and helped them to fend off wild beasts and hungry hoards has been converted into a magic wand for the masters of the matrix. Flags are waved, and we respond like hungry Labradors jumping at a juicy prime rib swinging before our noses. Sentimental statist propaganda is simply the mouthguard used to soften the jolt of our collective electroshock therapy.


As powerful as the patriotic sects are, there has always been a need for something higher. Religion comes from the Latin ‘re-ligare’ and it means to reconnect. But reconnect to what? The question before all religions is, what have we been disconnected from? The indoctrination and alienation of becoming a card carrying slave has a cost; the level of abstraction and the disconnect from any semblance of humanity converts people into nihilistic robots. No amount of patriotic fervor can replace having a soul. The flags and history lessons can only give a momentary reprieve to the emptiness of the Matrix and that’s why the priests are needed.

The original spiritual connection man had with the universe began to dissolve into duality with the onset of language, and by the time cities and standing armies arrived he was in need of a reconnection, and thus we get our faith based religions. Faith in the religious experiences of sages, or as William James put it, faith in someone else’s ability to connect. Of course the liturgies of our mainstream religions offer some solace and connection, but in general they simply provide the glue for the Matrix. A brief perusal of the news will clearly show that their ‘God’ seems most comfortable amidst the killing fields.

If we focus on the Abrahamic religions, we have a god much like the state, one who needs to be loved. He is also jealous of the other supposedly non-existent gods and is as sociopathic as the governments who adore him. He wipes out his enemies with floods and angels of death just as the governments who pander to him annihilate us with cultural revolutions, atom bombs, television and napalm. Their anthem is, “Love your country, it’s flag, its history, and the God who created it all”- an ethos force fed to each new generation.

The Most Fanatic Supporters In The WorldCircus

The sad thing about circus is that it’s generally not even entertaining. The slaves are told it’s time for some fun and they move in hordes to fill stadiums, clubs, cinemas or simply to stare into their electrical devices believing that they are are being entertained by vulgar propaganda.

As long as homo domesticus goes into the appropriate corral, jumps when she is told to and agrees wholeheartedly that she is having fun, than she is a good slave worthy of her two days off a week and fifteen days vacation at the designated farm where she is milked of any excess gold she might have accumulated during the year. Once she is too old to work and put to pasture, holes are strategically placed in her vicinity so she and her husband can spend their last few dollars trying to get a small white ball into them.

On a daily basis, after the caffeinated maximum effort has been squeezed out of her, she is placed in front of a screen, given the Matrix approved beverage (alcohol), and re-indoctrinated for several hours before starting the whole cycle over again. God forbid anyone ever took a hallucinogen and had an original thought. We are, thankfully, protected from any substances that might actually wake us up and are encouraged stick to the booze. The matrix loves coffee in the morning, alcohol in the evening and never an authentic thought in between.

On a more primal level we are entranced with the contours of the perfect body and dream of ‘perfect love’, where our days will be filled with soft caresses, sweet words and Hollywood drama. This is maybe the most sublime of the Matrix’s snares, as Venus’s charms can be so convincing one willingly abandons all for her devious promise. Romantic love is dangled like bait, selling us down the path of sentimentally coated lies and mindless consumerism.


Money is their most brilliant accomplishment. Billions of people spend most of their waking lives either acquiring it or spending it without ever understanding what it actually is. In this hologram of a world, the only thing one can do without money is breath. For almost every other human activity they want currency, from eating and drinking to clothing oneself and finding a partner. Religion came from innate spirituality and patriotism from the tribe, but money they invented themselves- the most fantastic and effective of all their tools of domestication.

They have convinced the slaves that money actually has some intrinsic value, since at some point in the past it actually did. Once they were finally able to disconnect money completely from anything other than their computers, they finally took complete control, locked the last gate and electrified all the fences. They ingeniously print it up out of the nothing and loan it with interest in order for 18-year-olds to spend four years drinking and memorizing propaganda as they begin a financial indebtedness that will most likely never end.

By the time the typical American is thirty the debt is mounted so high that they abandon any hope of ever being free of it and embrace their mortgages, credit cards, student loans and car loans as gifts from a sugar daddy. What they rarely asks themselves is why they must work to make money while banks can simply create it with a few key strokes. If they printed out notes on their HP’s and loaned them with interest to their neighbors, they would wind up in a penitentiary, but not our friends on Wall Street- they do just that and wind up pulling the strings in the White House. The genius of the money scam is how obvious it is. When people are told that banks create money out of nothing and are paid interest for it the good folks are left incredulous. “It can’t be that simple!” And therein lies the rub- no one wants to believe that they have been enslaved so easily .

watch tvCulture

“Culture is the effort to hold back the mystery, and replace it with a mythology.”
Terence McKenna

As Terence loved to say, “Culture is not your friend.” It exists as a buffer to authentic experience. As they created larger and larger communities, they replaced the direct spiritual experience of the shaman with priestly religion. Drum beats and sweat were exchanged for digitized, corporatized noise. Local tales got replaced by Hollywood blockbusters, critical thinking with academic dogma.

If money is the shackles of the matrix, culture is its operating system. Filtered, centralized, incredibly manipulative, it glues all their myths together into one massive narrative of social control from which only the bravest of souls ever try to escape. It’s relatively simple to see the manipulation when one looks at patriotism, religion or money. But when taken as a whole, our culture seems as natural and timeless as the air we breathe, so intertwined with our self conception it is often hard to see where we individually finish and our culture begins.

download (1)Escaping the Grip of Control

Some might ask why this all-pervasive network of control isn’t talked about or discussed by our ‘great minds’. Pre-Socratic scholar Peter Kingsley explains it well:

“Everything becomes clear once we accept the fact that scholarship as a whole is not concerned with finding, or even looking for, the truth. That’s just a decorative appearance. It’s simply concerned with protecting us from truths that might endanger our security; and it does so by perpetuating our collective illusions on a much deeper level than individual scholars are aware of.”

Whoever discovered water, it certainly wasn’t a fish. To leave the ‘water’, or Plato’s cave takes courage and the knowledge that there is something beyond the web of control. Over 2,300 hundred years ago Plato described the process of leaving the Matrix in the Allegory of the Cave as a slow, excruciating process akin to walking out onto a sunny beach after spending years in a basement watching Kabuki.

How can this awakening be explained? How do you describe the feeling of swimming in the ocean at dusk to someone who as never even seen water? You can’t, but what you can do is crack open a window for them and if enough windows are opened, the illusion begins to lose its luster.

About the Author

Robert Bonomo is a blogger, novelist and esotericist. Download his latest novel, Your Love Incomplete, for free here.

This article is offered under Creative Commons license. It’s okay to republish it anywhere as long as attribution bio is included and all links remain intact.


Synchronicity and the Ever Present Singularity


It’s amazing, it’s wonderful, and it’s so significant! I continue to experience and observe the most exponential increase in synchronistic events and communication I have ever witnessed and it continues to unfold daily. Writers, posters and internet information sharers are networking at such a consciously connected level it’s just fantastic, and everything ties into it.

I know for myself, I no sooner write or read or post something on a subject but bam, there’s related stories, videos, articles or personal comments coming into my own and the general information field like a flood. And it continues to increase.

Through thick and thin, good news and bad, our connectivity continues to quicken. That’s something to be encouraged about.

Of Course It Does

That’s how it works. Especially now as the awakening soars into critical mass as if approaching an event horizon. There’s a lot of encouragement to be derived for all of us here. We know we can’t trust the twisted junk media. We have our hearts to guide us, and favorite information sources we each have found and turn to. But the key to all of this is the original Source and getting the best connection possible.

It takes time and dedication to try to keep attuned and there are a lot of wonderful tips and much good advice on this subject. As you get deeper into it you’ll find you have to give up other areas of your life that are holding you back. Do it. Time in this current state could run out quickly if we don’t do our utmost to tune into and help amplify and thus spread this marvelous awakening we are experiencing.

There’s no limitations to the Creative Source, and there’s no blockage to our accessing it except what we individually allow. It’s sometimes big things in our lives, sometimes small, but it’s all built on moment by moment decisions. Do we go here, or do we go here? Do we waste time, or are we not taking enough breaks and relax time? Are we relaxed and loving and having fun or is it all work and no play making for very dull boys and girls? Lots of questions we all deal with, but remember, it’s all made up of decisions, big and small, and one builds upon another.

Thankfully with this great creative collective Consciousness the conscious awakening just keeps on and we can get back “on track” any time we want. The thrill is living in that spiritual current as much as possible and having a blast as well as a helpful impact at the same time.

We are each others’ amplifiers and the music is amping up! Dance on!

Singularity Now…and Always

They talk about this coming “singularity” when all information reaches a point where it is multiplying at an infinite rate and blip, everything’s over as we know it and perhaps we’re translated into another state of existence. John von Newmann first expounded this idea, defining it as the “ever accelerating progress of technology and changes in the mode of human life, which gives the appearance of approaching some essential singularity in the history of the race beyond which human affairs, as we know them, could not continue.”

Pretty profound idea. Trouble is, this concept has since been cleverly hijacked into the transhumanist agenda. Instead of space and time ceasing to exist as in the classic black hole or event horizon example, it generally now means the time when technological advancements have so accelerated that an artificial super intelligence is formed that will surpass human intelligence, after which the whole game is up for grabs and beyond our human control or comprehension. Our bodies, minds and civilization would be completely and irreversibly transformed.

Clever bastards. Predictive programming at its best. That’s what they’re shooting for in all of this. But again, it’s a hijacking of the true concept.

Whichever, I’ve got news for you. The real singularity is already here. It has always existed. Call it eternal consciousness, the creative Source, whatever, it’s always everywhere and always accessible and way beyond anyone’s comprehension.

And it’s definitely not artificial or anti-human!

Beware the Transhuman Imitation

We’re in a lower level matrix in this existence as humans on planet earth. What we have about us has already been manipulated to a large degree into an imitation of the original creation, and most of humanity is unfortunately buying into this illusory containment system.  Any sort of singularity on this level therefore is really insignificant in the grand scheme of things, and something to be very suspect of.

In fact, it’s just perfecting the hijack as they try to remove our human-ness altogether. The social engineering and designed collapse we’re experiencing will seem like child’s play compared to what they’re intending. It is, however, what’s leading up to their latter plans.

They want us to think of this bastardized “singularity” concept in an innocuous way, like they’re punching a hole in the illusion, similar to that character finding the door in the Truman Show. Nice analogy, but they’re not on our side. They want complete dominion over us and to literally erase our souls and transform us into automatons.

In the real world they’re trying to hide from us time already doesn’t exist. It’s just a tool here to decode what is already happening all at once. So to get to the point of singularity via accumulated knowledge is not just presumptuous propaganda; it’s another revelation of the method. These big tech boys and science sell-outs are controlled by the Controllers so it’s a load of crap. Just look at the idiots at CERN and what they’re doing to punch a hole in creation  without regard for the unknown consequences.

Insane. But enough about these soulless charlatans. All they can do is destroy and imitate for control and wishful usurping dominion. Destined to fail.

Back to beautiful synchronicity.

 Get On Board

It’s wonderful how the information and revelations of Truth are exploding. Hey, surf’s up, grab your board and get in! How? Follow your heart, follow the leads. Keep at it. If it’s on line you’ll notice things that catch your attention. Take time to look at them. Maybe they lead to new websites you’ve never seen, or a concept you’ve never heard of. Follow along. We have the tools at our fingertips.

If it’s in your personal life, step out!

Sure there are decoys and wrong turns, but they all work in your favor. As long as you keep going. Religions are a good example of people who thought they found something and stopped. Right there. Camped down and became slaves to an ideology. There are lots of things that do that. Stay away from petrified propaganda. It starts off seemingly succulent but soon turns swampy. After a bit it’ll be like trying to swim in the La Brea tar pits.

Then mummification sets in. Instead behold the world of the unconscious. Stay sharp and don’t get stuck in your tracks.

Tuning In Through Networking

One of your best tools to get into the stream of synchronicity is networking. Sharing. As we each pump into each other Truth, compassion and real knowledge and understanding as best we can, we contribute to this mass awakening and empowerment. It’s a fabulous dynamic and a thrill to be part of. It’s actually simply living a conscious life and it will follow naturally, but understanding the mechanics can really help keep our buns in gear and positively productive during this ridiculous shitstorm smacking humanity right now.

As we give, we get. Universe is amazing in this dynamic. We don’t give to get, it just happens, but it’s good to know it does because we always want to keep learning and growing and gaining in spiritual capabilities. It’s also very important to know that as you share and live a conscious life, Universe will take care of you.  I know I’m preaching to much of the choir here as so many of you know this and are driven like I am; sharing emails, passing on information to researchers you know, and other disseminators of information. Sharing finds with those who specialize in a certain field can have a tremendous effect. If you find something that strikes you as important in a certain field, say chemtrails or EMF hazards for example, never assume that a seeming “specialist” must know this already.

You could be the prompter through which Universe is working.

Synchronicity is always happening.  As Carl Jung said:

“Synchronicity is an ever present reality for those who have eyes to see.”


We live in very exciting times. We’ve been given the tools for this time. We’ve always had them. Humanity has them built in but our Overlords have done everything they can to hide them from us and deny their existence. It’s time we tapped in and let ‘em have it full throttle. As we do and others join in the signal amplifies and the awakening accelerates.

Keep moving, keep loving, keep learning, keep transcending – and take the nudges seriously.

Join the buzz…this synchronicity rush is a blast!

Love always, Zen

Factual information alone isn’t sufficient to guide you through life’s labyrinthine tests.  You need and deserve regular deliveries of uncanny revelation.  One of your inalienable rights as a human being should therefore be to receive a mysteriously useful omen every day of your life.
Rob Brezney


How Fear is Used to Turn You Against Spirituality

Fear is a weapon of social control used to manipulate thoughts and actions without people even knowing it. Today it’s used to control and alienate would-be practitioners of alternative spirituality. How has this happened and who stands to gain from it? By understanding how fear is used we can be free of manipulation in our choice of spirituality.

If you were an early Christian (back when it was still an alternative religion) you had to be careful not to become food for a lion. Once Christianity was established, if you were ‘pagan’ or a ‘witch’ you had to be careful not to be burnt at the stake. Nowadays, unless you live in China where Falun Gong practitioners – who were once supported by the state until they gained too much influence – are still victims of false imprisonment, torture and live organ harvesting, or in a strict middle-eastern country where you might be hung for expressing alternative spiritual beliefs, it’s somewhat safer to be on the fringe of religious belief.

Free from the fear of impending death, one might think that we have much more spiritual freedom. Unfortunately however in the Western world, physical abuse has been substituted for fear inducing propaganda, and we have long been studied as a humanity to discover the most effective psychological triggers with which we can be controlled. Rather than physically stopping people from practising spirituality, these techniques insidiously influence social attitudes so that people avoid exploring alternative spirituality to begin with.

For a greater understanding of modern day manipulation, let’s step back in time to the early 20th century and the birth of propaganda and social engineering.

Fear responses can be conditioned

The fight-or-flight response is one of the most basic instinctual mechanisms we are born with. Fear has an impressive history of helping us to avoid harmful situations, and as we listened to it and survived by running from predators, these instincts were probably reinforced through generations as those who survived through fear brought their children up to survive in the same way.

But fear can also be used as a mechanism to control us and scientists have long been fascinated by fear reactions, conducting many studies trying to understand how fear becomes conditioned. The greatest developments in this field have been in the realm of ‘Behaviourism’; the theory that animal and human behaviour can be explained through conditioning.

John B Watson – “The driving force in society is not love, it’s fear” 


In the early 20th century, John B Watson began experimenting with fear-based conditioning. He wanted to know if phobias could be conditioned in humans.Watson conducted the “Little Albert” experiment, showing an emotionally stable baby:

  • a fire;
  • a monkey;
  • a dog;
  • a rabbit; and finally
  • a white lab rat,

all of which Little Albert responded to without fear. Watson then began making a loud noise every time Little Albert reached out to touch the rat. With increasingly loud noises, Little Albert became more and more distressed when the rat came near.

Watson then showed Little Albert stimuli which had similar characteristics to the rat, including other animals, a fur coat and a Santa Clause mask. Each time Little Albert (although previously calm) responded with fear, leading Watson to determine that fear is most likely a conditioned response in humans.

Watson completed many more experiments with young babies, famously stating “Give me a baby and I can make any kind of man”. Can you guess what he turned his understanding to later in life?  Advertising.

BF Skinner – “Human behaviour is predictable and therefore controllable”


Burrhus Fredric Skinner felt that there is no such thing as free will and that all actions undertaken are pre-determined by our environment. As part of his studies in ‘Radical Behaviourism’ he infamously created the Operant Conditioning box (nicknamed the Skinner Box) which used negative reinforcement in the form of electric shocks to create escape and avoidance learning in animals.‘Escape learning’ is the behaviour exhibited when an animal (or human) learns that they can escape pain through completing a certain action, for example, a rat becoming conditioned to jump off a platform into water (something they would not normally do) if the platform became electrified.

‘Escape learning’ can be turned into ‘avoidance learning’ by adding an associated stimuli, eg. a light bulb turning on before an electric shock is administered. The rat would begin to associate the light being turned on with an impending electric shock and learn to pre-emptively jump off the platform for protection.

The scary thing about ‘avoidance learning’ is that it’s self-reinforcing – once the avoidance behaviour is conditioned, it will continue even when the shock is turned off. The reinforcement then becomes relief from not getting an electric shock, and the test subject will continue the behaviour due to the perception of a threat rather than an actual threat whenever the pre-shock stimuli is presented.

The use of fear in propaganda

We are governed, our minds are molded, our tastes formed, our ideas suggested, largely by men we have never heard of. …In almost every act of our daily lives, whether in the sphere of politics or business, in our social conduct or our ethical thinking, we are dominated by the relatively small number of persons…who understand the mental processes and social patterns of the masses. It is they who pull the wires which control the public mind – Edward Bernays

Possibly no one has been as influential in changing public opinion by understanding and manipulating the human psyche than the ‘father’ of public relations and propaganda – Edward Bernays.

Bernays was the double nephew of Sigmund Freud, who theorised that the driving force behind people’s actions was their inner turmoil, instincts, and unconscious desires. Based on his uncle’s work, Bernays understood that people could be made to act irrationally if you stimulate their subconscious desires and impulses, and he successfully did this for a huge list of wealthy backers.

He was responsible for (among many other things):

  • Making it acceptable for women to smoke – backed by the tobacco industry;
  • Making bacon and eggs a staple breakfast food in America – backed by a meat packing company;
  • Causing a consciousness harming chemical to be added to water supplies – backed by a company producing aluminium; and
  • The overthrow of a democratic regime by US forces – backed by a company that grew bananas.

Bernays paved the way for some of the greatest human rights violations in history, and was later quoted as an inspiration by Joseph Goebells, the infamous propaganda minister of Nazi Germany. He was a master of fear-based manipulation.

Creating moral panic to sway public opinion against the ‘shadowy stranger’

In 1951, the CIA staged a coup to overthrow President Arbenz, the head of a democratic government in Guatemala. The events that led to this coup were engineered by Bernays and backed by the United Fruit company who were using masses of land in Guatemala to grow bananas.

Why was Arbenz such a problem for United Fruit? He was standing in the way of their profits.


President Arbenz wanted United Fruit to obey the Guatemalan constitution, and pay export duties and fair prices for the land they acquired. When they declined he decided to redistribute their land to 100,000 Guatemalan families, paying United Fruit what the land was worth based on their (falsified) tax returns. Bernays was brought in to fix the problem. Can you guess what his solution was? Fear.

To most of the American public, Guatemala was an unknown entity, a ‘shadowy stranger’ on which all manner of fears could be projected. Bernays created a propaganda campaign that depicted President Arbenz at the head of a communist-backed regime that would be used as a launching place for an imminent invasion of the US. He even created his own fake media organisations in order to help spread propaganda.

At a time when communism was seen as a great threat, Bernays caused enough fear in the American public as to engineer consent for the CIA overthrow which put Guatemala back in the hands of a violent dictator. This dictator was backed by the United Fruit Company and his instatement started a chain reaction which eventually led to the deaths of over 200,000 Guatemalans.

What has all this got to do with spirituality and why should you care?

What if I told you that the same techniques used to:

  • make Little Albert afraid of rats;
  • reinforce avoidance learning in animals; and
  • garner support in the Guatemalan overthrow

Are the same techniques used today by governments, anti-cult organisations and the media to create an unnatural fear of alternative spirituality in almost everyone? Even in people who think they are open minded towards spirituality.

Let’s take a step back for a moment. Wikipedia lists 263 New Religious Movements (the term preferred for new spiritual groups by scholars of alternative spirituality / religion over the widely used “cult” which has strong negative connotations). There are probably hundreds or thousands more alternative spiritual groups of varying sizes that could be added to this list.

Unfortunately there are a small percentage of criminal groups (of which there are already appropriate laws to deal with), and an even smaller number of groups with high profile mass suicides which are given widespread media coverage.

So why is it that this small group of criminal New Religious Movements (NRMs) has come to represent how we perceive alternative spirituality in general? And how does it affect our ability to pursue our spiritual yearnings?

Have you ever learned of an NRM that holds values that may not be completely in line with our modern day consumer society and felt fear towards them? Have you been sceptical of their teachings or motives and thought to yourself or out loud to others that they “must be a cult”?

If yes, then you have probably been affected by this manipulation (most likely without being aware of it), and you’re probably affecting others too.

Altruistic fear and the fear of crime in alternative spiritual groups

In the Guatemalan example above, the American public were manipulated – despite reality – to fear an impending communist attack. Would they have feared only for themselves, or would they also have feared for those close to them?

When I was in my teens I came across a newspaper article that talked about ‘satanist’ groups operating in the hills near my house. With no more than a passing interest, I told my mum about the article and she freaked out. I’m sure she had images of devil worship, child sacrifice and whatever else people think satanists do – she was afraid I would be in danger and the idea threatened her mainstream Christian beliefs.

In the British crime survey of 1982, only 35% of respondents who replied that they were worried about crime were worried about being victimised themselves; their fears were projected on to significant others in their lives. (Maxfield, 1984, quoted in Possamaï & Lee, 2004)


This effect, where the fear of victimisation is projected onto significant others (partners, children, friends) is known as altruistic fear – it’s been used in propaganda campaigns at least as far back as World War One and some scholars believe that it is a main motivating factor in the anti-cult movement. NRMs and alternative spirituality are often unknown entities and being sensationalised by the media they become an easy target for projection of all sorts of fears, often by distraught family members who are afraid that their significant other may be caught up in something harmful and beyond their control.

When altruistic fear can be created in people against a segment of society, it can then be used to encourage them to willingly give up their human rights and freedoms.

Want to introduce a national picture database of all American citizens? Make them afraid that their jobs are unlawfully being taken away by illegal immigrants and tell them that a national ID card will fix the problem.

Want to censor web forums and esoteric material in the UK? Make people afraid that without default-on censorship their children will be exposed to harmful adult material and shape public opinion against the esoteric by putting it into the same category as drug use, terrorism and other deviant behaviour.

Fearing for themselves and their loved ones, with the propaganda being repeated by key influencers in society, people will rarely think twice about what it is they’re giving up for a false sense of security.

Key influencers in a spiritually fear-full society

The world today is a web of disinformation about alternative spirituality promoted and sustained (whether consciously or not) by vested interests in many areas of society including:

  • the anti-cult movement and moral entrepreneurs;
  • some religious organisations (others are pro-freedom of spiritual choice);
  • mass media journalists, news and current affairs programs;
  • celebrities; and
  • governments.

Where to start?

The anti-cult movement and information-terrorism on the world wide web

The anti-cult movement is a strange place. Paradoxically it has been referred to as a “cult” itself.

It is a place of:

  • debunked theories (eg. “mind control”);
  • a criteria for defining cults that is so broad it could apply to Alcoholics Anonymous and most mainstream religions;
  • the strongly religious who have a vested interest in keeping people away from alternative spirituality; and
  • moral entrepreneurs; psychologists and self proclaimed “cult experts” that have made a living out of “cult” deprogramming (sometimes known to be done in an illegal manner on unwilling participants).

In Guatemala, Bernays relied on mainstream media channels to rouse enough fear in the American public to justify an incursion.

We see this same technique today as the anti-cult movement plays a strong role in the amplification of fear against religious minorities, assisting the mainstream media as a “repository of information for the public, the press, and governmental agencies […] aim[ing] to put pressure on ‘cults’ by enlisting the support of political, economic, religious, media, and educational institutions which have access to greater resources and sanctioning power.(Chryssides, 1999, quoted in Possamaï & Murray Lee, 2004)“.

However when the internet became part of our everyday lives, the anti-cult movement gained a new weapon with which to spread anti-cult propaganda, using forums and discussion lists to disseminate material aimed at demonising and dehumanising alternative spirituality and those supporting it.

It is paradoxical to note, especially since NRMs are claimed to use the Web to attract new membership […] that Opponents of New Religious Movements appear to have been more active and more aggressive in cyberspace than many of the movements themselves. (Hadden & Cowan, 2000, quoted in Zoccatelli, 2001, quoted in Possamaï & Lee, 2004)

Despite the dubious background of the anti-cult movement, the media (often being uninformed of the benign nature of the majority of NRMs) continues to rely on them for “expert opinions”. The anti-cult movement is also strongly influential in the government sphere, having played a pivotal role in influencing the 2001 French “anti-cult” legislation which has had strong consequences for religious freedom and diversity in France and abroad and has assisted in creating a strong climate of religious intolerance.

The role of the media in amplifying fear of alternative spirituality

When was the last time you saw a news story about an alternative spiritual group integrating well with society and uplifting the lives of those practising it? My guess would be probably never.

Rather you might see something like this highly emotive current affairs piece:

This information gives a one-sided view of a minority of NRMs, so why is it that all we see, over and over again in the realm of mainstream media and infotainment are stories of dangerous “cults” and “sects”, their supposed negative influence on society, and the measures being taken to curb them?

It’s a sad fact that fear of spirituality has reached the stage where it’s now a commodity, and is used to sell stories and entertainment in the world of sensationalist media. Feel-good stories (except the ‘mindless cute dog who has learnt how to ride a skateboard’ type of stories) are just not profitable or entertaining enough.

People are programmed through centuries of hunting and gathering to be on alert for threats, and hard-wired to protect themselves from signs of danger. Sadly, humanity in general also seems to have developed a morbid fascination with the misfortune of others. In some way, seeing others suffer seems to make us feel better about our own condition.

Those behind the media understand our deeper psychological needs and desires. They program what they think people want to watch, and as we affirm their judgement by continuing to digest stories demonising alternative spirituality, the cycle of persecution continues.

The anti-cult movement willingly assists the media to further their own agenda, providing information, “expert” commentary and personal testimony for news stories, conveniently highlighting the more extreme behaviours of a small number of NRMs and ignoring the features which make them more like the rest of society. Just as in the news piece above, the media amplifies the stereotype that all NRMs are dangerous despite the opposite being true.

“…it is clear that there is a campaign ongoing to sensitize public opinion against minority religions by labeling them indiscriminately as ‘dangerous sects’ thus marginalizing and attempting to criminalize them. This manipulation of public opinion is done almost daily at the moment with press, radio and television articles centering on the supposed dubious activities of sects whilst interviewing the main opponents of minority (and majority) religious movements.” – quote from the human rights office of a large alternative spiritual group in the late 1990s

Since the inception of propaganda, its practitioners have known that with enough repetition, it’s possible to convince the public that almost anything is true – just ask Goebells or Hitler.

A single piece of media often does not have a lasting effect on the human psyche, but the more we are bombarded by anti-cult sentiment, the more likely we are to believe that what we’re being told is true.

Each time we turn on the television to catch an update on the latest “cult” scare, we train ourselves and those around us to believe that alternative spirituality is dangerous, and in doing so we become our own governance tool.

Fear of alternative spirituality as a governance tool

Just like BF Skinner’s rats would learn how to avoid electric shocks, we are programmed to avoid alternative spirituality by seeing it repeatedly associated with danger and pain (physical, financial and emotional) in the media.

This avoidance behaviour can become self-reinforcing, as we may never take the opportunity to explore alternative spirituality, being so afraid of the personal danger we are repeatedly told we would be putting ourselves in. We become “fearing subjects” – people expected to govern their own risks through media-induced fear.

The more we fear NRMs and the more they are talked about in a negative light, the more they become a risk in the eyes of the public, and the greater the benefit for government institutions to be seen to be managing them. Despite there being many pressing issues to tackle including:

  • health;
  • education;
  • the environment; and
  • the economy,

it’s often fear of crime that drives public interest and legislation rather the risk of crime itself.


Because NRMs are depicted as threatening and bizarre, by sympathising with the anti-cult position and restricting the liberties of alternative spiritual groups, governments appear to be working in the best interests of the safety and personal freedoms of their citizens, while actually taking personal freedoms away.

At the same time, public attention and any aggression related to poor management of other issues can be easily deflected towards the unknowable “shadowy stranger” of alternative spirituality and NRMs become an easy scapegoat for the ills of society.

It is ironic that government institutions should legislate against NRMs using the fear of crime as justification when governments themselves have been responsible for the worst death and destruction in history. Yet government actions can often be justified as people generally believe (whether it’s true or not) that government institutions are working in their best interests.

Government violence has even been directed towards NRMs themselves.

Creating a fear feedback-loop that engineers consent for spiritual oppression

Such regular exposure to negative depictions of alternative spirituality throughout society creates a vicious cycle of fear. As a result:

  1. Alternative spirituality and NRMs are shown as harmful in the mainstream media and on the internet;
  2. People are bombarded with so many negative depictions that they naturally begin to fear alternative spirituality and project their concerns onto harmless groups;
  3. Being afraid, people develop avoidance conditioning, restricting their own interest in spirituality, and often the interest of those close to them;
  4. Governments take an interest in censoring and legislating alternative spirituality
  5. Individuals unknowingly consent to the oppression of spirituality as they feel it is in their best interests
  6. Without ever seeing the beneficial side of alternative spirituality, continued negative depictions of NRMS from authority figures throughout society reinforces the perception that the public is justified in their fear

Once people are made to fear alternative spirituality, it is much easier to engineer consent for oppression and justified violence against its practitioners.

The Branch Davidian property after it was set on fire by tanks.  Attribution: wiki user Carolmooredc

Compare the happenings of the 1993 WACO massacre with the incident engineered by Bernays in Guatemala.Although maintaining some uncommon beliefs, the Branch Davidians were held in high regard by those who lived around them – even the Waco Sherriff. They believed in the right to bear arms and had a number of firearms, all purchased in accordance with the law.

Under the justification that the Branch Davidians might have had illegal weapons and explosives on their property, the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) and later the FBI staged a 51 day siege on the property with military style weapons and tanks, despite it being against the US constitution to use military force in domestic situations. The siege involved methods of psychological torture including among other things sleep deprivation with flood lights and the sounds of rabbits being slaughtered. The siege ended in the deaths of 76 Branch Davidians (men, women and children including their leader David Koresh), and 4 ATF agents with many others wounded. After the Branch Davidian complex was set on fire it was then bulldozed to the ground (to destroy the evidence?)

Why didn’t the government agencies accept Koresh’s invitation to come to his property and look at his inventory of weapons?

Why didn’t they just send a couple of agents to their door with a warrant and the town Sherriff?

Why didn’t they arrest David Koresh for questioning when he was in town buying groceries?

Maybe because of the involvement of anti-cult activists and the cult awareness network who had made media appearances in the weeks preceding the raid, popularizing a harshly negative image of Koresh as a dangerous and deviant cult leader?

Maybe it had to do with the ATF creating a publicity stunt in order to secure future funding against a group the public had already been trained to see as deviant and fearful?

According to religious scholars Phillip Arnold and James Tabor who made an effort to help resolve the conflict, “the crisis need not have ended tragically if only the FBI had been more open to Religious Studies and better able to distinguish between the dubious ideas of [anti-cult activist] Ross and the scholarly expertise” – Wikipedia

Unfortunately it appears that lessons are not learned and the media are as biased against NRMS as ever; here’s an article from a year ago who’s title says it all: “The Waco massacre, a fiery end to a whacko cult”.

Make people afraid and they’ll find a way to do or justify almost anything you want.

What to do if you’d rather practise spirituality than be afraid of it

Learn how fear works to overcome it and follow your spiritual yearnings without reservation!

Fear of alternative spirituality is a bit like a virus – get exposed to it enough and it’s very hard not to be infected. It’s pretty contagious too – once you’ve got it you can easily pass it on to others. But there’s a way of naturally innoculating ourselves against it, and negating its affects in our psyche if we’ve already succumbed to it.

If we want to be free to pursue the spirituality of our choosing without crumbling under society’s negative representation of NRMs, we have to understand the propaganda and methods used to turn public opinion against it.

But an intellectual knowledge is not enough. Propaganda is intended to bypass thought, creating an emotional reaction before an intellectual one. In order to truly protect ourselves we need to understand how our emotions are collectively manipulated and how they influence our thoughts, actions and all the choices in our lives.

Only then can we truly overcome fear towards alternative spirituality and take it up without reservation. Free from self-reinforcing fear and avoidance behaviours, and using our common sense to break through limiting beliefs and misconceptions, we can experience life freely in every moment, uncovering the amazing potential that personal spiritual exploration brings.


[1] Maxfield, M. Fear of Crime in England and Wales. London: HMSO, 1984. quoted in Adam Possamaï & Murray Lee (2004): New religious movements and the fear of crime, Journal of Contemporary Religion, 19:3, 337-352

[2] Chryssides, G. Exploring New Religions. London: Cassell, 1999 quoted in Adam Possamaï & Murray Lee (2004): New religious movements and the fear of crime, Journal of Contemporary Religion, 19:3, 337-352

Along with the embedded links in this article, if you would like to further research the information provided the free online documentary Human Resources: Social Engineering in the 20th Century by Metanoia Films and the article New Religious Movements and the Fear of Crime are both excellent resources.

About the Author

David has a deep interest in spiritual development, but has discovered there are many forces in the world working to keep people asleep. His recent interest has been researching the psychological tactics and techniques used to limit people’s spiritual potential, writing about his discoveries at The Conscious Reporter.

**This article first appeared on**

How to Reclaim Your Mind



This is an important piece for those that wish to begin walking their true path in life. Many, including myself, fall victim to advertising, propaganda, and poor food choices that all cloud our true thoughts and beliefs. There are many systems in place to gently steer the way we think until we find ourselves living a life that we are not happy with.

“We can judge our health by our happiness, and by our happiness we know that we’re obeying the dictates of our Souls.” – Edward Bach

The reason I used the words “true path” is that we are all here to experience certain things and learn from them. When one is on the true path, the lessons are not as difficult, nor are they often missed. This leads to faster progression, happiness, and a more fulfilling life. It is only when we have lost our way through false beliefs that we didn’t choose and foggy thinking that clouds decisions that we miss opportunity and eventually lead lives with more unhappiness. Oftentimes, having to repeat lessons over and over until we finally get it right and learn from them.

“Everything happens for a reason. Everything leads to something better.” – Dr. Richard Alan Miller

The art of reclaiming your mind can be split into parts: what goes in and what comes out. When these components are aligned, reclaimed, and optimized, you are truly living from free will and your life will change for the better.


This is meant to be your own personal cheat sheet to help you focus on key areas. First and foremost, stop eating gluten! It’s no longer difficult to avoid it. The market has listened to customer demand and products are abundant to seamlessly substitute your current gluten intake. Remember, not everyone has celiac disease, but everyone’s brain is effected by gluten. The book Wheat Belly by William Davis M.D., is a great place to start. While we are on the topic of diet, David Wolf’s book The Sunfood Diet is a further step in the progression towards detox and clarity. In it, he advocates a food triangle in which the corners represent chlorophyll (organic, non-GMO green leafy vegetables), fats (organic, non-GMO fatty fruits, nuts, seeds, coconuts), and sugars (organic non-GMO sweet fruits) all at a ratio of 33%. No mind clearing nutritional regime would be complete without addressing a fluoride detox program. To date, the best supplements out there appears to be Zeotex and Fluoride Shield. Although each should do their own further research. If you would like to stick with a whole food approach, this article link from TrueActivist.comcovers it all. Given the lack of integrity of pro-GMO companies and some disastrous research being released, I would suggest avoiding all GMO foods, period.

“Your food determines in a large measure how long you shall live – how much you shall enjoy life – and how successful your life shall be.” – Dr. Kirschner


Many of our beliefs were formed as children before we had a say in the matter. In addition, many of our early beliefs are no long applicable, or even functional, towards meeting our current needs and lifestyle directions. Regardless of what we believe, we will find a way to create consistency between our life and beliefs. For this reason, beliefs, for the believer, are always true. The brain is a powerful, goal seeking mechanism that will make anything we believe in come true. Or it will, at least, make it appear to be true which amounts to the same thing as far as our life experiences are concerned. Challenge your beliefs! Do not accept results that you don’t seek created by beliefs you did not choose. Face one fear or uncomfortable situation daily. Leaning to meditate makes us more consciously aware of what we are creating. The practice of meditation also has the benefit on mitigating the effects of the recent increase in solar flares impacting our mental, emotional, and physical bodies. According to Dr. Simon Atkins, this increase will be seen for the next 18 months. A float tank will fast track your meditation technique and is on record for the ability tounlock the creative centers of the brain, alleviate symptoms of depression and anxiety, and enhance the ability to stay focused and concentrate.

“The middle of the road is where the white line is – and that’s the worst place to drive.” – Robert Frost

Kill Your TV

There is no question this one is a major action step to reclaiming your mind. Watching television almost instantly switches your brainwaves into the alpha state (tranquility, relaxation, pleasure, suggestibility etc.). Is it any wonder that it’s called programming? Themind has no firewall security and is wide open. Watch a child as they begin to gaze upon the television. Their blinking becomes lessened, mouth drops open, body posture “melts” and they become unresponsive to outside influences such as having their name called. High definition television only amplifies this effect. If you watch TV, I suggest you stay away from the HD channels, mainstream media, and political speeches.

“I find television very educating. Every time someone turns on the set, I go into the other room and read a book.” – Groucho Marx


This is a debated topic and I will only be focusing on what are referred to as adjuvants. Adjuvants are chemicals that are added to the vaccines. Although I could focus on any one of a slew of toxic contaminants (adjuvants) found within each shot, mercury (thimerosal) and aluminum are in the cross hairs for this section. Mercury is toxic to the human body, period. It is a fact that it kills/degenerates brain neurons. Aluminum, is again toxic to the body but also makes the immune system overreact, sometimes for up to two years. The body had numerous filtering systems to protect toxic or poisonous substances from entering the bloodstream. If something toxic is eaten, it is typically eliminated or substantially weakened before it finally reaches the blood/circulatory system. However, with vaccines, that process is sidestepped by injecting the toxin directly into the bloodstream. This allows it free reign to cause damage to the areas it comes in contact with such as brain neurons. Don’t just take my word for it, the United States Postal Service classifies mercury as a class 8 hazard under section 348.21 Nonmailable Corrosives. For a comprehensive look at the entire topic of vaccines, please see the work of Dr. Sherry Tenpenny, Dr. Russul Blaylock, and Dr. Andrew Wakefeild.

“The greatest lie ever told is that vaccines are safe and effective. – Leonard Horowitz

About the AuthorJeffery Jaxen is a staff writer for and an open source researcher and writer. In addition he serves as director of alternative & holistic health for the Awake & Empowered Expo. You can find his latest research, information, and work at the following websites: & Follow him on Twitter at or contact him directly at

This article is from Waking Times and is written by Jeffery Jaxen. Waking Times’ material is Creative Commons, meaning it’s OK to republish with author attribute and all links intact.

6 Ridiculous Lies About the Founding of America

For instance …

#6. The Indians Weren’t Defeated by White Settlers

The Myth:

Our history books don’t really go into a ton of detail about how the Indians became an endangered species. Some warring, some smallpox blankets and … death by broken heart?

When American Indians show up in movies made by conscientious white people like Oliver Stone, they usually lament having their land taken from them. The implication is that Native Americans died off like a species of tree-burrowing owl that couldn’t hack it once their natural habitat was paved over.
But if we had to put the whole Cowboys and Indians battle in a Hollywood log line, we’d say the Indians put up a good fight, but were no match for the white man’s superior technology. As surely as scissors cuts paper and rock smashes scissors, gun beats arrow. That’s just how it works.

This is all the American history you’ll ever need to know.

The Truth:

There’s a pretty important detail our movies and textbooks left out of the handoff from Native Americans to white European settlers: It begins in the immediate aftermath of a full-blown apocalypse. In the decades between Columbus’ discovery of America and the Mayflower landing at Plymouth Rock, the most devastating plague in human history raced up the East Coast of America. Just two years before the pilgrims started the tape recorder on New England’s written history, the plague wiped out about 96 percent of the Indians in Massachusetts.
In the years before the plague turned America into The Stand, a sailor named Giovanni da Verrazzano sailed up the East Coast and described it as “densely populated” and so “smoky with Indian bonfires” that you could smell them burning hundreds of miles out at sea. Using your history books to understand what America was like in the 100 years after Columbus landed there is like trying to understand what modern day Manhattan is like based on the post-apocalyptic scenes from I Am Legend.

“They call it ‘The city that never sleeps’ because the only guy who lives there is a notoriously sarcastic rapper.”

Historians estimate that before the plague, America’s population was anywhere between 20 and 100 million (Europe’s at the time was 70 million). The plague would eventually sweep West, killing at least 90 percent of the native population. For comparison’s sake, the Black Plague killed off between 30 and 60 percent of Europe’s population.
While this all might seem like some to lay on a bunch of second graders, your high school and college history books weren’t exactly in a hurry to tell you the full story. Which is strange, because many historians believe it is the single most important event in American history. But it’s just more fun to believe that your ancestors won the land by being the superior culture.


Yay for apocalypse profiteering!

European settlers had a hard enough time defeating the Mad Max-style stragglers of the once huge Native American population, even with superior technology. You have to assume that the Native Americans at full strength would have made powerfully real for any pale faces trying to settle the country they had already settled. Of course, we don’t really need to assume anything about how real the American Indians kept it, thanks to the many people who came before the pilgrims. For instance, if you liked playing cowboys and Indians as a kid, you should know that you could have been playing vikings and Indians, because that actually happened. But before we get to how they kicked Viking ass, you probably need to know that …

#5. Native Culture Wasn’t Primitive

The Myth:

American Indians lived in balance with mother earth, father moon, brother coyote and sister … bear? Does that just sound right because of the Berenstain Bears? Whichever animal they thought was their sister, the point is, the Indians were leaving behind a small carbon footprint before elements were wearing shoes. If the government was taken over by hippies tomorrow, the directionless, ecologically friendly society they’d institute is about what we picture the Native Americans as having lived like.

“Our foreign policy can be summed up with one word: peyote.”

The Truth:

The Indians were so good at killing trees that a team of Stanford environmental scientists think they caused a mini ice age in Europe. When all of the tree-clearing Indians died in the plague, so many trees grew back that it had a reverse global warming effect. More carbon dioxide was sucked from the air, the Earth’s atmosphere held on to less heat, and Al Gore cried a single tear of joy.
One of the best examples of how we got Native Americans all wrong is Cahokia, a massive Native American city located in modern day East St. Louis. In 1250, it was bigger than London, and featured a sophisticated society with an urban center, satellite villages and thatched-roof houses lining the central plazas. While the city was abandoned by the time white people got to it, the evidence they left behind suggests a complex economy with trade routes from the Great Lakes all the way down to the Gulf of Mexico.

Herb Roe
Contrary to what museums told us, the loin cloth was not the most advanced Native American technology.

And that’s not even mentioning America’s version of the Great Pyramid: Monk’s Mound. You know how people treat the very existence of the Great Pyramid in Egypt as one of history’s most confounding mysteries? Well, Cahokia’s pyramid dwarfs that one, both in size and in degree of difficulty. The mound contains more than 2.16 billion pounds of soil, some of which had to be carried from hundreds of miles away, to make sure the city’s giant monument was vividly colored. To put that in perspective, all 13 million people who live in the state of Illinois today would have to carry three 50-pound baskets of soil from as far away as Indiana to construct another one.

“What if we built a middle finger large enough to flip off “fill in the blank”?”

So why does Egypt get millions of dollars of tourism and Time Life documentaries dedicated to their boring old sand pyramids, while you didn’t even know about the giant blue, red, white, black, gray, brown and orange testament to engineering and human willpower just outside of St. Louis? Well, because the Egyptians know how to treat one of the Eight Wonders of the World. America, on the other hand, appears to be trying to figure out how to turn it into a parking lot.
World Pyramids
But think of all the parking!
In the realm of personal hygiene, the Europeans out-hippied the Indians by a foul smelling mile. Europeans at the time thought baths attracted the black humors, because they never washed and were amazed by the Indians’ interest in personal cleanliness. The natives, for their part, viewed Europeans as “just plain smelly”according to first hand records.
The Native Americans didn’t hate Europeans just for the clouds of awfulness they dragged around behind them. Missionaries met Indians who thought Europeans were “physically weak, sexually untrustworthy, atrociously ugly” and “possessed little intelligence in comparison to themselves.” The Europeans didn’t do much to debunk the comparison in the physical beauty department. Verrazzano, the sailor who witnessed the densely populated East Coast, called a native who boarded his ship “as beautiful in stature and build as I can possibly describe,” before presumably adding, “you know, for a dude.” This man-crush wasn’t an isolated incident. British fisherman William Wood described the Indians in New England as “more amiable to behold, though dressed only in Adam’s finery, than … an English dandy in the newest fashion.” Or, with the removed, “Better looking than any of us, and they’re not even trying.”

“Oh yeah, this is just my walkin’ around paint.”

OK, now that we got that out of the way, we can tell you about the historical slash-fiction your history teacher forgot to tell you actually freaking happened.

#4. Columbus Didn’t Discover America: Vikings vs. Indians

The Myth:

America was discovered in 1492 because Europeans were starting to get curious about the outside world thanks to the Renaissance and Enlightenment and Europeans of the time just generally being the first smart people ever. Columbus named the people who already lived there Indians, presumably because he was being charmingly self-deprecating.

“I don’t know what we’ll call the people from actual India. That’s the future’s problem.”

The Truth:

Here’s what we know. A bunch of vikings set up a successful colony in Greenland that lasted for 518 years (982-1500). To put that into perspective, the white European settlement currently known as the United States will need to wait until the year 2125 to match that longevity. The vikings spent a good portion of that time sending expeditions down south to try to settle what they called Vineland — which historians now believe was the East Coast of North America. Some place the vikings as far south as modern day North Carolina.

“The South will pillage again!”

After spending a couple decades sneaking ashore to raid Vineland of its ample wood pulp, the vikings made a go of settling North America in 1005. After landing there with livestock, supplies and between 100 and 300 settlers, they set up the first successful European American colony … for two years. And then the Native Americans kicked out of the country, shooting the head viking in the heart with an arrow.
So to recap, the vikings discovered America. They were camping off the coast of America, and had every reason to settle America for about 500 years. Despite being the biggest badasses in European history, one tangle with the natives was enough to convince the vikings that settling America wasn’t worth the trouble. If you think the pilgrims would have fared any better than the vikings against an East Coast chock-full of Native Americans, you either don’t know what a viking is or you’re placing entirely too much stock in the strategic importance of having belt buckles on your shoes.

If the Indians had been at full strength in 1640, white people might still be sneaking onto the East Coast to steal wood pulp. That’s as far as the vikings got in 500 years, and they were sailing from much closer than Europe and desperately needed the resources — the two competing theories for why the viking settlements on Greenland eventually died out are lack of resources and getting killed by natives — and, perhaps most importantly, they were vikings.
So why did your history teachers lie? This should have been history teachers’ version of dinosaurs: a mostly unknown period of violent awesomeness they nevertheless told you about because they knew it would hook every male between the ages of 5 and 12 forever.

Consider this one a freebie, Hollywood.

It turns out that many of the awesomest stories had to be paved over by the you memorized in order to protect your teachers and parents from awkward conversations. Like the one about how …

#3. Everything You Know About Columbus Is a Calculated Lie

The Myth:

Columbus discovered America thanks to a daring journey across the Atlantic. His crew was about to throw him overboard when land was spotted. Even after he landed in America, Columbus didn’t realize he’d discovered an entire continent because maps of America were far less reliable back then. In one of the great tragedies of history, Columbus went to his grave poor, believing he’d merely discovered India. Nobody really “got” America’s potential until the pilgrims showed up and successfully settled the country for the first time. Nearly 150 years might seem like a long time between trips, but boats were really slow back in those days, and they’d just learned that the Atlantic Ocean went that far.

“Pile into a tiny boat with dozens of filthy people for months on end” isn’t the world’s most attractive sales pitch.

The Truth:

First of all, Columbus wasn’t the first to cross the Atlantic. Nor were the vikings. Two Native Americans landed in Holland in 60 B.C. and were promptly not given a national holiday by anyone. Columbus didn’t see the enormous significance of his ability to cross the Atlantic because it wasn’t especially significant. His voyage wasn’t particularly difficult. They enjoyed smooth sailing, and nobody was threatening to throw him overboard. Despite what history books tell kids (and the Internet apparently believes), Columbus died wealthy, and with a pretty good idea of what he’d found — on his third voyage to America, he wrote in his journal, “I have come to believe that this is a mighty continent which was hitherto unknown.”

“Unknown” in this context means “inhabited by tens of millions.”

The myths surrounding him cover up the fact that Columbus was calculating, shrewd and as hungry for gold as the voice over guy in the Cash4Gold ads. When he couldn’t find enough of the yellow stuff to make his voyage profitable, he focused on enslaving Native Americans for profit. That’s how efficient Columbus was — he discovered America and invented American slavery in the same 15-year span.
There were plenty of unsuccessful, mostly horrible attempts to settle America between Columbus’ discovery and the pilgrims’ arrival. We only hear these two “settling of America” stories because history books and movies aren’t huge fans of what white people got up to between 1492 and 1620 in America — mostly digging for gold and eating each other.

When people talk about traditional American values, this is what they mean.

They also show us white Europeans being unable to easily defeat a native population that hadn’t yet been ravaged by plague. It wasn’t coincidence that the pilgrims settled America two years after New England was emptied of 96 percent of the Indians who lived there. According to James W. Loewen’s Lies My Teacher Told Me, that’s generally how the settling process went: The plague acted as a lead blocker for white European settlers, clearing the land of all the natives. The Europeans had superior weapons, but they also had superior guns when they tried to colonize China, India, Africa and basically every other region on the planet. When you picture Chinese or Indian or African people today, they’re not white because those lands were already inhabited when the Europeans showed up. And so was America.
American history goes to almost comical lengths to ignore that fact. For instance, if your reading comprehension was strong in middle school, you might remember the lost colony of Roanoke, where the people mysteriously disappeared, leaving behind only one cryptic clue: the word “Croatan” carved into the town post. As we’ve covered before, this is only a mystery if you are the worst detective ever. Croatan was the name of a nearby island populated by friendly Native Americans. In the years after the people of Roanoke “disappeared,” genetically impossible Native Americans with gray eyes and an “astounding” familiarity with distinctly European customs began to pop up in the tribes that moved between Croatan and Roanoke islands.

“It must be written in a cypher of some sort. Let’s just go ahead and call it alien abduction.”

#2. White Settlers Did Not Carve America Out of the Untamed Wilderness

The Myth:

The pilgrims were the first in a parade of brave settlers who pushed civilization westward along the frontier with elbow grease and sheer grizzled-old-man strength.

The Truth:

In written records from early colonial times, you constantly come across “settlers” being shocked at how convenient the American wilderness made things for them. The eastern forests, generally portrayed by great American writers as a “thick, unbroken snarl of trees” no longer existed by the time the white European settlers actually showed up. The pilgrims couldn’t believe their luck when they found that American forests just naturally contained “an ecological kaleidosocope of garden plots, blackberry rambles, pine barrens and spacious groves of chestnut, hickory and oak.”

“We have hours of weeding ahead of us, but by the grace of God, we will persevere.”

The puzzlingly obedient wilderness didn’t stop in New England. Frontiersmen who settled what is today Ohio were psyched to find that the forest there naturally grew in a way that “resembled English parks.” You could drive carriages through the untamed frontier without burning a single calorie clearing rocks, trees and shrubbery.
Whether they honestly believed they’d lucked into the 17th century equivalent of Candyland or were being willfully ignorant about how the land got so tamed, the truth about the presettled wilderness didn’t make it into the official account. It’s the same reason every extraordinarily lucky CEO of the past 100 years has written a book about leadership. It’s always a better idea to credit hard work and intelligence than to acknowledge that you just got luckier than any group of people has ever gotten in the history of the world.

“Holy crap, it’s already wired for Wi-Fi!”

Nobody’s role in settling America has been quite as overplayed as the pilgrims’. Despite famous sermons with titles like “Into the Wilderness,” the pilgrims cherry-picked Plymouth specifically because it was a recently abandoned town. After sailing up and down the coast of Cape Cod, they chose Plymouth Rock because of “its beautiful cleared fields, recently planted in corn, and its useful harbor.”
We’re always told that the pilgrims were helped by an Indian named Squanto who spoke English. How the hell did that happen? Had he taken AP English in high school? The answer to that question is the greatest story your history teachers didn’t bother to teach you. Squanto was from the town that would become Plymouth, but between being born there and the pilgrims’ arrival, he’d undergone an epic journey that puts Homer’s Odyssey to shame.

And at the end, instead of tending to his family, he had to teach white people how to bury dead fish with corn kernels.

Squanto had been kidnapped from Cape Cod as a child and sold into slavery in Spain. He escaped like the boy Maximus he was, and spent his better years hoofing it west until he hit the Atlantic Ocean. Deciding that swimming back to America would take too much time, he learned enough English to convince someone to let him hitch a ride to “the New World.” When he finally got back home, he found his town deserted. The plague had swept through two years before, taking everyone but him with it.
When the pilgrims showed up, instead of being pissed at the people from the Continent who had stolen his ability to grow up with his family, he decided that since nobody else was using it, he might as well show them how to make his town work.


“And this is the sea. I’d recommend bathing in it, because you people smell like really bad.”

This is especially charitable of him when you realize that, while the pilgrims were nicer than past settlers, they weren’t exactly sensitive to Squanto’s plight. According to a pilgrim journal from the days immediately after they arrived, they raided Indian graves for “bowls, trays, dishes and things like that. We took several of the prettiest things to carry away with us, and covered the body up again.” And yet Squanto taught them how to make it through a winter without turning to cannibalism — a landmark accomplishment for the British to that point.
Compare that to Jamestown, the first successful settlement in American history. You don’t know the name of the ship that landed there because the settlers antagonized the natives, just like the vikings who came before them. The Native Americans didn’t have to actively kill them. They just sat back and laughed as the English spent the harvest seasons digging holes for gold. The first Virginians were so desperate without a Squanto that they went from taking Indian slaves to offering themselves up as slaves to the Indians in exchange for food. Enough English managed to survive there to make Jamestown the oldest successful colonial settlement in America. But it’s hard to turn it into a religious allegory in which white people are the good guys, so we get the pilgrims instead.

If this were accurate, the settlers would be in bushes while the Indians told them which leaves were safe to wipe with.

#1. How Indians Influenced Modern America

The Myth:

After the natives helped the pilgrims get through that first winter, all playing nice disappeared until Dances with Wolves. Even the movies that do portray white people going native portray it as a shocking exception to the rule. Otherwise, the only influence the natives seem to have on the New World and the frontiersmen is giving them moving targets to shoot at, and eventually a plot outline for Avatar.

It’s pretty much just this and Kevin Costner until Wounded Knee.

The Truth:

The fake mystery of Roanoke is a pretty good key for understanding the difference between how white settlers actually felt about American Indians and how hard your history books had to ignore that reality. Settlers defecting to join native society was so common that it became a major issue for colonial leaders — think the modern immigration debate, except with all the white people risking their lives to get out of American society. According to Loewen, “Europeans were always trying to stop the outflow. Hernando De Soto had to post guards to keep his men and women from defecting to Native societies.” Pilgrims were so scared of Indian influence that they outlawed the wearing of long hair.
Ben Franklin noted that, “No European who has tasted Savage Life can afterwards bear to live in our societies.” While “always bet on black” might have been sound financial advice by the time Wesley Snipes offered it, Ben Franklin knew that for much of American history, it was equally advisable to bet on red.

“It’s this, or powdered wigs and sexual repression.”

Franklin wasn’t pointing this out as a critique of the settlers who defected — he believed that Indian societies provided greater opportunities for happiness than European cultures — and he wasn’t the only Founding Father who thought settlers could learn a thing or two from them. They didn’t dress up like Indians at the Boston Tea Party ironically. That was common protesting gear during the American revolutions.
For a hundred years after the American Revolution, none of this was a secret. Political cartoonists used Indians to represent the colonial side. Colonial soldiers dressed up like Indians when fighting the British. Documents from the time indicate that the design of the U.S. government was at least partially inspired by native tribal society. Historians think the Iroquois Confederacy had a direct influence on the U.S. Constitution, and the Senate even passed a resolution acknowledging that “the confederation of the original thirteen colonies into one republic was influenced … by the Iroquois Confederacy, as were many of the democratic principles which were incorporated into the constitution itself.”

If we’d incorporated their fashion sense, C-SPAN would be more interesting.

That wasn’t just Congress trying to get some Indian casino money. The colonists came from European countries that had spent most of their time as monarchies and much of their resources fighting religious wars with each other. They initially tried to set up the colonies exactly like Western Europe — a series of small, in-fighting nations stacked on top of each other. The idea of an overarching confederacy of different independent states was completely foreign to them. Or it would have been. But as Ben Franklin noted in a letter about the failure to integrate with one another:
“It would be a strange thing if six nations of ignorant savages should be capable of forming a scheme for such a union and be able to execute it in such a manner as that it has subsisted ages and appears insoluble; and yet that a like union should be impracticable for 10 or a dozen English colonies.”

Join, or die (or plagiarize from the Indians).

In 1987, Cornell University held a conference on the link between the Iroquois’ government and the U.S. Constitution. It was noted that the Iroquois Great Law of Peace “includes ‘freedom of speech, freedom of religion … separation of power in government and checks and balances.”
Wow, checks and balances, freedom of speech and religion. Sounds awfully familiar.
One of the strangest legacies of America’s founding is our national obsession with the apocalypse. There’s a new JJ Abrams show coming this fall called The Revolution about a post-apocalyptic America, and of course The Hunger Games. We go to a gift shop in Arizona and see dug-up Indian arrowheads, and never think “this is the same thing as the stuff laying around in Terminator or The Road or that part in The Road Warrior where the feral kid finds a music box and doesn’t know what it is.”
We love the apocalypse as long as nobody acknowledges the truth: It’s not a mythical event. We live on top of one.

Psychologists Explain 9/11 Denial Despite Hard Scientific Evidence



Below is a transcript of the key parts of the video:

Why are people resistant to looking at the hard evidence regarding 9/11?

Marti Hopper, Ph.D (Licensed Clinical Psychologist):
At this point, we have nine years of hard scientific evidence that disproves the government theory about what happened on September 11.  Yet, people continue to be either oblivious to the fact that this information exists or completely resistant to looking at this information.  So, the question becomes: Why?
Why is it that people have so much trouble hearing this information? From my work, I think we would be remiss not to look at the impact of trauma…
As we know, the horrors of what happened on 9/11 were televised all over the world. They were televised, in fact, live.  We witnessed the deaths of almost 3,000 of our fellow Americans.  We know that this had a very severe and traumatic impact on a majority of the population.   I, myself, cried for weeks after September 11.
A friend of mine, who is a psychologist in practice here in Boulder, said that her case load increased tremendously after 9/11.  People who she had not seen in ten years were coming back into her practice.
So, I think it’s safe to say that collectively, as a nation, because of what happened on September 11, we experienced trauma.

9/11 Truth Conflicts with Our Worldview, Causing Cognitive Dissonance

Frances Shure, M.A. (Licensed Professional Counselor):
Why do people resist this information – the information that shows that the official story about 9/11 cannot be true?  What I’ve learned is that, as humans, each of us has a world view.  That worldview is usually formed, in great part, by the culture that we grow up in.
When we hear information that contradicts our worldview, social psychologists call the resulting insecurity cognitive dissonance. For example, with 9/11 we have one cognition, which is the official story of 9/11 – what our government told us, what our media repeated to us over and over – that 19 Muslims attacked us.
On the other hand, we have what scientists, researchers, architects, and engineers are now beginning to tell us, which is that there is evidence that shows that the official story cannot be true.  So now, we’ve lost our sense of security.  We are starting to feel vulnerable.  Now we’re confused.

Our Psychological Defenses Kick In When Our Beliefs Are Challenged

Robert Hopper, Ph.D. (Licensed Clinical Psychologist):
9/11 truth challenges our most fundamental beliefs about our government and about our country.  When your beliefs are challenged or when two beliefs are inconsistent, cognitive dissonance is created.  9/11 truth challenges the beliefs that our country protects and keeps us safe, and that America is the good guy….
When your beliefs are challenged, fear and anxiety are created. In response to that, our psychological defenses kick in and they protect us from these emotions.  Denial, which is probably the most primitive psychological is the one most likely to kick in when our beliefs are challenged.

It’s Easier to Deny the Truth

Danielle Duperet, PhD:
America is a powerful nation.  It has never been attacked.  We were confident.  We felt secure.  And all of a sudden, that security collapsed.  People started to be fearful with all of the rumors, with all of the news.  People didn’t know what to think, which is a very, very uncomfortable state to be in.  Eventually, our mind shuts off.   Just like when a computer is overloaded, our minds get overloaded.  We can’t handle it anymore and we shut down. It’s easier to deny it and move on with our lives.
Frances Shure, M.A. (Licensed Professional Counselor):
What some will tend to do is deny the evidence that is coming our way and stick to the original story, the official story.  We try to regain our equilibrium that way. Another thing that we can do is decide to look at the conflicting evidence and be sincere and open minded, and look at both sides of the issue.  And, then make up our own mind about what reality is.

We Will Do Just About Anything to Defend our Mental and Emotional Homes

Dorthy Lorig, M.A., Counseling Psychologist:
If we can think of our worldview as sort of being our mental and emotional home, I think that all of us will do just about anything to defend our homes, to defend our families.  I see that with people.  I saw that with myself when my brother tried to talk to me about it: “Don’t mess with me. Don’t mess with my home.  Don’t mess with my comfort with how things are.”
About a week later, I read a lengthy article by professor Griffin about why he believes the official account of 9/11 cannot be true.  It was a very well researched article.  I was in my office at the time.  I sat there and felt my stomach churning. I thought that maybe I was going to be sick. And, I leaped out my chair and ran out the door and took a long walk around the block – around several blocks – and just broke down.
I understand now that my worldview about my government being in some way my protector, like a parent, had been dashed.  It was like being cast out into the wilderness. I think that is the closest way to describe that feeling.
I sobbed and I sobbed.  I felt that the ground had completely disappeared beneath my feet.  And, I knew at some point during the walk that at some point I was going to have to become active educating other people about this.  For me to retain any sense of integrity, I was going to have to take some action.  I couldn’t just let something like this go.

 9/11 Truth Challenges Our Fundamental Beliefs About the World

Robert Hopper, Ph.D. (Licensed Clinical Psychologist):
Many people respond to these truths in a very deep way.  Some have a visceral reaction like that have been punched in the stomach.  To begin to accept the responsibility that the government was involved is like opening Pandora’s Box.  If you open the lid and peak in a little bit, it’s going to challenge some of your fundamental beliefs about the world.

Initial Reactions to Hearing Contradictory Evidence about 9/11

Frances Shure, M.A. (Licensed Professional Counselor):
Following are some of those spontaneous initial reactions to hearing the contradictory evidence about 9/11:
Robert Hopper, Ph.D. (Licensed Clinical Psychologist):
I don’t want to know the truth or I will become too negative and psychologically go downhill.
I’m not sure that I want to know.  If this is true then up will be down and down will be up. My life will never be the same.
Frances Shure, M.A. (Licensed Professional Counselor):
Fran, I refuse to believe that that many Americans can be that treasonous.  Someone would have talked.

Initial Reactions are Based on BELIEFS, NOT Scientific Facts

But these are BELIEFS.  They are NOT scientific fact.  But, these beliefs do KEEP US FROM LOOKING AT THE EMPIRICAL EVIDENCE.

9/11 Truth Contradicts People’s Paradigm

David Ray Griffin, Ph.D., professor/author:
You have empirical people who will simply say: look at the evidence and if it is convincing, I will change my mind.
Other people are paradigmatic people. They have a paradigm.  They say, this is the way the world works and I am convinced that this is the way that the world works.  9/11 doesn’t fit into that paradigm.  So, I don’t have to look at the evidence.  It’s paradigmatic.
And then there is a third type of person that we often call wishful thinkers.  I call it wishful and fearful thinking.  So, they simply will not believe something that they fear to be the truth.  And, I find that to be, maybe, the most powerful factor of people rejecting 9/11 truth and not even entertaining the evidence.
Frances Shure, M.A. (Licensed Professional Counselor):

The Truth is Not Bearable

So, whenever we say “I refuse to believe”, we can be sure that the evidence that’s coming our way is not bearable and it is conflicting with our worldview much too much.
Robert Hopper, Ph.D. (Licensed Clinical Psychologist):
Denial protects people from this kind of anxiety.

A Common Emotion is Fear

Frances Shure, M.A. (Licensed Professional Counselor):
As I thought about all of these responses, I realized that what is common to every one of them is emotion of fear.  People are afraid of being ostracized, they are afraid of being alienated, they are afraid of being shunned.  They are afraid of their lives being inconvenienced – they’ll have to change their lives. They are afraid of being confused.  They are afraid of psychological deterioration.  They are afraid of feeling helpless and vulnerable.  And, they are afraid that they won’t be able to handle the feelings coming up.

When Presented with the Truth, Those in Denial Become Angry, Indignant, Offended,  and Ridicule the Messenger

None of want to feel helpless and vulnerable.  So, we want to defend ourselves.   And, the way that we often do that is with anger.  Then we become angry.  And, when we become angry, then we become indignant.  We become offended.  We want to ridicule the messenger. We want to pathologize the messenger.  And, we want to censor the messenger.

Raise Awareness with Gentle Dialogue and Gentle Questioning

Robert Hopper, Ph.D. (Licensed Clinical Psychologist)
So, how can we overcome this resistance in denial?  The first thing is to meet people where they are at.
John Freedom, M.A., Personal Development Counselor:
One thing is that we need to raise people’s awareness about this – what I would call gentle dialogue and gentle questioning…  It doesn’t work to challenge people’s beliefs or immediately tell them “I know the truth about 9/11.”  A good way is to ask open ended questions that lead to open dialogue and discussion about it.
Danielle Duperet, PhD:
One of the ways to deal with the trauma is to find the answers.  That’s why I think it is of such importance to have a comprehensive investigation.

Pride is Another Reason People Deny 9/11 Truth

Robert Griffin, Licensed Psychologist:
I believe that to become the type of country that we think we are, we have to face some of the things that are not as we think they are… Thinking that we are above such things – that it could happen in other countries, but it couldn’t happen here – that’s a lack of humility.  That’s excessive pride.  As, so not being able to see our dark side or our weaknesses is the most dangerous thing.
David Ray Griffin, Ph.D:
The observation that pride is one of the basic human flaws is absolutely correct.  This is especially true for Americans because we for a long time looked at other nations and said, “They are in such bad shape.  But, luckily we don’t have those problems.  We don’t have leaders that would do those things that were done in the Soviet Union, or done in Germany, or done in Japan… This is a type of pride that Americans have.
A feature of American history that makes particularly liable to this pride is this notion of exceptionalism – that America is the exceptional nation.  That began from the beginning as this country was formed.
People would say that there was so much evil in the European countries, so much cheating, so much lying, so much using the people for the ruler’s purposes.  But not in America! We have leaders who are free from those sins.  This has made 9/11 particularly difficult for Americans.
Robert Griffin, Licensed Psychologist:
Everyone can make mistakes.  But, our ideals and our principles get us back on track.
John Freedom, M.A., Personal Development Counselor:

9/11 is One of the Defining Issues of Our Time 

This is one of the defining issues of our time.

Questioning is Patriotic

Robert Griffin, Licensed Psychologist:
So, we need to understand that questioning is patriotic.  Questioning is what we are supposed to do.  That’s our duty.

The Real Perpetrators Must be Held Accountable

Frances Shure, M.A. (Licensed Professional Counselor):
When we come to the national level, when something like 9/11 happens, we need to be sure that we have a real investigation into who the perpetrators are.  And, then we need to make sure that those people are held legally accountable. It’s part of the healing process on an individual level and the collective level.


Ten Methods of Modern Mind Control

Nicholas West – Activist Post

The more one researches mind control, the more one will come to the conclusion that there is a coordinated script that has been in place for a very long time with the goal to turn the human race into non-thinking automatons.

For as long as man has pursued power over the masses, mind control has been orchestrated by those who study human behavior in order to bend large populations to the will of a small “elite” group.

Today, we have entered a phase where mind control has taken on a physical, scientific dimension that threatens to become a permanent state if we do not become aware of the tools at the disposal of the technocratic dictatorship unfolding on a worldwide scale.

Modern mind control is both technological and psychological. Tests show that simply by exposing the methods of mind control, the effects can be reduced or eliminated, at least for mind control advertising and propaganda. More difficult to counter are the physical intrusions, which the military-industrial complex continues to develop and improve upon.

1. Education – This is the most obvious, yet still remains the most insidious. It has always been a would-be dictator’s ultimate fantasy to “educate” naturally impressionable children, thus it has been a central component to Communist and Fascist tyrannies throughout history. No one has been more instrumental in exposing the agenda of modern education than Charlotte Iserbyt — one can begin research into this area by downloading a free PDF of her book, The Deliberate Dumbing Down of America, which lays bare the role of Globalist foundations in shaping a future intended to produce servile drones lorded over by a fully educated, aware elite class.

2. Advertising and Propaganda – Edward Bernays has been cited as the inventor of the consumerist culture that was designed primarily to target people’s self-image (or lack thereof) in order to turn a want into a need. This was initially envisioned for products such as cigarettes, for example. However, Bernays also noted in his 1928 book, Propaganda, that “propaganda is the executive arm of the invisible government.” This can be seen most clearly in the modern police state and the growing citizen snitch culture, wrapped up in the pseudo-patriotic War on Terror. The increasing consolidation of media has enabled the entire corporate structure to merge with government, which now utilizes the concept of propaganda placement.  Media; print, movies, television, and cable news can now work seamlessly to integrate an overall message which seems to have the ring of truth because it comes from so many sources, simultaneously. When one becomes attuned to identifying the main “message,” one will see this imprinting everywhere. And this is not even to mention subliminal messaging.

3. Predictive Programming – Many still deny that predictive programming is real.  I would invite anyone to examine the range of documentation put together by Alan Watt and come to any other conclusion. Predictive programming has its origins in predominately elitist Hollywood, where the big screen can offer a big vision of where society is headed. Just look back at the books and movies which you thought were far-fetched, or “science fiction” and take a close look around at society today. For a detailed breakdown of specific examples, Vigilant Citizen is a great resource that will probably make you look at “entertainment” in a completely different light.

4. Sports, Politics, Religion – Some might take offense at seeing religion, or even politics, put alongside sports as a method of mind control. The central theme is the same throughout: divide and conquer. The techniques are quite simple: short circuit the natural tendency of people to cooperate for their survival, and teach them to form teams bent on domination and winning. Sports has always had a role as a key distraction that corrals tribal tendencies into a non-important event, which in modern America has reached ridiculous proportions where protests will break out over a sport celebrity leaving their city, but essential human issues such as liberty are giggled away as inconsequential. Political discourse is strictly in a left-right paradigm of easily controlled opposition, while religion is the backdrop of nearly every war throughout history.

5. Food, Water, and Air – Additives, toxins, and other food poisons literally alter brain chemistry to create docility and apathy. Fluoride in drinking water has been proven to lower IQ; Aspartame and MSG are excitotoxins which excite brain cells until they die; and easy access to the fast food that contains these poisons generally has created a population that lacks focus and motivation for any type of active lifestyle. Most of the modern world is perfectly groomed for passive receptiveness — and acceptance — of the dictatorial elite.  And if you choose to diligently watch your diet, they are fully prepared to spray the population from the above.

6. Drugs – This can be any addictive substance, but the mission of mind controllers is to be sure you are addicted to something. One major arm of the modern mind control agenda is psychiatry, which aims to define all people by their disorders, as opposed to their human potential. This was foreshadowed in books such as Brave New World. Today, it has been taken to even further extremes as a medical tyranny has taken hold where nearly everyone has some sort of disorder — particularly those who question authority. The use of nerve drugs in the military has led to record numbers of suicides. Worst of all, the modern drug state now has over 25% of U.S. children on mind-numbing medication.

7. Military testing – The military has a long history as the testing ground for mind control. The military mind is perhaps the most malleable, as those who pursue life in the military generally resonate to the structures of hierarchy, control, and the need for unchallenged obedience to a mission. For the increasing number of military personal questioning their indoctrination, a recent story highlighted DARPA’s plans for transcranial mind control helmets that will keep them focused.

8. Electromagnetic spectrum  – An electromagnetic soup envelops us all, charged by modern devices of convenience which have been shown to have a direct impact on brain function.  In a tacit admission of what is possible, one researcher has been working with a “god helmet” to induce visions by altering the electromagnetic field of the brain. Our modern soup has us passively bathed by potentially mind-altering waves, while a wide range of possibilities such as cell phone towers is now available to the would-be mind controller for more direct intervention.

9. Television, Computer, and “flicker rate”– It’s bad enough that what is “programmed” on your TV (accessed via remote “control”) is engineered; it is all made easier by literally lulling you to sleep, making it a psycho-social weapon.  Flicker rate tests show that alpha brain waves are altered, producing a type of hypnosis — which doesn’t portend well for the latest revelation that lights can transmit coded Internet data by “flickering faster than the eye can see.” The computer’s flicker rate is less, but through video games, social networks, and a basic structure which overloads the brain with information, the rapid pace of modern communication induces an ADHD state. A study of video games revealed that extended play can result in lower blood flow to the brain, sapping emotional control. Furthermore, role-playing games of lifelike war and police state scenarios serve to desensitize a connection to reality. One look at the WikiLeaks video Collateral Murder should be familiar to anyone who has seen a game like Call of Duty.

10. Nanobots – From science fiction horror, directly to the modern brain; the nanobots are on the way. Direct brain modification already has been packaged as “neuroengineering.” A  Wired article from early 2009 highlighted that direct brain manipulation via fiber optics is a bit messy, but once installed “it could make someone happy with the press of a button.”  Nanobots take the process to an automated level, rewiring the brain molecule by molecule.  Worse, these mini droids can self-replicate, forcing one to wonder how this genie would ever get back in the bottle once unleashed. Expected date of arrival?  Early 2020s.

A concerted effort is underway to manage and predict human behavior so that the social scientists and the dictatorial elite can control the masses and protect themselves from the fallout of a fully awake free humanity. Only by waking up to their attempts to put us to sleep do we stand a chance of preserving our free will.

Article Source – Activist Post

The War You Don’t See (2010) (Sub español) HD

This is the story about a film which none of us were supposed to see. Not because the film wasn’t up to professional journalistic standards, or that it was of poor quality. It was neither of those. Against the odds and the establishment-owned international media syndicate, award-winning filmmaker and journalist John Pilger reveals one of the most damning indictments of American and British mainstream media. The content of this timeless film is stunning, and shows beyond any reasonable doubt, that our media are not only complicit in advancing conflict around the globe, but are actively engaged in pushing it on behalf of those who seek to profit from international conflagrations.

Documentary from John Pilger, laureate reporter with more than 25 documentaries, 11 books and countless articles published in media such as The Guardian, Daily Mirror, The New York Times, The Los Angeles Times, among others … The War You Don’t See, is a work that follows the influence of the media in shaping public opinion and how governments can manipulate it to benefit their own political agenda …

It’s a full length movie, but it is REALLY informing and well made. PLEASE bookmark to watch when you have the time, you won’t be disappointed!

Everything Is A Lie: The Deliberate Intent To Deceive People Is At An All Time High

You might think that it’s not important to question EVERYTHING. Where would it end, right? But, as human beings, our very existence depends on the accuracy of the information we rely upon. So, ask yourself – would you rather live AND die based on lies or on truth?


From pollution to politics, the era of deception and duplicity has reached new heights and hijacked almost every form of media in the world. In the last frontiers for truth such as the internet, disinformation operations are in full swing to discredit and destroy any semblance of authentic and factual information available to the public.

How many more lies will people around the world accept as truth? Some say a global awakening is taking place, but at what cost? Will it take the destruction of most of the earth and its resources before people are enlightened?

The escalating media and political reports are so far fetched, cunning, and so beyond reality, it’s as if each is trying to top the other with one sinister plot after the next. To demonstrate the outright lies by national governments and the media, let’s take three examples from the last year alone, including the H1N1 scandal, airport body scanners and the BP oil disaster.

The H1N1 Scandal

Last year, the H1N1 scandal reached its pinnacle in the fall of 2009 when the world united on the internet with a consensus and practical understanding of the World Health Organization’s orchestratration to deceive the masses. From radio, internet, television, newspapers, magazines, outdoor posters, signage and promotions, you could not escape the flu hype campaigns so diligently pursued by all the malicious agendas at play who only wanted one thing – to promote a dangerous H1N1 vaccine. After hundreds of reports exposed the criminal activity by all levels of government, we left the same people in power to do it all over again.

According to preliminary reports, another round of pandemic vaccine campaigns are scheduled for the 2010/2011 season and they’re already underway. However, there appears to be a recombination that has changed the H1N1 lab created virus into a more lethal form and it is not a hoax, but it may be yet another CDC lab experiment.

The CDC has recently issued a Health Advisory in connection with two summer outbreaks of H3N2 in Iowa. Other reports from Russia and India indicate that a real epidemic may be upon us if the virus steadily recombines and acquires new genetics. Even though a new strain may have accidentally evolved in eggs, reassortment of H1N1-H5N1 has been a legitimate concern for years. The WHO first suggested the reassortment of H1N1-H5N1 in 2004.

If this is really the case, how will the public react after all the lies from health agencies who have sworn to protect us? Will they hype another vaccine and if so, will the public even respond?

Body Scanners

They’ve been approved all over the world and marketed as the next greatest airport scanning technology. The U.S., U.K., Russia, Australia, Europe and Canada have all installed airport body scanners which have potentially devastating health effects.

Many of these scanners are reportedly using terahertz (THz) waves, the radiation that fills the slot in the electromagnetic spectrum between microwaves and infrared. Evidence suggests that although the forces generated are tiny, resonant effects allow THz waves to unzip double-stranded DNA, creating bubbles in the double strand that could significantly interfere with processes such as gene expression and DNA replication.

As the path toward rolling out wider use of whole-body scanners in U.S. airports ran through the White House, Obama expedited their deployment because the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) and Transportation Security Administration (TSA) didn’t need legislation from Congress to start using the devices at any of the 560 U.S. airports.

The White House ignored all the scientific evidence presented which suggested negative health effects. Politicians and regulatory agencies then covered up the bad publicity on naked body scanners and focused on the presumed benefits under the guise of public safety.

Privacy commisioners and airport authorities have also insisted that there were no risks of images being stored or personal details being revealed to security screeners. Now there’s new evidence to show that the scanners can do just that.

According to a CNET report, another federal agency, the U.S. Marshall’s service, admitted that it had actually stored over 30,000 images recorded by a full-body scanner used at a Florida courthouse.

A watchdog group called the Electronic Privacy Information Center (EPIC) obtained over 100 of the images and states on its web site that, “The images, which are routinely captured by the federal agency, prove that body scanning devices store and record images of individuals stripped naked.” The group has filed a lawsuit to suspend the deployment of body scanners at airports.

EPIC also discovered that the TSA actually specified to manufacturers that the machines have the ability to send and store images. The TSA says that these functions are only for testing and training and insists on its web site that the airport body scanners are delivered to airports with storage and recording functions disabled.

Again, the upper levels of the echelon are caught lying and deceiving, yet they are still left to their own devices to further manipulate and continue misrepresenting facts to the gullible public.

BP Oil Disaster

When news unfolded about the April 20, 2010 BP oil disaster, it went from bad to worse. Instead of immediately mobilizing for action in the face of a massive public health threat, the response was to cover-up, deny and respond with ignorance. After all the public will always believe them, or so they thought.

The Obama administration, Interior Secretary Ken Salazar, U.S. Coast Guard commandant admiral Thad Allen, energy and climate-change policy adviser Carol Browner, BP and all their contituents conspired to deliberately mislead the public from the inception of the disaster to present day. What’s worse is they all agreed to further disseminate toxins in the Gulf by spraying 1.8 to 2 million gallons of the neurotoxin Corexit which was exposed by over a hundred scientists, toxicologists and other experts who have unequivocally classified the irresponsible aerial spraying of the chemical dispersant as a large-scale, uncontrolled non-consensual human and environmental experiment is being conducted in the Gulf region.

The media was grossly censoring the extent of the devastation in the Gulf. The poisons–oil and corexit are destined to spread globally, but honest reporting was and still is restricted, and many independent investigators have been arrested. Read 30 Facts Evidencing that The Gulf Oil Crisis Was Planned.

On June 12, 2010, The Institute of Atmospheric Sciences and Climate (ISAC) released “Risk of Global Climate Change By BP Oil Spill“, a document detailing how the BP spill may cause irreparable damage to the Gulf Stream global climate thermoregulation activity. Read Gulf Loop Current Destroyed: May Lead To Shut Down of Atlantic Thermoregulation, Rapid Cooling.

According to Dr. Gianluigi Zangari, an Italian theoretical physicist, and major complex and chaotic systems analyst at the Frascati National Laboratories in Italy, the Loop Current in the Gulf of Mexico has stalled as a consequence of the BP oil spill disaster. Zangari notes that the effects of this stall have also begun to spread to the Gulf Stream. This is because the Loop Current is a crucial element of the Gulf Stream itself and why it is commonly referred to as the “main engine” of the Stream.

The concern now, is whether or not natural processes can re-establish the stalled Loop Current. If not, we could begin to see global crop failures as early as 2011.

Zangari’s assessment is based on daily monitoring of real-time data oceanographic satellite public data feeds called “Real-Time Mesoscale Altimetry” from the Jason, Topex/Poseidon, Geosat, Follow-On, ERS-2 and Envisat satellites.

These satellite feeds are captured and made publicly available by NASA, NOAA and by the Colorado Center for Astrodynamics Research (CCAR) at the University of Colorado at Boulder.

The CCAR is now being accused of scientific fraud and tampering of data directly associated with the events surrounding the Loop Current phenomenon and its current anomalies. Various reporters have spear-headed the charge including radio personality Dr. Bill Deagle who has featured Dr. Zangari on his radio show The Nutrimedical Report where he detailed the events leading up to the destruction of the Loop Current in the Gulf.

Dr. Zangari has stated that he will no longer use CCAR data due to its unreliability.

Organized and Professional Disinformation Operations

Well-funded and highly-organized disinformation operations are in full-swing throughout the internet. From forums to comment boards and even professional websites that have only one purpose: Defame, distract, and destroy the truth.

However organized, the tactics are very predictable in a world filled with lies and half-truths. This, sadly, includes every day news media, one of the worst offenders with respect to being a source of disinformation.

Disinformation campaigns are launched against those seeking to uncover and expose the truth and/or the conspiracy. The H1N1 scandal was a prime example of how hundreds of operations can be launched to sway opinions on the facts. For every fact-based article on the realities of the H1N1 vaccine, there were both very primitive and sophisticated counters on message boards, comment forums and hundreds of alternative and mainstream websites.

Stephen Barrett’s and supporters such as and are examples of websites which promote both synthetic and organic disinformation on almost any topic that does not concur with mainstream thought.

There are specific tactics which disinfo artists tend to apply, as H. Michael Sweeney has brilliantly detailed. Also included with this material are eight common traits of the disinfo artist which may also prove useful in identifying players and motives. The more a particular party fits the traits and is guilty of following the rules, the more likely they are a professional disinfo artist with a vested motive. People can be bought, threatened, or blackmailed into providing disinformation, so even “good guys” can be suspect in many cases.

A rational person participating as one interested in the truth will evaluate that chain of evidence and conclude either that the links are solid and conclusive, that one or more links are weak and need further development before conclusion can be arrived at, or that one or more links can be broken, usually invalidating (but not necessarily so, if parallel links already exist or can be found, or if a particular link was merely supportive, but not in itself key) the argument. The game is played by raising issues which either strengthen or weaken (preferably to the point of breaking) these links. It is the job of a disinfo artist to interfere with these evaluation… to at least make people think the links are weak or broken when, in truth, they are not… or to propose alternative solutions leading away from the truth. Often, by simply impeding and slowing down the process through disinformation tactics, a level of victory is assured because apathy increases with time and rhetoric.

It would seem true in almost every instance, that if one cannot break the chain of evidence for a given solution, revelation of truth has won out. If the chain is broken either a new link must be forged, or a whole new chain developed, or the solution is invalid an a new one must be found… but truth still wins out. There is no shame in being the creator or supporter of a failed solution, chain, or link, if done with honesty in search of the truth. This is the rational approach. While it is understandable that a person can become emotionally involved with a particular side of a given issue, it is really unimportant who wins, as long as truth wins. But the disinfo artist will seek to emotionalize and chastise any failure (real or false claims thereof), and will seek by means of intimidation to prevent discussion in general.

It is the disinfo artist and those who may pull their strings (those who stand to suffer should the crime be solved) MUST seek to prevent rational and complete examination of any chain of evidence which would hang them. Since fact and truth seldom fall on their own, they must be overcome with lies and deceit. Those who are professional in the art of lies and deceit, such as the intelligence community and the professional criminal (often the same people or at least working together), tend to apply fairly well defined and observable tools in this process. However, the public at large is not well armed against such weapons, and is often easily led astray by these time-proven tactics. Remarkably, not even media and law enforcement have NOT BEEN TRAINED to deal with these issues. For the most part, only the players themselves understand the rules of the game.

Twenty-Five Rules of Disinformation

1. Hear no evil, see no evil, speak no evil.

Regardless of what you know, don’t discuss it — especially if you are a public figure, news anchor, etc. If it’s not reported, it didn’t happen, and you never have to deal with the issues.

2. Become incredulous and indignant.

Avoid discussing key issues and instead focus on side issues which can be used to show the topic as being critical of some otherwise sacrosanct group or theme. This is also known as the ‘How dare you!’ gambit.

3. Create rumor mongers.

Avoid discussing issues by describing all charges, regardless of venue or evidence, as mere rumors and wild accusations. Other derogatory terms mutually exclusive of truth may work as well. This method works especially well with a silent press because the only way the public can learn of the facts are through such ‘arguable rumors’. If you can associate the material with the Internet, use this fact to certify it a ‘wild rumor’ from a ‘bunch of kids on the Internet’ which can have no basis in fact.

4. Use a straw man.

Find or create a seeming element of your opponent’s argument which you can easily knock down to make yourself look good and the opponent to look bad. Either make up an issue you may safely imply exists based on your interpretation of the opponent/opponent arguments/situation, or select the weakest aspect of the weakest charges. Amplify their significance and destroy them in a way which appears to debunk all the charges, real and fabricated alike, while actually avoiding discussion of the real issues.

5. Sidetrack opponents with name calling and ridicule.

This is also known as the primary ‘attack the messenger’ ploy, though other methods qualify as variants of that approach. Associate opponents with unpopular titles such as ‘kooks’, ‘right-wing’, ‘liberal’, ‘left-wing’, ‘terrorists’, ‘conspiracy buffs’, ‘radicals’, ‘militia’, ‘racists’, ‘religious fanatics’, ‘sexual deviates’, and so forth. This makes others shrink from support out of fear of gaining the same label, and you avoid dealing with issues.

6. Hit and Run.

In any public forum, make a brief attack of your opponent or the opponent position and then scamper off before an answer can be fielded, or simply ignore any answer. This works extremely well in Internet and letters-to-the-editor environments where a steady stream of new identities can be called upon without having to explain critical reasoning — simply make an accusation or other attack, never discussing issues, and never answering any subsequent response, for that would dignify the opponent’s viewpoint.

7. Question motives.

Twist or amplify any fact which could be taken to imply that the opponent operates out of a hidden personal agenda or other bias. This avoids discussing issues and forces the accuser on the defensive.

8. Invoke authority.

Claim for yourself or associate yourself with authority and present your argument with enough ‘jargon’ and ‘minutia’ to illustrate you are ‘one who knows’, and simply say it isn’t so without discussing issues or demonstrating concretely why or citing sources.

9. Play Dumb.

No matter what evidence or logical argument is offered, avoid discussing issues except with denials they have any credibility, make any sense, provide any proof, contain or make a point, have logic, or support a conclusion. Mix well for maximum effect.

10. Associate opponent charges with old news.

A derivative of the straw man — usually, in any large-scale matter of high visibility, someone will make charges early on which can be or were already easily dealt with – a kind of investment for the future should the matter not be so easily contained.) Where it can be foreseen, have your own side raise a straw man issue and have it dealt with early on as part of the initial contingency plans. Subsequent charges, regardless of validity or new ground uncovered, can usually then be associated with the original charge and dismissed as simply being a rehash without need to address current issues — so much the better where the opponent is or was involved with the original source.

11. Establish and rely upon fall-back positions.

Using a minor matter or element of the facts, take the ‘high road’ and ‘confess’ with candor that some innocent mistake, in hindsight, was made — but that opponents have seized on the opportunity to blow it all out of proportion and imply greater criminalities which, ‘just aren’t so.’ Others can reinforce this on your behalf, later, and even publicly ‘call for an end to the nonsense’ because you have already ‘done the right thing.’ Done properly, this can garner sympathy and respect for ‘coming clean’ and ‘owning up’ to your mistakes without addressing more serious issues.

12. Enigmas have no solution.

Drawing upon the overall umbrella of events surrounding the crime and the multitude of players and events, paint the entire affair as too complex to solve. This causes those otherwise following the matter to begin to lose interest more quickly without having to address the actual issues.

13. Alice in Wonderland Logic.

Avoid discussion of the issues by reasoning backwards or with an apparent deductive logic which forbears any actual material fact.

14. Demand complete solutions.

Avoid the issues by requiring opponents to solve the crime at hand completely, a ploy which works best with issues qualifying for rule 10.

15. Fit the facts to alternate conclusions.

This requires creative thinking unless the crime was planned with contingency conclusions in place.

16. Vanish evidence and witnesses.

If it does not exist, it is not fact, and you won’t have to address the issue.

17. Change the subject.

Usually in connection with one of the other ploys listed here, find a way to side-track the discussion with abrasive or controversial comments in hopes of turning attention to a new, more manageable topic. This works especially well with companions who can ‘argue’ with you over the new topic and polarize the discussion arena in order to avoid discussing more key issues.

18. Emotionalize, Antagonize, and Goad Opponents.

If you can’t do anything else, chide and taunt your opponents and draw them into emotional responses which will tend to make them look foolish and overly motivated, and generally render their material somewhat less coherent. Not only will you avoid discussing the issues in the first instance, but even if their emotional response addresses the issue, you can further avoid the issues by then focusing on how ‘sensitive they are to criticism.’

19. Ignore facts presented, demand impossible proofs.

This is perhaps a variant of the ‘play dumb’ rule. Regardless of what material may be presented by an opponent in public forums, claim the material irrelevant and demand proof that is impossible for the opponent to come by (it may exist, but not be at his disposal, or it may be something which is known to be safely destroyed or withheld, such as a murder weapon.) In order to completely avoid discussing issues, it may be required that you to categorically deny and be critical of media or books as valid sources, deny that witnesses are acceptable, or even deny that statements made by government or other authorities have any meaning or relevance.

20. False evidence.

Whenever possible, introduce new facts or clues designed and manufactured to conflict with opponent presentations — as useful tools to neutralize sensitive issues or impede resolution. This works best when the crime was designed with contingencies for the purpose, and the facts cannot be easily separated from the fabrications.

21. Call a Grand Jury, Special Prosecutor, or other empowered investigative body.

Subvert the (process) to your benefit and effectively neutralize all sensitive issues without open discussion. Once convened, the evidence and testimony are required to be secret when properly handled. For instance, if you own the prosecuting attorney, it can insure a Grand Jury hears no useful evidence and that the evidence is sealed an unavailable to subsequent investigators. Once a favorable verdict is achieved, the matter can be considered officially closed. Usually, this technique is applied to find the guilty innocent, but it can also be used to obtain charges when seeking to frame a victim.

22. Manufacture a new truth.

Create your own expert(s), group(s), author(s), leader(s) or influence existing ones willing to forge new ground via scientific, investigative, or social research or testimony which concludes favorably. In this way, if you must actually address issues, you can do so authoritatively.

23. Create bigger distractions.

If the above does not seem to be working to distract from sensitive issues, or to prevent unwanted media coverage of unstoppable events such as trials, create bigger news stories (or treat them as such) to distract the multitudes.

24. Silence critics.

If the above methods do not prevail, consider removing opponents from circulation by some definitive solution so that the need to address issues is removed entirely. This can be by their death, arrest and detention, blackmail or destruction of their character by release of blackmail information, or merely by destroying them financially, emotionally, or severely damaging their health.

25. Vanish.

If you are a key holder of secrets or otherwise overly illuminated and you think the heat is getting too hot, to avoid the issues, vacate the kitchen.

Eight Traits of the Disinformationalist

1) Avoidance

They never actually discuss issues head-on or provide constructive input, generally avoiding citation of references or credentials. Rather, they merely imply this, that, and the other. Virtually everything about their presentation implies their authority and expert knowledge in the matter without any further justification for credibility.

2) Selectivity

They tend to pick and choose opponents carefully, either applying the hit-and-run approach against mere commentators supportive of opponents, or focusing heavier attacks on key opponents who are known to directly address issues. Should a commentator become argumentative with any success, the focus will shift to include the commentator as well.

3) Coincidental

They tend to surface suddenly and somewhat coincidentally with a new controversial topic with no clear prior record of participation in general discussions in the particular public arena involved. They likewise tend to vanish once the topic is no longer of general concern. They were likely directed or elected to be there for a reason, and vanish with the reason.

4) Teamwork

They tend to operate in self-congratulatory and complementary packs or teams. Of course, this can happen naturally in any public forum, but there will likely be an ongoing pattern of frequent exchanges of this sort where professionals are involved. Sometimes one of the players will infiltrate the opponent camp to become a source for straw man or other tactics designed to dilute opponent presentation strength.

5) Anti-conspiratorial

They almost always have disdain for ‘conspiracy theorists’ and, usually, for those who in any way believe JFK was not killed by LHO. Ask yourself why, if they hold such disdain for conspiracy theorists, do they focus on defending a single topic discussed in a News Group (NG) focusing on conspiracies? One might think they would either be trying to make fools of everyone on every topic, or simply ignore the group they hold in such disdain. Or, one might more rightly conclude they have an ulterior motive for their actions in going out of their way to focus as they do.

6) Artificial Emotions

An odd kind of ‘artificial’ emotionalism and an unusually thick skin — an ability to persevere and persist even in the face of overwhelming criticism and unacceptance. This likely stems from intelligence community training that, no matter how condemning the evidence, deny everything, and never become emotionally involved or reactive. The net result for a disinfo artist is that emotions can seem artificial. Most people, if responding in anger, for instance, will express their animosity throughout their rebuttal.

But disinfo types usually have trouble maintaining the ‘image’ and are hot and cold with respect to pretended emotions and their usually more calm or unemotional communications style. It’s just a job, and they often seem unable to ‘act their role in character’ as well in a communications medium as they might be able in a real face-to-face conversation/confrontation.

You might have outright rage and indignation one moment, ho-hum the next, and more anger later — an emotional yo-yo. With respect to being thick-skinned, no amount of criticism will deter them from doing their job, and they will generally continue their old disinfo patterns without any adjustments to criticisms of how obvious it is that they play that game — where a more rational individual who truly cares what others think might seek to improve their communications style, substance, and so forth, or simply give up.

7) Inconsistent

There is also a tendency to make mistakes which betray their true self/motives. This may stem from not really knowing their topic, or it may be somewhat ‘freudian’, so to speak, in that perhaps they really root for the side of truth deep within.

I have noted that often, they will simply cite contradictory information which neutralizes itself and the author. For instance, one such player claimed to be a Navy pilot, but blamed his poor communicating skills (spelling, grammar, incoherent style) on having only a grade-school education. I’m not aware of too many Navy pilots who don’t have a college degree. Another claimed no knowledge of a particular topic/situation but later claimed first-hand knowledge of it.

8) Time Constant

There are three ways this can be seen to work, especially when the government or other empowered player is involved in a cover up operation:

  • ANY NG posting by a targeted proponent for truth can result in an IMMEDIATE response. The government and other empowered players can afford to pay people to sit there and watch for an opportunity to do some damage. SINCE DISINFO IN A NG ONLY WORKS IF THE READER SEES IT – FAST RESPONSE IS CALLED FOR, or the visitor may be swayed towards truth.
  • When dealing in more direct ways with a disinformationalist, such as email, DELAY IS CALLED FOR – there will usually be a minimum of a 48-72 hour delay. This allows a sit-down team discussion on response strategy for best effect, and even enough time to ‘get permission’ or instruction from a formal chain of command.
  • In the NG example 1) above, it will often ALSO be seen that bigger guns are drawn and fired after the same 48-72 hours delay – the team approach in play. This is especially true when the targeted truth seeker or their comments are considered more important with respect to potential to reveal truth. Thus, a serious truth sayer will be attacked twice for the same sin.

Remarkably, even media and law enforcement have NOT BEEN TRAINED to deal with these issues. For the most part, only the players themselves understand the rules of the game.

Marco Torres is a research specialist, writer and consumer advocate for healthy lifestyles. He holds degrees in Public Health and Environmental Science and is a professional speaker on topics such as disease prevention, environmental toxins and health policy.

Reference Sources 89, 152, 170, 183, 260

Source: PreventDisease.

Ayn Rand School For Tots: Notes on Psychosis In American Capitalism


I could have trashed this up by letting my emotional dislike for Ayn Rand takeover. Instead I put together a small sprinkling of notes to describe Ayn Rand. There’s much more that can and has been said about this woman, just as there’s books on Charles Manson, Ted Bundy and other psychotics.  A little research goes a long way. Ayn Rand fans have a terrible grasp on the real Ayn Rand, or they themselves suffer from the same sickness as Rand. That’s cool, even Charles Manson has fans. Why is Rand’s philosophy bad for mankind?

Conservatives keep claiming liberals want a “cradle-to-grave nanny state.” That rhetoric has distracted us from the real social re-engineering taking place all around us. The right, along with its “centrist” collaborators, is transforming our nation into a bloodless and soulless Randian State.

The Simpsons made a running joke out of Springfield’s ” Ayn Rand School for Tots,” where toddlers fend for themselves in playrooms whose signs say things like “Helping is Futile.” That’s very funny. What is happening to our country isn’t.

The Randian State is built in the morally depraved mold of right-wing über-heroine Rand, who reviled the less fortunate – and even those who tried to help them – as ” parasites,” while at the same time idolizing sociopathic killers.

That last statement isn’t rhetoric. It’s reporting. “He has the true, innate psychology of a Superman,” Rand wrote admiringly of child murderer and dismemberer William Edward Hickman. “He can never realize and feel ‘other people.’”

The Randian State’s first manifesto may have been the startling document produced by Ronald Reagan’s “blue ribbon” education commission in 1983, which proposed to use schools as factories for more effectively turning Millennials – and every generation that follows – into usable raw material for corporate production.

Remember Margaret Thatcher’s remark, “There is no such thing as society, only individuals”? That’s the sociopathic mindset in a nutshell. Of course, Thatcher added, “and their families,” an obligatory conservative feel-good trope. But as Hanauer told Chris Hayes, “These are the people who did not go to their kid’s soccer games.” In short, Thatcher was lying when she tacked on “families.” Sociopaths are like that — they lie a lot.

A psychosis is a major mental disorder. A psychopathic personality shows not a disorder of personality but rather a defect of personality, together with a set of defenses evolved around that defect. The defect relates to the most central element of the human personality: its social nature. The psychopath is simply a basically asocial or antisocial individual who has never achieved the developed nature of homo domesticus.

For those who haven’t had the great misfortune of reading “Atlas Shrugged,” the book is premised on the idea that if the world’s “creative leaders,” businessmen, innovators, artists (i.e., the “makers”) went on strike, our entire society would collapse. These strikers hide out in a utopian compound in the mountains of Colorado while the rest of us despondently wail and gnash our teeth and beg for them to once again bestow their creativity upon us.

The appeal of the Randian vision to today’s wealthy is obvious: it puts them back at the center of economic life. They long ago realized that rather than being the beneficent “makers” they had always imagined themselves to be, they were the parasitical “takers” they so despised. Their wealth, which was once a symbol that God praised their work, became an instrument for social change (Carnegie, Rockefeller) and eventually good in itself (Gates, Jobs). Social Darwinism, the idea that the economy is a “survival of the fittest” competition where the superior end up on top, exults the businessman as superior and deserving. But as Henry George noted of Herbert Spencer (the founder of Social Darwinism): “Mr. Spencer is like one who might insist that each should swim for himself in crossing a river, ignoring the fact that some had been artificially provided with corks and other artificially loaded with lead.” F. Scott Fitzgerald and Thorstein Veblen ridiculed the idea that the wealthy were in any way superior. Social Darwinism has resurged in conservative thought, supplementing the Randian vision to fortify a social order in which a minuscule proportion of society reaps its rewards.

Because the wealthy are no longer willing to use their wealth for good, they have decided to glorify the wealth itself as good.

Excerpt from Conservatives Used to Mock Ayn Rand — How Did She Become a Hero to Right-Wing Nerds Everywhere?

The growing influence on the American right of Ayn Rand, the libertarian right’s answer to Scientology’s novelist-philosopher L. Ron Hubbard, is a wonder to behold. When she died in 1982, Alissa Rosenbaum — the original name of the Russian-born novelist — was the leader of a marginal cult, the Objectivists, who had long been cast out of the mainstream American right. But the rise of Tea Party conservatism, fueled by white racial panic and zero-sum distributional conflicts in the Great Recession, has turned this minor, once-forgotten figure into an icon for a new generation of nerds who imagine themselves Nietzschean Ubermenschen oppressed by the totalitarian tyranny of the post office and the Social Security administration.

Rand-worshipers can be found in, among other places, the Republican-controlled House of Representatives. At a 2005 gathering to honor her memory, House Budget Committee Chairman Paul Ryan declared, “The reason I got involved in public service, by and large, if I had to credit one thinker, one person, it would be Ayn Rand.”

The late Gore Vidal would not have been surprised by the former Republican vice-presidential candidate’s choice of a patron saint. After all, it was Vidal who observed, in a 1961 article for Esquire:

She has a great attraction for simple people who are puzzled by organized society, who object to paying taxes, who dislike the ‘welfare’ state, who feel guilt at the thought of the suffering of others but who would like to harden their hearts. For them, she has an enticing prescription: altruism is the root of all evil, self-interest is the only good, and if you’re dumb or incompetent that’s your lookout.

Vidal might be dismissed as a biased leftist. But the late William F. Buckley Jr., the founder of post-1945 conservatism who engaged in a famous televised spat with Vidal during the 1968 Democratic convention, shared Vidal’s contempt for Ayn Rand. After her death in 1982, Buckley wrote in the New York Daily News: “She was an eloquent and persuasive anti-statist, and if only she had left it at that, but no. She had to declare that God did not exist, that altruism was despicable, that only self-interest was good and noble.” In 2003 , Buckley described his encounter with Rand’s interminable propaganda novel “Atlas Shrugged”: “I had to flog myself to read it.”

Ayn Rand and her “Objectivist” cult members never forgave Buckley for reading them out of the mainstream American right, along with the equally crackpot John Birch Society. In 1957 Buckley, then the young editor of the flagship magazine of the conservative movement, National Review, published a review of “Atlas Shrugged” by Whittaker Chambers, the ex-communist intellectual who had played a key role in exposing Alger Hiss as a Soviet spy.

Chambers titled his review ” Big Sister Is Watching You.” He wrote:

Its story is preposterous. It reports the final stages of a final conflict (locale: chiefly the United States, some indefinite years hence) between the harried ranks of free enterprise and the “looters.” These are proponents of proscriptive taxes, government ownership, Labor, etc. etc. The mischief here is that the author, dodging into fiction, nevertheless counts on your reading it as political reality. “This,” she is saying in effect, “is how things really are. These are the real issues, the real sides. Only your blindness keeps you from seeing it, which, happily, I have come to rescue you from.”

The juvenile plot of “Atlas Shrugged” is a melodramatic war between “Children of Light” and “Children of Darkness”:

The Children of Light are largely operatic caricatures. In so far as any of them suggests anything known to the business community, they resemble the occasional curmudgeon millionaire, tales about whose outrageously crude and shrewd eccentricities sometimes provide the lighter moments in Board rooms. Otherwise, the Children of Light are geniuses. One of them is named (the only smile you see will be your own): Francisco Domingo Carlos Andres Sebastian d’Anconia.

Today’s libertarian rightist radicals distinguish between “makers” and “takers.” In the flagship conservative magazine of the 1950s, Whittaker Chambers did not tolerate such crude sloganeering:

In Atlas Shrugged, all this debased inhuman riffraff is lumped as “looters.” This is a fairly inspired epithet. It enables the author to skewer on one invective word everything and everybody that she fears and hates. This spares her the plaguey business of performing one service that her fiction might have performed, namely: that of examining in human depth how so feeble a lot came to exist at all, let alone be powerful enough to be worth hating and fearing. Instead, she bundles them into one undifferentiated damnation.

Long before the historian Corey Robin made the case for the Nietzschean roots of much modern libertarianism, Chambers detected Nietzsche’s influence on the author of “Atlas Shrugged”:

Miss Rand acknowledges a grudging debt to one, and only one, earlier philosopher: Aristotle. I submit that she is indebted, and much more heavily, to Nietzsche. Just as her operatic businessmen are, in fact, Nietzschean supermen, so her ulcerous leftists are Nietzsche’s “last men,” both deformed in a way to sicken the fastidious recluse of Sils Maria. And much else comes, consciously or not, from the same source.

Chambers concluded that despite all her talk about individualism and liberty, Rand was driven by a romantic and illiberal vision in which a heroic minority of superhuman geniuses would remake a corrupt society from top to bottom:

One Big Brother is, of course, a socializing elite (as we know, several cut-rate brands are on the shelves). Miss Rand, as the enemy of any socializing force, calls in a Big Brother of her own contriving to do battle with the other. In the name of free enterprise, therefore, she plumps for a technocratic elite (I find no more inclusive word than technocratic to bracket the industrial-financial-engineering caste she seems to have in mind).

Chambers did not live to see one of Ayn Rand’s early disciples, Alan Greenspan, become chairman of the Federal Reserve, the ultimate technocrat of the financial caste, if not of industrialists and engineers.

Rand’s conceited Nietzschean elitism was shared by another libertarian hero, Friedrich von Hayek, who wrote to Rand: “You have the courage to tell the masses what no politician told them: you are inferior and all the improvements in your conditions which you simply take for granted you owe to the efforts of men who are better than you.” ( Hayek later confessed that he was defeated by “Atlas Shrugged”: “Although I tried seriously to read the book, I failed, because there was no romance in it. I tried even more diligently to read that fellow John Galt’s hundred-page declaration of independence, and I knew I’d be questioned on all that, but I just couldn’t get through it.”)

The mentality of Ayn Rand, as described by Chambers back in 1957 in the pages of the leading conservative magazine, is remarkably similar to the mentality of the Tea Party right that seeks to sabotage government (as Rand’s heroes sabotage the economy), no matter the consequences for the nation:

In addition, the mind which finds this tone natural to it shares other characteristics of its type. 1) It consistently mistakes raw force for strength, and the rawer the force, the more reverent the posture of the mind before it. 2) It supposes itself to be the bringer of a final revelation. Therefore, resistance to the Message cannot be tolerated because disagreement can never be merely honest, prudent, or just humanly fallible. Dissent from revelation so final (because, the author would say, so reasonable) can only be willfully wicked.

What should we conclude from the fact that Ayn Rand’s works are admired by 21st century American rightists like Paul Ryan who have forgotten, if they ever knew about, sophisticated conservative intellectuals like Chambers and Buckley? Gore Vidal’s comments in 1961 seem chillingly prescient in 2014immorality:

Ayn Rand’s ‘philosophy’ is nearly perfect in its immorality, which makes the size of her audience all the more ominous and symptomatic as we enter a curious new phase in our society. Moral values are in flux. The muddy depths are being stirred by new monsters and witches from the deep. Trolls walk the American night. Caesars are stirring in the Forum. There are storm warnings ahead.

Disconnecting from the Matrix and Reconnecting with Consciousness


We do not need solutions to the ills of the world. We need to remove the cause of the problem and that is ignorance and arrogance. These are inseparable partners in the war on human awareness and innate intelligence. The stupidity of ignorance can only survive through the blindness of arrogance. They need each other for their mutual prosperity.

Einstein said: “The one who follows the crowd will usually get no further than the crowd. The one who walks alone, is likely to find himself in places no one has ever been.” Following the crowd is how we got up this creek with the paddle missing and to remove the cause of the problem we need a mass awakening of Mind to Consciousness, limitation to All Possibility. There are no limits to possibility, only asense of the possible. We impose that on ourselves – thus we can also set ourselves free of such debilitating restriction.

Da Vinci said: ‘The greatest deception men suffer is from their own opinions.’ Yes and what are opinions? They are only the result of personal background, prejudice and access to perceived knowledge, and yet they seamlessly morph into solidified ‘fact’. Most of science and almost all public perception of ‘fact’ is little more than opinion and assumption repeated into general acceptance. There is no way we can prevent what is planned for humanity unless the blinkers of belief are cast aside and the power of information and insight dictates our sense of reality instead of programmed perception. We can’t change the world until we change ourselves because the world is a collective expression of the human totality. You can have all the protest marches and demonstrations that you like, but without an expansion of awareness we will stay on the hamster wheel made possible only by programmed ignorance.

Currently, the vast majority of people are the victims of their own myopia and cannot see beyond their race, culture, religion, job, political preference, sexuality and societal programming. The few – though fast growing in number – see all this as an irrelevant diversion from the big picture of global control and abuse of all races, cultures, religions, jobs, political preferences, sexualities and societal programs. They also see it as a diversion from the even greater truth that we are all ONE Awareness having different experiences.

This is Da Vinci’s point that humanity must learn to see and realize that everything connects to everything else. To the majority, a distorted perception based upon ignorance is the only truth, and knowledge and awareness is a heresy. Knowledge and awareness is dangerous to all authority because by definition it means that people are connecting the dots and seeing what they really are when connected together. Once the picture comes into focus all aspects of authority and the belief systems on which it stands come crashing down in an explosion of life-changing insight. If you are a cog, but see yourself and the other cogs as individuals doing your own thing, you will never see what is really going on. But once you see the machine then your perception is immediately transformed and the true nature of your daily existence becomes blindingly obvious.

Education, science, medicine, politics and media are all founded on a belief in the known. The known is basically the holographic realm of what is called the physical world, and the unknown is the unseen infinity of waveform information and pure consciousness from which the holographic illusion is decoded and made manifest. The known is the domain of the five senses – can I see it, hear it, touch it, taste it or smell it? These questions therefore become the arbiters of perceived existence or non-existence. Education is about teaching the known to the next generation of programmed ‘knowers’ while academics, scientists and doctors are looked upon in awe because they are perceived to know more than others about the known. But what is this ‘known’? It is what they believe is known, what they have been told is known and nothing more. It was known that the Earth was flat and this ‘known’ was preached and imposed upon generations galore in the great centres of alleged ‘education’; but it was wrong all the same. The known is only ‘I believe it is known’ but it is the very foundation of human society. You can only truly learn by uncovering the unknown. Everything else is repeating.

When your job, status and even sense of self and security come from the known there is a built-in incentive to ignore or trash the unknown. The known fears the unknown because the more the unknown reveals its secrets the more the known loses its omnipotence and dominance of perception. How funny this is when what is perceived as the known is only a decoded figment of the unknown’s imagination. The dream is the dreamer but can only see the dream. The known is the unknown but can only see the known. This ‘known’, the holographic illusion, is where people invent and worship their beliefs while the realms of waveform and pure Consciousness connect everything as One. The control system demands for its very survival that the mentality of ignorance be constantly maintained and so ‘visionaries’ have always been sought out and targeted by the authorities of the day. True visionaries are so immensely threatening to the prevailing order which needs to lasso human perception and tie it to the hologram.

These are some definitions of ‘normal’:

• Conforming with, adhering to, or constituting a norm, standard, pattern, level, or type; typical.
• Relating to or characterized by average intelligence or development.
• Free from mental illness; sane.

So ‘normal’ is conforming to a standard or typical pattern. But what dictates and constitutes ‘standard and typical’? The perceptions and behaviour of the majority. It is the majority’s perceptions and behaviour that become the standard and typical ‘normal’. The term is also ‘characterised by average intelligence or development’ and so to be above average intelligence makes you abnormal. And here’s the punch line … to be normal is to be ‘free from mental illness; sane’. Everything is inverted as usual. To be free from mental illness and sane is to conform with, adhere to, or constitute a norm, standard, pattern, level or type; typical; and to relate or be characterised by average intelligence or development. But how do they define average intelligence or development? It is the average compared with all the others who believe only in the perceived known. Those that see beyond the ‘known’ are, by definition, too intelligent to be considered ‘normal’, but not normal enough to be considered ‘free from mental illness; sane’. It’s hysterical.

If you are born into a madhouse, and you know nothing else, then madness to you is normal. It is still crazy, but it’s normal crazy masquerading as sanity. Welcome to Planet Earth, a standard, typical, normal, madhouse where civilians are bombed to protect them from violence, children starve in a world of plenty, people borrow money that doesn’t exist and pay interest on it, food is a form of poison and the inmates can’t see how comprehensively they are been shafted because they are too busy following their football team and watching Eastenders and X Factor. To grasp what is really going on here we have to disconnect the terms ‘sane’ and ‘normal’ because they are not at all interchangeable; and we have to realize that what is termed ‘normal’ is an advanced form of insanity. Once people get that, everything makes sense and falls into place. Don’t try to make sense of the world on the basis that the world is sane and therefore try to work out why intelligent people would make decisions that cause daily death, destruction, suffering and deprivation. The people making those decisions are mad and demented, and that is why their actions are mad and demented. Those tracts of the population that support those actions and can make rational sense of them are an extension of the same madness and dementia. It is simple cause and effect. The world is mad because those running the world and much of the population are in a state of madness. The point is, though, that they don’t have to be.

Madness is only extreme myopia and ignorance and both are the creation of a closed and padlocked mind. Open your mind beyond myopia and ignorance and this madness will take care of itself. Gone. This process is far simpler than people believe (what you believe you perceive and what you perceive you experience). It means only to open your sense of the possible to All Possibility. Most people have a belief system and anything outside of that must prove itself (on their terms) to be possible. In other words, All Possibility is constantly on trial with the belief system as the judge. How about taking All Possibility as the norm and making anything that speaks of the impossible justify itself? Running a mile in four minutes was considered impossible until someone did it by a fraction and then many others followed in the knowledge – the belief – that it could be done. Humanity’s sense of the possible and obsession with the impossible are the greatest enslavers of real progress.

The foundation of any challenge to control must be, has to be and cannot be anything else but the opening and awakening of Mind to Consciousness outside the Matrix. Without that we should go home and do what we can to prepare for the inevitable extremes of the tyranny that is heading our way so quickly. People can stockpile all the weapons they like, organise all the protests they like and attack the Control System all they like, but in the end it won’t matter. The Control System is what it is and what it is becoming because the mass of humanity is trapped in the perceptions of Mind. The controllers are mind parasites, after all. But they cannot parasitize, manipulate and programme Consciousness because it is well out of their range. Believers in religion, politics and mainstream science are all underpinning the Control System agenda by falling for their game – their mind game.

The character in the Matrix trilogy, called the Trainman, said of his domain:

‘You don’t get it. I built this place. Down here I make the rules. Down here I make the threats. Down here, I’m God.’

It was in these terms that the Gnostics described our world in relation to the Demiurge and the Archons. When you are entrapped in the five senses, and their associated mind, your perception of reality is what the Archons tell you it is. The Control System can only have any effect in the realm of the mind and the ‘physical’ senses. Once you open to All Possibility, your point of attention – of perception – expands into the realms of Consciousness. From there the game is so easy to understand, but without that understanding how can anyone make an informed and effective judgement on how to respond to the global situation that we face?

Self-identity is the key to everything. You are the All That Is, All-Knowing, All Possibility. But your attention is currently focused on a tiny range of frequency called visible light and that focus is given names and labels like John and Amy, Caucasian and Jew, rich and poor.

So which ‘you’ are you going to identify with? Do you self-identify with what you really are or only with what you are experiencing? John and Amy, Caucasian and Jew, rich and poor are all figments of the illusion and if that is your only self-identity then the Matrix rules your perception because you have no other point of reference for what is happening to you and the world. Your life this far has been dictated by who you thought you were. Change what you think you are and you will change what you perceive and experience. Together we will change what we all perceive and experience. There is no way out of where we are unless there is a transformation of our sense of self from the self-identity that put us where we are.

The more you move your point of attention to the heart the more our suicidal society becomes self-evident. The Archons have transformed a heart society into a gut society to make humanity easy to scam, manipulate and control. In the spirit of removing the cause of the problem we have to change it back again. The heart and associated heart vortex, or chakra, are our prime connection to the infinite forever. The brain is supposed to be its servant not its master, but the Archon hijack could not have got anywhere close to where it is without the brain usurping the pre-eminence of the heart.

Giordano Bruno (1548-1600) had the insight that comes from going beyond time and saw through the official version of reality. It was Bruno who said: ‘the Divine Light is always in man, presenting itself to the senses and to the comprehension, but man rejects it’ and ‘heroic love is the property of those superior natures who are called insane, not because they do not know, but because they over-know’. The known fears the unknown. What Bruno, Da Vinci and others tapped into for their insight may always have been there, but it can only be accessed by opening the mind and crucially the heart. This is the gift of heart intelligence. The heart views everything from outside the illusion. It is in this world, but not of it. As a result, people with heart intelligence are seen as crazy and impossible to fathom or understand.

The brain is not the source of anything. It is the conduit, the biological computer system, which responds to information stimuli and makes it conscious in terms of five-sense perception and behaviour. Different areas of the brain become activated, or ‘light up’, when energetic information is received that relates to a specific role in decoding and communicating information to the holographic conscious mind. The information can come from the heart and the greater Consciousness (what some call the soul), or it can come from direct Archontic possession and the endless Archontic programs such as education, science, medicine, media, politics etc. Once you open yourself to heart intelligence – innate intelligence,universal intelligence – the ‘opposition’ is routed and the heart and brain speak as one.

The Archons target the heart vortex in the way they have structured society and lock people into the emotional chakra in the gut. Positive feelings and perceptions like love and joy (high frequency) come from the belly. The idea is to block the influence of the heart by giving people so many reasons to feel fear, anxiety, stress and depression. Stress causes heart disease because it stems the flow of energy through the heart chakra and causes it to form a chaotic field that becomes more intense the longer the stress continues. This distortion is transferred through to the holographic heart and there you have the reason why in a fearful and stressed society that heart disease is a mass global killer.

The heart vortex and its massive electromagnetic field is where human perception has been most effectively hijacked and we need to reverse that. Nothing is more important than this for those who truly want to free themselves from Archontic tyranny. If people think they can meet this challenge with anger, hatred or violent revolution they should feel free to waste their time. No shift from gut to heart = global tyranny. Shift from gut to heart = game over. It is possible to override and bypass the brain altogether and in fact this must be done to go beyond ‘time and space’. This is what Da Vinci, Bruno and others were doing.

Normally information enters what we call the conscious mind through the brain with all the potential interference, blocks and filters caused by belief, emotion and other programming. But if you move your point of attention from the body out into the infinity beyond the Matrix you can make a direct connection between expanded insight and your own awareness. The ‘cavalry’ hasn’t come to you – you have gone to the ‘cavalry’. With the insight absorbed by your expanded point of attention you can bring that back to five-sense reality through the heart as intuitive knowing and not as mere thought which is routed through the brain. This is how we can tap into infinite insight and inspired knowing and bring it through into this reality in a pure and untarnished form.

About the Author

Julian Websdale is an independent researcher in the fields of esoteric science and metaphysics, and a self-initiate of the Western Esoteric Tradition. His interest in these subjects began in 1988. Julian was born in England, received his education as an electronic and computer engineer from the University of Bolton, served in a Vaishnava monastery during 2010, and has travelled to over 21 countries. Julian is also a member of the Palestinian Solidarity Campaign.

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Icke, D. (2013). The Perception Deception. Ryde: David Icke Books.

This article is offered under Creative Commons license. It’s okay to republish it anywhere as long as attribution bio is included and all links remain intact.

How To Deprogram Yourself


Society has undergone a mass brainwashing and it is time for us to deprogram ourselves in order to be completely immersed in the evolution of consciousness.

1. Religion

If a UFO were to land in your backyard tonight, I promise the ET will not have either a bible or money.  Religion has been the longest running form of mind control on the planet and has served to not only keep us separated, but to depopulate the world through numerous wars, Inquisitions and Crusades in the name of “God”.

What religion does not teach us is that we are powerful, spiritual beings without them.

In the next few months or years, we can look forward to religion’s next form of mind control as they admit to the presence of extraterrestrial beings.  This, of course, will not fall into the bible’s timeline, unless they try to convince their followers that the ET’s have only been around for the last 6,000 years as well.  If that were true, then why are they so much more advanced than we are if they are able to travel light years to visit us?

The real truth is that the bible is just a story to keep you living in subservience, control and conformity, the same template as every government.

Solution: Ask lots of questions and go within for answers.  It is time to take control of your own life instead of giving your energy and power away to others.

2. Money

How To Deprogram Yourself | In5D.comWhen you find religion, you find money as these two tenets in life are married to one another. Within these two entities, you’ll also find their bastard stepchild, government as all 3 are perpetually tied to each other.

I often ask people, “If there was no such thing as money, then what would you be doing with your life?”  This will give you an idea of what your life purpose should be if you were not influenced by the almighty dollar.

While money can simply be viewed as another form of energy, neither positive or negative, it also takes us away from our true, natural selves along with what is truly important in our lives.

We are all economic slaves to the system.  How many of us work 40+ hours a week only to find ourselves so drained at the end of the day that we don’t want to do anything other than relax and watch TV?

That means that you are working 40+ hours so you can enjoy yourself for the weekend.  In essence, you are an economic slave for 5 days to the corporations in exchange for 2 days to yourself.  Does this sound fair?  And how are you spending these two days?  Are you helping to make this world a better place or are you simply recharging your batteries so you can go back to being a slave to these corporations who drained your battery in the first place?

Solution: We live in a society that relies on money for existence.  Some people are able to get off the grid completely but they are few and far between.  Find whatever it is that truly makes you happy, then find ways to make a living doing it.  There may be a time when you have to work your current job while building a new career, but in the end, you’ll find that working for yourself is much more gratifying than working some job that you hate for a boss who is an a*hole.

Also, stop supporting these companies that keep us living as economic slaves.  Buy local.

3. Nature

Everything that man has done has contributed to the degradation of nature as we have polluted our food, skies and water supplies.  Nature was much better off without us.

Despite our ways, nature provides an outlet and an opportunity to connect with what is important in life because without nature, we do not exist, period.

Solution: Take to time to connect with nature.  Go out for a long walk in the woods or at the beach.  Listen. Stargaze. Find that inner peace that nature provides.  This is much more enriching than wasting your time watching TV.

4. TV

Along with religion, this is one of the biggest mind control venues out there.  How many times have How To Deprogram Yourself | In5D.comyou ever felt good after watching the news?  If you trace who owns the mainstream media in the United States (TV, newspapers, radio stations, magazines, etc…) you’ll find that there are only 6 people at the top of the chain and all have Zionist ties, so what are the chances that your news is “fair and unbiased”?

Do you enjoy being (literally) programmed into what you should eat, wear, drink, etc… through the commercials?

This is why we never see an introverted person on TV ads because it shows the wrong message to those in power as they discourage people from looking within.  Every ad shows some extrovert with his or her group of friends living the fictitious life that you should be living (through their eyes). And these people have above average looks and portray success, which subconsciously tell us that we are not good enough the way we are and if we want to be successful, beautiful and have friends like them, then we need to purchase whatever product they are selling.  Does this sound ridiculous?  It is, yet many people fall for this ploy, otherwise the commercial would not exist.

Solution: Stop watching TV.  If you cannot do this, then record educational programs and skip through the commercials.

5. Meditate

The biggest excuse people say when asked why they do not meditate is, “I don’t have the time” yet these same people will waste hours watching their favorite TV shows.

Another excuse is, “I can’t clear my mind.”

There are many different forms of meditation and in time, you will be able to meditate at a crowded beach or swimming pool if you really wanted to.

There are many physiological, psychological and spiritual benefits to meditating.  (see 100 Benefits of Meditation)

Meditation allows you to connect to your higher self while giving you clarity and insight to your direction and purpose for being here.  This is why our senses are over-stimulated with everything else… to keep us too busy to connect with our higher selves.

Solution:  Find the time to meditate, even if it is for only 5-10 minutes a day.  Experiment with different meditation techniques.

6. Cleanse Your Body

As part of the programming, our bodies have been introduced to many foreign substances, such as vaccines, GMO’s, fluoridated water, chemtrails, mercury fillings, etc…

There is a reason why 55 countries have BANNED GMO’s and why there is a Monsanto Protection Act in the United States.  If you haven’t already, please educate yourself on the dangers of genetically modified organisms.

Each of these substances and elements have been specifically designed to keep our energies at low levels while polluting our bodies along with the air, water and food supplies.

Plus, each of these are introducing elements that are foreign to our bodies and cannot possibly be good for you.

People will say, “Well, I’ve been eating GMO’s for years and I feel great!”

10 years from now, when they’re on dialysis from kidney failure or need massive tumors removed, will they be saying the same thing?

Solution:  Buy local.  Buy organic. Stop buying from chain stores.  Filter your water, use reverse osmosis or buy clean drinking water.  Plant organic heirloom seeds. Replace mercury fillings. Refuse vaccinations. Research holistic physicians and methods to cure holistically.

7. Education

Our educational system is a complete failure as it basically grooms our children to become corporate economic slaves while discouraging them to ask questions and to follow their own path.

Generally, there has been a “dumbing down” in our educational systems because it is not in the controller’s best interests to have a large part of the society questioning why things are the way they are, nor is it in their best interests for us to come up with better solutions.

College is yet another failure as it generally creates even more economic subservience through student loans that will take a life time to repay.

Solution:  Homeschool your children without the state sponsored propaganda. Teach them at a young age to take time out to meditate. Encourage metaphysical abilities within them (or yourself!).


For many people, they will not see or acknowledge the brainwashing and programming that has been occurring throughout the decades and centuries until it is too late.  Many will live their lives content as being economic slaves to a broken system.

There are options and solutions.  Please watch the video below, Global Unity Project: What The World Need Right Now.

We are at an important juncture in human history.  The path we are currently following is unsustainable and will inevitably self-destruct, as it is already doing under its own weight.  What we need are solutions and answers, but first, we need to awaken from the collective programming we’re under and work together to provide solutions in the best interests of humanity.

by Gregg Prescott, M.S.

Copyright Information: Copyright in5d and Gregg Prescott, M.S.. This content may be freely reproduced in full or in part in any form.

It’s Okay To NOT ‘Fit In’ With Society

Do you feel like you sometimes don’t ‘fit in’ with society? Have you ever caught yourself looking at all of the unhealthy food in someone else’s shopping cart at the grocery store? When you see people blindly following others, does it make you feel a little uncomfortable? Are you more likely to follow your own path instead of what ‘everyone else is doing’? If you answered yes to any of these questions, then you are not alone!

Conformist Tendencies

People who strive to fit in and conform to society are some of the most subservient and controlled people you’ll ever meet. They tend to follow the flock and are highly influenced by other people’s opinions versus formulating their own regardless of what other people think. They seem to be more concerned about what other people think about them than how they feel to themselves.

For the conformists, the only critical thinking needed involves how other people may view their perceptions.

The Asch Conformity Experiment

We realize that most of everything we have been taught in history is either a lie or some form of propaganda. Much of our true history and origins have been hidden from us, despite concrete evidence showing that mankind has been on earth for hundreds of thousands of years. This is part of the brainwashing we receive through the indoctrination system commonly referred to as public education. If you question any official “story” taught to you in school, then you’re looked down upon because you are not conforming to governmental learning expectations through state sponsored propaganda.

As students, we tend not to question authority and willingly accept our teacher’s lessons as the truth. Our minds become conditioned to regurgitate these lessons in order to graduate each year.

In an experiment in conformity, most people will conform to group expectations even when they know the group is wrong. In psychology, this is known as the Asch Conformity Experiments:

When we attend school, not only are the students conforming to the teachers expectations, the teachers are conforming to the teaching of propaganda and agendas with little liberty to stray from the state sponsored textbooks.

The medical industry is no different. For example, according to Dr. Leonard Caldwell, there are over 300 cures for cancer but most doctors are required by law to use surgery, radiation or chemotherapy before any holistic measures such as the Rife Machine, THC Oil, etc..bBecause the physicians are not learning holistic medicine in college, they are trained to use archaic methods in conjunction with Big Pharma, which has not cured anything since polio.

If you trace who originally funded the medical universities in conjunction to Big Pharma, you will find one name: Rockefeller. Most physicians do not know the history behind the universities they attend, who is really behind Big Pharma and how the major players are hiding under the guise of philanthropy in order to receive tax breaks while protecting their family fortunes. Unless you’re a holistic physician or offer non-invasive options, then the majority of medical practitioners are also blindly conforming to societal expectations.

Media Complicity

Our media boils down to talking heads reading propaganda scripts with relatively no positive news items, yet those who “fit in” will watch the nightly news on a daily basis, followed by their favorite TV “programming” which takes them even further away from finding themselves.

Through reality TV shows and commercials, people are being told what to think, how to act, what to eat, drink, listen to and buy.

Television is responsible for conditioning the mind to think in ways that are not obvious as well. For example, a typical commercial will not only try to sell you a product, but an image and a societal expectation as well.

The following “In the Can” commercial is selling Bud Light Lime in an aluminum can, but is also selling sex, sexual innuendos, stereotypes, belief systems, value systems, the target audience they want to sell to, what the target audience typically does and how they’re “supposed” to look:

The same commercial is not going to tell you about the aluminum toxicity of the can or the genetically modified hops and barley that you’re consuming, along with the long term effects of the consumption of this product. They’re not going to show people who are not within their target audience and virtually everyone is always happy and smiling when they’re trying to sell you this product. These actors are usually participating in some sort of extroverted group activity, which subconsciously tells you that if you’re not a social extrovert, then you don’t fit in.

Why people belittle those who don’t follow the flock

In psychology, people often mirror that which they fear within themselves. For example, if someone says they “hate” another person, then it usually means that there’s something within that the name caller hates within his or herself.


I posted the above picture on the In5D Facebook page and a woman commented one word: “stupid”.  When I looked at her personal Facebook page, virtually all of her “Likes” were celebrities and movie stars, which is basically the idolization of others and reflects the amount of time she spends watching TV. She also “Likes” expensive jewelry and high fashion, which relates to her materialistic tendencies. Both of the people she was “Following” are in politics. Who she pretends to be in front of others seems to be more important to her than finding out who she REALLY is, which is a spiritual being having a human experience. When the dollar inevitably crashes, it’ll hit people like her a lot harder than those of us who “don’t fit in”. Her ego, vanity, ignorance and failure to be open minded is a reflection of what she fears within herself. In other words, it’s easier for her to call other people stupid than to look in the mirror and see her own reflection.

Just be YOU!

Dr. Spock once said something along the lines of, “In an insane society, the insane appear to be sane.” To those who are awakened, does that statement sound like the truth to you?

Non-conformists are more likely to use critical thinking and will research topics to find a suitable answer versus assuming that our governmental agencies will always look after us and would never allow us to ingest harmful ingredients, such as aspartame and fluoride. Those who don’t conform are also more likely to look within for answers because the external answers are fabrications, lies or are unacceptable. If you feel like you don’t ‘fit in’ with most of society and your actions are respectful, responsible and love-based, then chances are, you’re on the right path!

Gregg Prescott, M.S., In5D Guest

Copyright Information: Copyright in5d and Gregg Prescott, M.S.. This content may be freely reproduced in full or in part in any form.

U.S Constitution made only for the ELITE….. Re: itchyballs

This is a long post! I recommend you bookmark and return rather than take it all in at one time. I would love to take credit for the research and talent that went into this project, however that must go to itchyballs. Really. I’m not kiddin’. TALOFA LAVA is a discussion forum that I don’t belong to (yet), but it’s open reading for non-members and it’s updates are current, though the following was posted by none other than “itchyballs” in 2010. Not a name one would associate with this well written essay of the US Constitution, Elitism, Founding Fathers and how this country ended up as a corporation called the United States and we it’s slaves. It’s interesting to note that 12 of our Presidents owned slaves. Our Founding Fathers knew a ‘person’ could be property rather than a sovereign human being with inalienable rights from a creator. I believe our love affair with the Constitution is a result of our schooling (indoctrination) into this Corporate Fiction called UNITED STATES, and as a result we don’t have an understanding of the legalistic word trickery in this document. Anyway, the one and only itchyballs sheds some light on this fascinating subject, so let me introduce you to itchyballs:

via U.S Constitution made only for the ELITE….. – TALOFA LAVA.


In 2002, my brother ran into a problem with the IRS and to help him out, I began to research the Tax Code. One thing led to another and suddenly I was uncovering information about our government, which was directly in conflict with the U. S. Constitution and what I have been led to believe throughout my life. In time I began to interface with people from every state in the Republic, who was doing the same thing I was doing; some for the same reason and others for different reasons. We began to trade our research and the facts I uncovered was totally in contradiction to the history of America, which had been taught to us in public school and the principals of law, I had absorbed during my service as a Judge. I began to assist people to prepare and file suits in the courts and I filed several of my own. At one point, because of the information Im about to provide to you; I became extremely depressed. After about three months, I eventually shook it off and continued on with my research.

My hope in writing this is to help you, the reader, make sense of it all, which will require you to wash your mind clean of the brainwashing you were subjected to by our government, our government controlled public schools and churches and re-educate yourself. When you understand the actions, the reactions will make sense, and it should anger you! Eventually, you will have a choice to make; a choice that will define: How to survive life in, The Matrix? In The Matrix nothing is real however, your mind has been conditioned to believe it is real! The Matrix is far too big to defeat; no one can escape it, and we havent the means or intelligence to beat those in control! Through my research, I discovered that America is a society of functional illiterates! I remind you that this is not my opinion, Im just the messenger!

The people in charge of the Matrix represent the most powerful and intelligent humans on earth. When gifted children appear in the public schools of the world, they are courted with scholarships, money and eventually memberships into secret societies! They will be introduced to very persuasive intellectuals, who will convince these young gifted people, that it is their place and duty to be a part of the elite who rule the worlds population, because the rest of the worlds population are too stupid to make decisions for themselves (their comment not mine)! When the New World Order is officially and openly in control, only the extremely intelligent will be allowed to propagate. Everyone else will be sterilized or murdered through staged pandemics, used to eliminate excessive populations! Every Foreign Revolution, the World Wars, the Depression, Prohibition, Korea, Vietnam, the Middle East conflict and the Influenza Epidemic during World War I; was planned and orchestrated by these people!

Many early writers researched much of this history and were forced to fund their own publication and the distribution of their work. Most never received the acclaim they deserved, and never knew our government was responsible for their failures! I am prepared to supply anyone interested with mounds of research in support of what I have written herein!

When I’ve conveyed parts of this information in court documents, the oppositions lawyer, responds to their clients that, I’m just crazy, and if the judge is within ear-shot of that comment, he will nod his head in judicial agreement! Well, I guess that caps it! If a lawyer and a lawyer judge, both contend that I am crazy, then I must be crazy! They wouldn’t lie to you! …. or would they?

THE motive of our Founding Fathers was totally self-centered. It was their personal greed that inspired them to accept the task of writing the Constitution of the United States and not patriotism! In actuality, the United States is not a land or a place: It is a corporation, a legal fiction that existed well before the Revolutionary War. [See: Republica v. Sween, 1 Dallas 43 and 28 U. S. C. 3002 (15)].

The Constitution of the United States was written in secret by the Founding Fathers and was never presented to the Colonists for a vote. Surely, any document as important as this demanded the approval of the people it governed! Well, it wasn’t presented for a vote because the Constitution wasn’t created for We the People, it was created by and for the Founding Fathers, their family, heirs and their posterity! The Constitution is a business plan and any reference contained within it that appears to be the safeguard of a Right is there because none of the Founding Fathers trusted each other. The safeguards were intended to prevent any one or group of them from cutting out the others! Proving that; There’s no honor among thieves!

Americans are not unlike all other humans who inhabit the earth. All human beings possess malleable minds, which are minds that can be shaped and controlled; and when government shapes and controls a mind, its called brainwashing. Brainwashing causes the subject to become functionally illiterate. In America, our functional ignorance excels in the areas of history, government and law, which really are one in the same. Ninety-eight percent of the officials in public office are lawyers and these so-called representatives set policy and created the laws that govern this society. Their use of Greek and Latin terms in law and the habit of changing definitions and usage of common words is intentional. The intent is to confound and confuse the general public; and to hide the treason they are implementing; and so that members of the public are forced or decide to hire a lawyer out of frustration, rather than try to represent themselves in our, fictional courts of law. As you read on Ill explain to you why and how, our courts and laws are fictional!

There has never been a law on the books created by the Congress, which made it illegal for a common man to practice law. Every Judge of a District, Circuit or Appeal Court, except Justices and Magistrates, is a lawyer and a member of the Bar. These Judges have the authority to establish local rules of court and those mentioned, have created a local rule that prevents common people from representing any other person in their court or to practice law without a license! A license requires that you produce your Bar Association number. For those who dont know, the Bar Association is simply a Lawyers Union, and when lawyers are accepted into the Bar, they are required to swear allegiance to a foreign power! The American Bar Association is a branch of a national organization titled; The National Lawyers Guild Communist Party and can be found recorded in the United States Code at: [28 U. S. C. 3002, section 15a]. They have become so big and entrenched that they no longer fear reprisal!

Whenever I tell people that there is no actual law that makes it a crime to represent another person in court, their reaction is, liar! I remind them that Abraham Lincoln and Clarence Darrow never went to law school or passed the Bar, but their reaction is understandable because the Bar is a very powerful organization and its members have infiltrated every nitch of American life and business. How many times in your life have you heard, You cant practice law without a license? I’ve heard it said in numerous movies spanning one hundred years; in my mothers soaps and by comedians in jokes and in theatrical skits. I’ve seen the phrase in print in newspaper articles, magazines and heard it on the radio! Before I learned the truth about this fact, even my personal lawyer made that comment to me! We all have been brainwashed to believe a lie and because we’ve heard it so often from people we trust, and who are supposed to have our best interest at heart; we all just assume it must be true! How many other lies have you assumed, it must be true?

Our America society has been lied to by their government and lawyers more times than you will sign your name in your lifetime, and we have been indoctrinated brainwashed to believe that the Constitution was created for We the People. The purpose behind these lies is to make you believe that you are free, safe, protected and secure, and it is all an hallucination! How many of you have studied each line of the Constitution; the Statutes at Large and the Articles of Confederation, armed with a reputable dictionary or a law dictionary from that era?

If you take the time to do this, you will soon discover that the true purpose of the Constitution was to create a business plan and to establish a Military Government, for the protection of the Founding Fathers, the Kings commerce, protection of his Agents and the future control of his subject Slaves! Even the preamble of the U. S. Constitution is a clue to the lie and which states, to ourselves and our posterity! If you never saw the title, The Constitution, and you were never told what this document was about; what do you think would be your first impression upon hearing or reading: to ourselves and our posterity! The CONSTITUTION is not for We the People and AMERICA is a Matrix of misinformation. In the eyes of those in control; America is nothing more than a large Plantation and We the People are the Slaves. In many U. S. and World Treaties, the term high contracting powers is used to define your Masters! Everyone else is considered by them to be their Slaves!

All of the Founding Fathers had two things in common. They all shared the gift of a good education or were gifted individuals, and they all came from families of business and or substance. These men all suffered from, visions of grandeur! They viewed America as their one opportunity to make them powerful and wealthy .to ourselves and our posterity! Initially, their plan was to steal America away from the King; despite the fact that King George funded the exploration of the New World, which legally gave him first claim to all new continents discovered.

The seizure of the Americas by the Kings explorers was not as it has been depicted in our history books, presented to us by our government, in our government controlled public schools. Native Americans (the Indians) were murdered, their villages burned, many were enslaved, infected by diseases brought from England and their lands taken by force and the threat of force, by these early explorers! The Indians were labeled savages by these immigrant explorers from England, but the true savages were our English ancestors!

One thing the Founding Fathers did not know, was that all of the Kings lands and all future acquisitions such as the AMERICAS, had been given and pledged by King John to Pope Innocent III and the Holy Roman Church, by the Treaty of 1213. After that fact was proven to the Founding Fathers; King George and representatives from the Vatican; decided to use the Constitutional draft created by the Founding Fathers, to further their plan to control the Colonists! Control attained by bringing the Colonists to their knees in debt! Any way you read it, the Constitution was never written with the intent of benefitting the American people!

Did you know that 98% of the Law Schools in America and England do not include Constitutional Law as a part of their law curriculum? The reason for this phenomenon is because Constitutional Law does not apply to or affect the enforcement of statutes, codes or administrative regulations, which have replaced constitutional law, the common law, public law and penal law and which have been designed to control you; [e.g.] Constitutional Law is taught as an elective at Harvard, Yale and Cambridge, and only for students of law who are planning a future career in government. This should make sense to you as you read on.

In the true History of America, neither side WON the Revolutionary War! At first, the appearance of English troops in the Colonies; was simply a show of force by King George, intended to intimidate the Colonists and force them to pay him taxes. Factually, back in England; English soldiers refused to take up arms against the Colonists because they were English citizens and relatives.

Mr. Mayer Amschel Bauer, founder of the Rothschild Banking Empire; by this time, owned the King! Mr. Bauer had extended unlimited credit to the King and arranged contracts with him, which permitted the Rothschild Tax Collectors to represent and collect the Kings Tax from the Kings subjects. [This is the origin of the concept behind the establishment of the IRS]. It was Bauer who suggested to King George that he enforce a Tax against the Colonists in the New World, since the tax being collected in England was barely enough to pay the interest on the Kings loans. When English soldiers refused to fight; Mr. Bauer negotiated a contract with unemployed Russian/Germanic soldiers, to fight for King George, at a cost of 50¢ a day. Bauer then informed King George that he had hired these soldiers in the Kings name but at a cost of $1.00 a day!

King George utilized these soldiers; dressed them in English soldier uniforms and ordered his career Officers to command them. When his show of force in the Colonies failed; Mr. Bauer suggested that King George finance the Colonists in their War efforts against him, and bring the Colonists to their knees in debt! The King succeeded in accomplishing this through his appointed civilian figureheads in charge of his government of France. Mr. Bauer wanted to expand his Banking Empire into the Colonies. He discovered that the Colonist didnt trade in gold or silver but used script as the basis of their economy! The script money used, were promissory notes printed by the Colonists. All the Colonists agreed that they would consider these notes, the lawful currency of the colonies. Mr. Bauer wanted gold or silver and induced the King to demand that his Tax in the Colonies be paid in gold or silver! It was that condition, that broke the camels back and caused the Boston Tea Party! Whoever controls the money controls the country! [Rothschild]

Surreptitiously, King George infiltrated the Colonies and their feudal attempt to form a new government, using spies composed of English lawyers and English aristocrats, loyal to him. The spies assignment was to infiltrate the new government; carry out the plan to defeat the Colonists through debt and establish regular reports to the King! The Church also had their appointed representative in place to protect and insure that their interest is being observed. Much of the loans received from the French, went into the pockets of the Founding Fathers!

The Founding Fathers eventually conceded to King George and the Holy Roman Churches demands, by and through the intervention and persuasiveness of the Kings spies. Ironically, the common denominator or glue that eventually bound King George, the Founding Fathers, the English lawyers and English aristocrats together was a secret society called the Illuminati. Even Paul Revere and Benjamin Franklin, were members of the Illuminati! This secret society had a criminal and deadly past in Europe and in America they were eventually renamed, The Free and Accepted Masons. The majority of the regular membership of the Free and Accepted Masons; do not know about the Illuminati influence within their rank and file! The Illuminati members operate out of special secret societies separate from the regular Masonic membership and are found in every branch of the Free and Accepted Masons of the World!

Think about the Colonists who we have been taught to revere by our public school system! All of these individuals were members of this secret society and all were Traitors. Our history books also instruct us to apotheosize the Founding Fathers, but don’t hold them in reverence, hold them in contempt! By and through their intervention, Slaves you are and Slaves you will ever be! An example of a man in history we have been taught to revere is Benjamin Franklin. Would it shock you to learn that he was on the Kings payroll and his many trips to England, was actually to report on the colonial government to King George?

The Declaration of Independence is another story omitted from our American history books. Of the fifty-one men involved in the creation of the Declaration of Independence, twenty-one were actually (traitors) and on the Kings payroll. During the Revolutionary War; English Officers were provided the names, addresses and family members of these thirty (loyalists) involved in the creation and signing of the Declaration of Independence. The English soldiers had been ordered to hunt down and murder all thirty (loyalists), their wives, children and all relatives, with further instructions to burn their bodies inside their homes. The soldiers were to leave no trace of these men and their families; to wipe out their existence for an eternity! The history of civilizations has taught us all that martyrs are dangerous to men of power and King George didn’t want to leave any martyrs! It is pretty obvious who provided the detailed information about the thirty (loyalists), their family and addresses!

At first glance, it appeared that Guy Madison of Virginia; was so concerned about lawyers holding any position in American government, that he championed the 13th Amendment, which barred lawyers from holding any public office in government! The 13th Amendment was ratified, but never made it into print in our government controlled school books and public classrooms. The Amendment was surreptitiously removed and replaced by the 14th Amendment. The 15th Amendment became the 14th and so on. Madison’s efforts appear admirable but his later actions, as a member of the 1st Congress; suggests that his only real concern was to block lawyers from undermining the theft that he and his compatriots had planned for America!

Once the cost of the Revolutionary War sufficiently placed the Colonists in debt; the English soldiers were ordered to dispense with their efforts, recover their arms and within the next eight years they eventually returned to England. The Colonists were so glad to see the fighting stop; that they allowed the soldiers to retreat and exit America peacefully. There is an old legal Maxim that states: The first to leave the field of battle loses. Pursuant to this Maxim, the Founding Fathers proclaimed the Colonists the victors! A Maxim is a legal truth that is time honored and incorruptible.

In reality, the War was just a diversion! The Colonists had no chance of succeeding in their efforts. Examine the facts for yourself! During this era; England had the largest Army and Navy in the World. King George owned England, Ireland and France, having a combined population of about 60 million subjects. The Colonists were poorly educated, poorly armed and composed of farmers, tradesmen, bonded slaves, women and children and boasted a total population of only 3 million subjects. And considering the undermining that was occurring to their nation by the Kings spies and the Founding Fathers; the Colonists didn’t have a prayer of defeating the English!

Americans have been indoctrinated by our federal and state governments and through government controlled public schools and literature; government controlled media and government controlled churches [YES, EVEN THE CHURCHES]; to believe that America defeated the English! We celebrate that victory and our so-called Independence each year on the 4th of July, and it is all a bunch of propaganda; a carrot to lead the horse and keep this society stupid and passive! We boast today that our country represents the finest schools in the world, but in reality, were no smarter than the first Colonists! We only know more about other things because of new technology developments during the last 250 years and yet the average IQ of America is 70.

Documented proof that the Constitution was not for us can be found at: Padelford, Fay & Co. v. The Mayor and Aldermen of the City of Savannah, [14 Georgia 438, 520]. This was a Court case wherein the Plaintiffs sued the City of Savannah, for violating what they believed were their constitutionally protected rights! The decision of the Judge says it all: But indeed, no private person has a right to complain, by suit in Court, on the ground of a breach of the Constitution, the Constitution, it is true, is a compact but he [the private person] is not a party to it! [Emphasis added]

The United States Constitution was converted into a (Trust) and the legal definition of a Trust is: A legal obligation with respect to property given by one person (donor), to another (trustee), to the advantage of a beneficiary (Americans). The property in this Trust includes all land, your personal possessions that you believe you own and your physical body. The donor of the Trust is the King of England and the Holy Roman Church. The Trustees are all federal and state public officials, which means that they truly are Agents of a foreign power; the King and the Vatican.

The reason the Constitution was converted into a Trust is because, as a non-trust business plan; The Constitution completely bound the hands of our government officials! By their converting it into a Trust, our public officials; were then free to make any changes they desired to this government, without their constituents knowledge! The rules of a Trust are secret and no trustee can be compelled to divulge those rules, and the rules can be changed by the trustees without notice to the beneficiary!

The one pitfall confronting them and their plan was the fact that by converting the Constitution into a Trust, our public officials had to legally assign a beneficiary; and the beneficiary chosen could not offend or be in contrast to the numerous International Treaties that were in force. Our public officials wanted to stay in control of the Trust as the trustees; however a trustee cannot also be a beneficiary! So even though the Constitution was never designed or written for the Sovereign American people; they unknowingly became the beneficiary of this secret Trust and hence, the creation of the propaganda regarding our Constitutional Rights!

All high ranking public officials, lawyers and judges; laugh at the ignorance of people who claim that their Constitutional Rights have been violated! Lawyers are actually taught to treat the members of the general public as inferior individuals! This also explains the air of arrogance that most lawyers convey in their demeanor and speech!

The more powerful Agents of the states and the federal government however, have been stealing the benefits from the Trust through numerous maneuvers that have the appearance of being lawful. In their defense; many former public officials (Agents) were not corrupt to begin with but, by accepting bribes or as the result of enjoying an arranged extramarital relationship; they became the victim of an extortion plot and succumbed to the threat to expose the bribe or their elicit affair, to their constituents! By becoming an (Agent), all was forgiven and forgotten! The people, who arranged the bribes, also arranged the situations, and applied the pressure to force honest men to become dishonest! [An example of this could be a sudden demand by a Bank to pay off a loan, based upon a hidden clause in the loan contract and which could result in a foreclosure, bankruptcy and scandal]!

There are no remaining public federal employees in America! All employees who you believe to be a part of Americas government, are actually agents of a foreign government and this definition includes the [President]. The federal elections are a joke on us! All of the candidates have been (jointly preselected and prescreened) by the National Boards of the Republican and Democratic Parties, well before the Election process. All of our federally elected officials, appointed administrators, federal police and Judges; receive their paychecks through the Office of Personnel Management. OPM is a division of the International Monetary Fund, which is owned by the Rockefeller and Rothschild families and their Banking Empires, which operates in tandem with the United Nations. The IRS and Interpol; are owned by the International Monetary Fund, which has been identified in an earlier version of the U. S. Army Manual, as a Communist Organization!

Those Americans, who do not know how to assert their beneficiary status; are treated by the government and their courts, as a corporate fiction! The corporate governments and their courts, only have jurisdiction over corporations. Corporations have no rights or jurisdiction over living people and are only provided considerations, which have been pre-negotiated in contracts by their directors. Otherwise, theyre governed totally by commercial law, and so are you!

At this point, I believe I should address a corporate fiction for you by creating a situation you can relate to.

SITUATION: [You’ve decided to go into business for yourself and you thought up a clever name for your business. Everything youve read and the advice received from a lawyer or friend; suggests that you should incorporate your business! To incorporate is to create a business on paper. It isn’t real; it is a business in theory, which makes it a fiction! The lawyer or accountant you hired to prepare your corporation; records your business with the state as a state corporation and identifies you as president of the board of directors, not the owner. Your business is now a corporate fiction and by recording the business as a state corporation; you no longer own it, the state owns it! You just gave your business away and made yourself an employee]!

Our presumed government representatives have done the same thing to each of us. They changed each of us from a sovereign into a corporate fiction. Your corporate name is easily identifiable, in that it is expressed in all capital letters on all your documents and all communications received from every government agency!

The reason for converting every Sovereign American into a corporate fiction dates back to the Principal of Law under the King! The King is a Sovereign Monarch and dictator, who by his authority, creates the laws that govern his subjects. He is the Source of Law and therefore the law cannot be enforced against him! In America, the Source of Law is the Sovereign People and therefore no laws can be enforced against the Source, except for those specifically agreed to or defined by the original Constitution. Those laws are defined as Theft, Assault and Criminal Mischief; but since the Colonists never voted on the Constitution, none of these offenses are enforceable against a living Sovereign! They are enforceable however against a corporation or corporate fiction!

In theory and according to the common law; before any Sovereign can be arrested for one of these crimes; a complaint must be filed with the elected Sheriff. The Sheriff, by his own authority, assembles (a common law jury) of the accused Sovereigns immediate neighbors, called a Grand Jury. The neighbors hear the complaint and evidence presented to them by the complainant. They are permitted to ask questions of any witness and can subpoena anyone else who can shed light on the allegations. A majority must then decide if the accused Sovereign is to be tried by a court. All of this is done without [a judge or prosecutor in attendance]! This is a real Grand Jury proceeding, which is far removed from the joke perpetrated by our corporate government and courts today!

What happened to our Grand Jury rights of old? The Bar Association has successfully stolen that right away from the Sovereign people, little by little, through rewrites of the Judiciary Act, so that now the American public believes that the Grand Jury is an instrument subject to the jurisdiction, right and whim of the prosecuting attorney! The prosecuting attorney controls the entire proceeding and who testifies. The judge then tells the jury what the law is and the members of the panel are always denied the opportunity to view the written law!

All of our governments are corporations and are responsible for the creation of about 800 thousand laws called statutes, which are designed to control the Sovereign people of America. Just like the King; these statutes cannot be enforced against the Source of Law, which are the living, breathing, flesh and blood Sovereign people.

All of the Agents in power beginning with the King, the Vatican, the Founding Fathers and now our presumed public officials, wanted to obtain power and control over America and the Constitution pretty much prohibited them from achieving those ends! So they began to devise ways to change the Sovereign Americans into [a corporate fiction]. These Agents also decided and reasoned that they cannot educate the masses, without exposing their treachery, and so our private and public education must be controlled!

Without any real Constitutional basis, the U. S. Department of Education was created. The Constitution made it the responsibility of each state to educate their people and several states challenged the Congress in the courts. The matter was eventually heard by the U. S. Supreme Court, which has never been a Constitutional Article III Court from its inception, which I will explain. The Supreme Court ruled that the federal government was entitled to oversee the educational requirements of United States Citizens by virtue of their Constitutional powers to regulate Commerce! Bad law is bad law, no matter how you turn the paper and that ruling gave the federal government the green light to initiate its brainwashing process of the American public.

Let me explain how the Court arrived at its ruling because these are not ignorant men! On every form you file to receive government benefits and even the voter registration form, there is a question that asks: Are you a United States Citizen? YES / NO and everyone circles the YES answer. Didn’t you? Now look up the definition of a United States Citizen, in a reputable law dictionary. You will discover that a United States Citizen is a phrase designed to identify a corporate fiction! Clever, isn’t it? You and every other American had no idea that you were admitting you were a corporate fiction when you circled that YES answer, and you did it under penalty of perjury!

The sovereign states had been abolished in 1790 by the adoption of Article 1 of the Statutes at Large, which converted all the sovereign states into federal districts and gave the federal government lawful jurisdiction everywhere. In consideration of the fact that the federal government is a corporation and that corporations can lawfully own other corporations; and all the American subjects to be educated have admitted under penalty of perjury that they are corporations; the Supreme Court ruled in favor of the corporate federal government. [See how sneaky and tricky lawyers can be? And all the more reason why lawyers should never be allowed to serve in government or in judgment of us]!

Under our corporate governments, no Sovereign can lawfully be tried or convicted of any statutory crime! I recently discovered how to avoid prosecution under the Trust, when a Sovereign is taken before a corporate prosecuting Attorney or a Judge:

First: the Sovereign must inquire if we are on the record, and if not, insist upon it! Say nothing, sign nothing and answer no questions until you are convinced that the proceedings are being recorded!

Secondly: all a Sovereign has to say for the record is: I am a beneficiary of the Trust, and I am appointing you as my Trustee!

Thirdly: the Sovereign then directs his Trustee to do his bidding! As my Trustee, I want you to discharge this matter I am accused of and eliminate the record!

Fourthly: if the Sovereign suffered any damages as a result of his arrest, he can direct that the Trust compensate him from the proceeds of the Court by saying; I wish to be compensated for [X] dollars, in redemption.

This statement is sufficient to remove the authority and jurisdiction from any prosecuting attorney or judge. The accused will be immediately released from custody, with a check, license or claim he identifies as a damage. It doesn’t matter what the action involves or how it is classified by the corporate law as a civil or criminal action! It works every time!

All of the Codes, Statutes and Regulations throughout the United States are a Will from the Masters to their Slaves. A Will is defined as, An express command used in a dispositive nature. When individuals in America are charged with a crime and warehoused in a jail; it is because they went against the Will of the Masters, and not because they harmed another person! Remember that: The Will demands from us, all that we are; keeps us in check and promises us nothing!

The police officer, who arrested you, has been brainwashed into believing that he is doing the right thing, when in fact he is nothing more than an armed slave acting as a henchman and hired to bully and intimidate all other Slaves into submission of the Masters Will! This statement will probably offend most police officers but this is fact and it is not their fault! Most police officers believe they are performing a public service and doing the right thing in the performance of duty. They have been lied to by the government and in most cases police officers are pumped full of lies more so than anybody else!

Recently, the Police have all been ordered to complete (paramilitary training) and were told that this is essential because of the new threat of Terrorism! The people responsible for this training and brainwashing are the same people and foreign Agents who have been controlling all of us since our birth! NOTE: Ill bet that nobody told these police officers that these suspected Terrorists may come at them from their very own government officials!

So now our government officials have our police officers training to act as a military unit. [e.g.] Follow our orders and dont think! They have succeeded in placing these officers on edge, so that their every reaction; will be an over-reaction to the situation, just like Hitler’s Gestapo! Near the end of this paper, I will disclose to the reader about a situation that has been planned by our government officials and is soon to unfold! The police paramilitary training and their extensive brainwashing has been implemented specifically for this event!

It is expected that police officers will over-react and begin killing innocent Americans, and once they are no longer of use, the officers and their families will all be ordered to receive vaccinations that will kill all of them! My guess is that after this planned mass genocide has occurred, the Russian and Chinese military will replace them in the field.

Part of the Fraud perpetrated against We the People by this Will, is the fact that there are actually no criminal laws in America. The Rules of Procedure used by every Local, State and Federal Court are Civil Rules, not Criminal! Court officials simply substitute the word criminal for civil, depending upon the case at hand. Rule 1 of the Rules of Civil Procedure Reads: There shall be but one form of action, a civil action. This means that the Criminal laws promulgated and enforced by the police and our corporate governments are all civil and are being fraudulently enforced against our corporate fictions as criminal. When anyone goes to jail, it is for a civil infraction of the Masters Will. That makes all of our jails, debtors prisons! Does that Ring a Constitutional Bell?

Title 18, Federal Crimes and Offenses: was never voted on by the Congress, which means that these federal laws are NOT positive law in America! Now, if you were a part of a government conspiracy to destroy America and soon to commit a mass genocide of its population; would you really want to vote Title 18 into positive law? My belief is that the Congress intentionally omitted its passage, so that members of Congress could use that as a defense, should they be caught and tried for Treason!

Do you believe the lawyers hired or appointed to represent all the individuals accused of federal crimes, knew about this fact?

You bet they know!

Armed with this fact: Now look at the number of convicted people sitting in federal prisons, who believe they have been lawfully convicted of violating a federal crime! How many do you imagine have been put to death? How many were shot and killed during the arrest? How many were killed attempting to escape from their illegal confinement?

The Internal Revenue Code relies upon Title 18 to convict people of Tax Evasion, which (only applies to corporations). Look at all the people sitting in federal prisons who were convicted of this so-called crime? What makes it worse is the fact that the Queen of England, entered into a Treaty with the federal government for the taxing of alcoholic beverages and cigarettes sold in America. The Treaty is called The Stamp Act and in this Act, the Queen ordained that her subjects, the American people, are exonerated of all other federal taxes! So the federal income tax and the state incomes taxes levied against all Americans is contrary to an International Treaty and against the Sovereign Orders of the Queen! Like it or not, the Queen is our Monarch and Master! The Tax is illegal and still people have been prosecuted and imprisoned, contrary to law!

One hundred percent (100%) of the people sentenced and held in all American Jails have either been convicted of crimes that are not positive law or were convicted of civil crimes, and are being detained there by their consent! That’s Right! The lawyers and judges representing our legislature and judicial system; created maneuvers to insure that anyone who is accused of a so-called crime and posts bail, (signs a contract to appear and consents by that contract to the proceedings scheduled). Anyone who applies for a public defender, signs the same contract without knowing it and anyone who privately hires a lawyer to represent them in a Court proceeding, consents to the same contract upon the lawyer filing a Notice of Appearance! When you hire a lawyer, you signed a Power of Attorney. He is required to file his Notice of Appearance in that case and that Notice of Appearance offers your consent and binds your appearance to the proceedings!

Absent these aforementioned contracts; the Court cannot proceed against you! When that occurs; the Judge and the Prosecutor, attempt to trick and intimidate you into giving your consent! If you dont know how to invoke your Sovereignty, and you take what they throw at you, and stand your ground; they will be forced to release you after 72 hours has elapsed!

I’m not a bleeding heart liberal who believes that we should open up the jails and let everyone out! There are people in our jails who need to be there, despite the fact that they have been incarcerated illegally! My vote is to leave that hornets nest alone!

We Americans are so proud of the fact that we live in a Democracy! Now look up the word Democracy, in a reputable Law Dictionary and see the legal meaning. Democracy is defined as: A Socialist form of government and another form of Communism. Do you remember the lies that President Reagan, the Congress and the Media told America? The lie was that, The Iron Curtain fell without a shot being fired! The truth is that the Iron Curtain came down because Communist Europe found an ally in the West and there was no longer a need for walls! PS/ Your Federal Taxes constructed the Worlds largest automated vehicle and munitions plant for the Soviet Union, during the dismantling of the Berlin Wall! PPS/ The attempt to assassinate President Reagan occurred because he had disclosed to the American people that: None of the federal income tax paid by the American people is ever deposited into the United States Treasury and is being deposited into the Federal Reserve Bank for its use and benefit! Shortly after making that statement, Reagan was shot by John Hinkley, who was quickly declared insane, so that there never would be a public trial! If you recall, President Reagan was never the same after that incident! The Masters don’t play around they eliminate problems or radically curve attitudes!

On September 17, 1787, twelve State delegates of the Thirteen State Colonies approved the United States Constitution, not the Colonists, and by their doing so, the States became constitutors. A constitutor is defined under civil law as, One who by simple agreement becomes responsible for the payment of another’s debt. [See: Blacks Law Dictionary, 6th Edition].

Many early immigrants to the United States arrived here as Bonded Slaves. A person of wealth or substance became the [payor] by offering to pay or promising to pay or [bond] the debts of another person, and usually paid the cost of his or her voyage to America. This made the payor a [constitutor] and gave him title as [master] over the debtor [slave] by written contract. A Bonded Slave is a corporate fiction. The payors new title and power as the Bond Master of the debtor, causes the immigrant to become a Bond Slave and the property of the Master until such time he is paid back his investment by the Bond Slave or by someone else. This means that the Bond Master can buy and sell these contracts!

If a Bonded Slave was mistreated by his Bond Master; the law did not represent him because the Bond Slave (a corporate fiction) had no human rights afforded to him by any law! Corporate fictions have no rights. If the Bonded Slave desired rights, he was obligated to negotiate them in his contract with the Bond Master before accepting the contract. If the Bonded Slave runs away from his abusive Bond Master; the law in place however, attached a bounty, hunted him down and returned him to the Bond Master. Remember also that the first Slaves in America were (Indian) and then Caucasian, of English, French, Irish and German ancestry.

The Constitution is not for We the People:

As mentioned before, the Colonists were never presented the Constitution to vote on its passage and approval because the Constitution was never written for them and has been rewritten two more times since then, but only our government officials know about that! And now, so do you!

1) Article ONE of the Constitution allows the Congress to borrow against the full faith and credit of the American people without end. It keeps us eternally in debt and makes all loans the government received from the King or any other entity, valid and enforceable against We the People! How is that good for us?

2) Article ONE, Section EIGHT, Clause (15) of the Constitution reads that it is the Militias job to execute the laws of the Union. The Militia is a military unit something like the Police or National Guard, and is composed of members of our local community. The new State Constitutions however, make Militias illegal except in time of war and authorizes the Police to arrest the members of a Militia, should they attempt to reform their ranks! How is that good for us?

3) Article ONE; Section EIGHT of the Constitution gives the Congress complete power over the Military. What do we do when its the Congress, who we need to have arrested for Treason and Peonage? How is that good for us?

President Obama has changed the Military Oath. Soldiers no longer swear to support or defend the Constitution but rather to support and defend the President! Now, isnt that convenient?

4) Article SIX, Section ONE of the Constitution is the law that makes American Citizens responsible to file income tax returns and not because of Title 26 of the United States Code. Parts of our flawed history, taught to you by our government controlled school system, accurately described that the English people had been taxed into a state of poverty by King George and was one of the reasons the Colonists fled Europe for the New World. So how is this good for us?

The IRS is not a U. S. Government Agency, they are Agents of a Foreign Power, operating under a private contract and your obligation to pay and file federal taxes is a scam! Only federal employees and persons born in Washington, DC and the federal territories were ever obligated to pay and file, prior to The Stamp Act but we were never informed of that fact!

Our government has brainwashed us into believing that the National Debt is all our responsibility, and a patriotic responsibility to pay our fair share! Here’s the Truth about that subject!

The National Debt is a Federal Debt, and always has been! The name change was the clever use of propaganda intended to invoke our civil patriotic pride! The foreign Agents in charge of our government; have been borrowing funds to line their pockets with, to buy influence, make business deals and seal Treaties with communist Third World Countries and Dictators, which will never benefit We the People. They have lied to us, enslaved us, imprisoned us and sold our gold to the Vatican in 1933 and invested the proceeds for their selves! The money they have been borrowing since 1933; is not real money but, negotiable debt instruments, which is the same thing as monopoly money! This means that in order to pay off the Federal/National Debt; all they ever had to do was print a money order, without any account numbers on it, for the entire debt, sign it and present it to the lender [The Federal Reserve Bank] and the debt is paid in full!

The foreign agents who purport to be our public officials; are responsible for eliminating the strength of the American Labor Unions, the elimination of our jobs, the erosion of our inalienable rights, and have instigated every war or conflict we have ever become involved with in history and (they convinced us that it was the other guys fault)! They have converted us into corporate fictions, and sold us as securities to foreign corporate investors, and have denied us our heritage! Everything they have been doing is designed to undermine our freedom, liberty and representative form of government! Their goal and final blow against, We the People, is our mass genocide and the total conversion of our government to communism!

5) The SIXTEENTH AMENDMENT to the Constitution, regardless of the dispute of how it was adopted; permits the Federal Government to assess and collect a direct tax against We the People. Most Americans do not know that the Federal Government is and always has been financially self sufficient, the result of tariffs imposed upon imports, exports and commerce. Not one penny of the Direct Federal Income Tax, paid through the IRS, is ever for or deposited into the United States Treasury. Those Taxes are deposited into the Federal Reserve Bank for the Masters use. So how is this direct tax good for us?

You may be wondering about now, how the United States government can collect taxes from, We the People, when we are Slaves, own nothing and are not a party to the Constitution? Despite its legality, it is done under a process known as debt collection through private contractors [the IRS] and through a private contract, the United States Constitution. The IRS belongs to the International Monetary Fund, who also owns the Federal Reserve Bank. The IMF holds the controlling interest in all the banks in America! The IMF is the Rockefeller and Rothschild Empires, along with the eleven wealthiest families in the World. When you see or hear of a Bank closing it is a diversion and is intended to injure and panic the public! The condition of the economy in the World today is being manipulated by these people! Their schedule for the adoption of the New World Order is close at hand and these public Agents need to scare us into believing that this new form of government is our salvation! Factually, it will only be good for them and it will be our ruin!

6) Article 12 of the Articles of Confederation promises the full faith and credit of the American people to repay all loans made by the United States government. The money borrowed by the United States to finance the Revolutionary War came from France. Who owned France? (King George!) Who was the opposition in the Revolutionary War? (England.) Our Founding Fathers promised our labor, equity, full faith and credit, to repay those debts that will, in theory, never come to an end! So how is that good for us?

7) The Bill of Rights was not for your protection. They’re laws that represent one mans ability, with the assistance of the State, to control another mans actions, and since they’re included under the U. S. Constitution, they’re not for you! So how is that good for us?

8) The Thirteenth Amendment barred lawyers from ever holding a seat in public office. The Amendment was ratified however, during the second secret writing of the Constitution, this Amendment was dropped and replaced by the 14th Amendment and the 14th Amendment was replaced by the 15th Amendment and so on. The replacement wasn’t done by a Constitutional Convention, it was simply omitted! The original Constitution is the Law of the Land and was designed to regulate our government! The 13th Amendment still is positive law but now about 98% of our public officials are lawyers; so if we filed motions to remove them from office, who would sign them? Wasn’t that convenient for them?

9) On August 4, 1790; Article ONE of the U. S. Statutes at Large, pages 138 178, abolished the States of the Republic and created Federal Districts! In the same year the former States of the Republic reorganized as Corporations and their legislatures wrote new State Constitutions, absent defined boundaries, which they presented to the people of each State for a vote! Why this time? Because the new State Constitutions fraudulently made the people Citizens of the new Corporate States.

A Citizen is also defined by law as a corporate fiction. The people were bound to the Corporate State and the States were bound to the Corporate United States and fraudulently obligated all of us to pay the debts of the Federal Government owed to the King! This was necessary because the United States was officially bankrupt on January 1, 1788 and the politicians (our Founding Fathers) who benefitted the most by these Revolutionary loans, required a guarantee to present to the King! Absent that guarantee, they were personally obligated to repay the debts!

The state constitutions were rewritten again during the Clinton Administration, except now they are called the Constitutions of Interdependence! These Constitutions read just like the Declaration of Independence, except that We the People have been eliminated. This is the Magna Carta of the public officials, to protect them under The New World Order Communist Government! The public was never informed of this, like everything else and the media never reported any of the Fraud being perpetrated against America by their public officials!

I could go on and on, discussing Articles and Amendments of the Constitution but suffice it to say that the benefits the government dangled in front of our naive noses, has been used as an inducement for us to volunteer; and that all of these benefits are received by us at a terrible cost! When we apply for government benefits, the foreign government in charge; converts our living sovereign person into a corporation and then records our person as, government asset property! The States use to provide protection, stability and security for the people but over time the focus of their attention has changed to the control of our minds, bodies, spirit and assets. To take a loyalty oath to support, defend and obey the Constitution; now is to swear an oath to your Masters to be ever loyal to them! Slaves you are and slaves you will ever be!

More evidence of our Slavery is as follows:

a) The primary control and custody of infants is with the corporate state government through the filing of government issued Birth Certificates, which are held in a State Trust and therein each applicant is recorded under the Department of Transportation as a State owned Vessel and financial asset. A government issued Birth Certificate was never needed as proof of birth because a baptismal record or a family bible entry of birth, was and is an exception to hearsay and constitutes legal proof of birth! Had your parents never applied for a government issued Birth Certificate, none of the Federal or State Statutes, Codes or Regulations in place, would be enforceable against you, and no government official or agency could ever tell you how to raise your children; declare you an unfit parent, or take your children away from you!

We all made fun of the Amish of Pennsylvania and yet the government cannot touch them because they do not participate in anything these corporate governments have to offer. The title to their land is recorded as an Ecclesiastical Trust. The Vatican (the Holy Roman Church) actually owns all the land, territories and insular possessions called America and as long as the Amish remain an Ecclesiastical Trust and remain a passive Christian Society, the Vatican will protect them. The Holy Roman Church possesses the power to protect or crush anyone and anything! [See: Tillman v. Roberts, 108 So. 62 [and] Title 26 U. S. C. 7701 [and] 18 U. S. C. Section 8].

b) Social Security is not a Trust or Insurance policy or Insurance against disability. The U. S. Supreme Court has ruled that Social Security is a government giveaway program funded by a government Tax; which is why and how the Congress can periodically dip into the assets of the fund anytime they want and never have to pay it back! The back of the Social Security card states that the card is the property of the government and not you!

Your birth name appears on the front of that card and has been modified, the same way as your birth certificate; from upper and lower case letters to all capital letters, pursuant to the U. S. Government Printing Manual, which instructs government agencies on how to subtly convert a living man into a corporation. The actual Director of our Social Security Fund and Administration is the Queen of England and from which she is paid a generous salary. Your Social Security Card is issued by the United Nations through the International Monetary Fund and your Social Security Number is actually your International Slave Number! On the reverse side of that card is an E letter followed by eight numbers. That is a cusip number, which is required on all securities! Yes! You have been converted into a marketable security, like a bond, and your person was offered for sale and sold to domestic and foreign corporate investors!

c) A Marriage License Application is a request to your Masters for permission to marry. If you ever had any claim of sovereignty before that date; you lost it completely when you applied for and married under a marriage license. Sovereignty means: To assert ones independence and to claim to be self-governing. The license isn’t necessary and never has been because a marriage has always been just a contract, witnessed by God, between a man and a woman! Who told you that you must apply for a license? It is the official you chose to conduct your ceremony? The official just happens to be a licensed government official and his license prevents him from conducting marriage ceremonies without the issuance of a marriage license. Did Moses or Jesus ever say or profess that a marriage is not recognized by God, without a license?

Here’s the Fraud behind the License:

Those who apply for and marry pursuant to a marriage license have now added a third party to their marriage contract! The third party is the Master, by and through his Agent, the Corporate State. The marriage license bestows the State with the legal right to decide the fate of the husband, wife and the possessions they procured during their marriage, should the marriage fail. Their divorce must now be decided by and through the States Corporate Court by a Corporate Judge, and the Judges first and foremost concern is the interest of the State. The interest of the bride and groom is now secondary.

[See: VanKosten v. VanKosten, 154 N.E. 146]. A comment by the Judge deciding this divorce says it all! The ultimate ownership of all property is the State: individual so-called ownership is only by virtue of government, [i.e.] laws amounting to mere use must be in accordance with law and subordinate to the necessities of the state. [Also See: Senate Document No. 43 of the 73rd Congress, 1st Session] and [Brown v. Welch, U. S. Superior Court].

d) The term license is defined in law as, A permit to do something illegal. [See: Blacks Law Dictionary, 6th or 7th Edition]. Therefore, all licenses are permits to violate the only real law! Inalienable rights are the rights bestowed upon all living men, by God at birth! All other laws are subordinate to Gods law. The controlling government wants us to rely on their laws, so they demand that we apply for a license! Another example is a Drivers License. It is your God given right to travel the roadways of this nation and no government has any right to restrict, tax or license your pursuit of happiness! The only exception is a Driver of a Commercial Vehicle. The governments have a right to regulate Commerce, which means trade. Anyone operating a vehicle in Commerce must be licensed but all others are absolutely free to travel without one! The foreign Agents in power; have changed the common meanings of words to encapsulate and control every Sovereign. They succeed in this intimidation through the corporate courts and police enforcement by officers who have been brainwashed and reinforced by mandatory training programs.

e) The use of Trusts by the Masters and their Agents; is for a good reason! A Trust by law is secret and neither the Masters nor their agents [the Corporate Government and Courts] can be compelled to expose the rules or regulations of the Trust and those regulations can change with the wind, without notice to the participants! [See: The Law of Trusts].

f) Slaves cannot own property. Look at the Deed to your home. You are identified as the [Tenant] of the property and never the Owner and your Local and State land tax is actually a rent or use fee assessed by the State for the lease on the land. You gave them the land after closing via your Lawyer. Did he ever tell you that?

After closing, your Lawyer recorded the deed with the Court. The law only suggests recording the deed, it doesn’t mandate it! Upon recording, you gave the land back to the State, who then leases it back to you for as long as you live there! Isn’t that where you have constructed your home, your castle? I’m paying for it, doesn’t that make the land mine, you ask?

If you fail to pay the States assessed rent or use fee, which has been cleverly disguised as a direct state tax; you will be evicted from your castle and land, and the state will take title and sell your home under commercial law. Commercial Law ordains that, Anything permanently attached, is retained by the owner! Who is the owner of the land? Why the State because you so graciously donated it to them.

Oh, I almost forgot; your Lawyer receives a fee from the State for recording your deed for their use and benefit! How do you feel about your lawyer now? Didn’t you pay him to represent your interests at the closing?

Now you see why lawyers are the brunt of numerous jokes and have such a poor reputation! Its because they deserve it!

g) Foreclosures are nothing more than evictions, based on a different kind of fraud. The illusion of a debt [Mortgage] that never existed! No individual or family who has been foreclosed on and evicted from their home in the United States is legal! The only exception to this is owner-financing!

Other than owner-financing, the people who purchased their homes through a Mortgage Company, actually owned their homes completely on the day of the closing. The real legal definition of a closing means that all legal interest as to title is concluded. [See: any reputable Dictionary from the 1800s]. The definition has been changed by our government lawyers to conceal the fraud.

[Explanation of the above statement]

First you must know that the federal government took America off the gold standard in1933, during a staged bankruptcy called the Great Depression and replaced the gold with an economic principle known as, Negotiable Debt Instruments. [YES, THE GREAT DEPRESSION WAS STAGED!] The government needed to create a catastrophe to implement standards that were designed to steal your possessions and God-given rights!

The process of creating a catastrophe was discovered by behaviorists! Take away a persons food, comfort and safety long enough and they wont care or question the illusion provided, as long as their stomach is full, they have shelter, a comfortable bed and the means (real or imagined) to keep or continue their comfort!

President Roosevelt unconstitutionally collected Americas gold by Executive Order and sold it to the Vatican by way of China, to conceal its true ownership. The gold in Fort Knox belongs to the Vatican and not the United States! Absent a gold base, Commerce now essentially trades in debts. So if you borrowed money for a Mortgage and there’s no gold or real value to support the paper called U. S. Currency; what did you actually borrow?

Factually, you borrowed debt!  The Mortgage Company committed the ultimate fraud against you because they loaned you nothing to pay off the imaginary balance, not even their own debt instruments. They then told you that you owe them the unpaid balance of your home and that you must pay them back with interest, in monthly installments!

Here’s how they did it.

At your Closing, the Mortgage Company had you sign a Promissory Note in which you promised your sweat, your equity, full faith and credit against an unpaid balance. Then without your knowledge, the Mortgage Company sold your Promissory Note (your credit) to a Warehousing Institution such as, Fannie Mae or Freddie Mac. The Warehousing Institution uses your Promissory Note (your credit) as collateral and generates loans to other people and corporations with interest. Collateral is essential to a corporation because corporations have no money or credit. They’re not real, they’re a fiction and require the sweat, the equity, the full faith and credit of living individuals to breathe and sustain the life of the corporation. Corporate Governments operate under the same principle.

The Warehousing Institution makes money off the Promissory Note (your credit) and even though the profits made are nothing more than new (Negotiable Debt Instruments), those instruments still have buying power in a (Negotiable Debt Economy). These debt instruments are only negotiable because of the human ignorance of the American people and the human ignorance of people in other countries of the World, who have all been lied to, told this has value, and the people don’t know the difference!

Did you ever give your permission to the Mortgage Company to sell your credit? So where is your cut of the profits? If the Mortgage Company invested nothing of their own in the purchase of your home, why are you making a monthly Mortgage payment to them with interest? And where do they get off foreclosing on or against anyone or threatening to foreclose?

They do it by fraud and the Masters and their Agents (the governments, the courts and the banks) all know it! Everything done to us and against us is about sustaining their lives, the lives of the corporate governments they command and to keep We the People under their complete control! They accomplish this control by taking away or threatening to take away your comfort and independence! They all use fraudulent means, disguised as law!

Note: When you applied for a Mortgage, the Mortgage Company ran a credit check on you and if you had a blemish on your credit record, they charged you points (money) to ease their pain and lighten the risk (a credit risk) of their loaning you a Mortgage! More Fraud! Why are you paying points, when they never loaned you a dime! The credit report is just another scam. If you have a high credit report, the government and banks identify you as an Obedient Slave and yet your Promissory Note sold for the same value as the Promissory Note endorsed by the man who is (a credit risk)! Credit didn’t matter. The fact that you are a living person is what matters!

More Fraud:

The Mortgage Company maintains two sets of books regarding your Mortgage payments. The local set of books, is a record that they loaned you money and that you agreed to repay that money, with interest, each month. The second set of books is maintained in another State office, usually a Bank because the Mortgage Companies usually sell your loan contract to a Bank and agree to monitor the monthly payments in order to conceal the fraud!

In the second set of books, your monthly Mortgage Payment is recorded by the bank as a savings deposit because there is no real loan! When you pay off the fraudulent mortgage, the Bank waits (90) days and then submits a request to the IRS. The request states: That someone, unknown to this facility; deposited this money into our facility and has abandoned it! May we keep the deposit? The IRS always gives their permission to the bank to keep the deposit and your hard earned money just feathered the nest of the Rockefeller, Rothschild and eleven other wealthy families in the world!

Equity Law, which once controlled Americas Corporate Courts, has been replaced with Admiralty/Maritime Law, pursuant to Title 28 of the United States Code and the Judiciary Act of 1789. This is the Law of Merchants and Sailors.

Under Admiralty/Maritime Law; the Courts presume you owe the Mortgage or the Tax or that you committed a crime defined as a Criminal Statute and it is your obligation to prove you’re innocent! (This means, you’re guilty until you prove you’re innocent), which is the same standard and procedure used in a Military Court Martial. Haven’t we always been told that, You are innocent until proven guilty? Lies, Lies and more Lies!

We are not free men; we are slaves, and bound to our Masters by adhesion contracts and secret Trusts. The goal of the Masters and their (agents) our elected officials, is to keep the people oppressed and subservient to them! As the Masters agents, they utilize propaganda techniques through government controlled schools; churches; the media and mind control by force and or the threat of force through the courts and police enforcement!

Police officers in America have been pumped full of more bullshit  than a manure spreader and because of their trust, public school conditioning and training, they haven’t the ability to see what is going on! Many have been conditioned by previous military service, not to think for themselves but just follow orders, which makes many of them as dangerous as a Terrorist! Now ask yourself; who are the real Terrorists in America?

Guess what; the Constitution isn’t for the Police either and still they are forced to swear an oath to defend it! The more regulations, statutes and codes created, and the greater the number of regulatory officers and agencies created to enforce them; the greater the Masters control over their Slaves and that is mind control by force and threat of force, by the very people we rely on, to protect and serve!

At some point in history the foreign Agents in control of our Federal Government, decided that they needed to create Federal Police Agencies to protect them! I cant blame them! If I was a part of a conspiracy that could result in the American people hanging me for Treason, Id want bodyguards too! Now, if you are one of these public officials; how do you justify the employment and expense of bodyguards, when nobody is trying to injure you, and you don’t want anyone to know that you are committing Treason? Instead of confessing your motives; you must find a way to accomplish your objective and blame it on someone else!

HENCE: The birth of a bad law, The Volstead Act and the beginning of Prohibition! Enterprising people began to make money and others organized. Those who organized became mobs and when the mobs began killing each other, the free lance boot-legers and innocent people in drive by shootings; our federal officials sat back and enjoyed the show! They did absolutely nothing until the public was literally breaking down the doors of the Capitol Building: [Just like they had planned it!]

The FBI existed before this time. They were a small investigative unit under the Attorney Generals Office. The Agents had no arrest powers and were prohibited from carrying guns. Their only authority was to investigate federal employees and make reports to the attorney general, who then decided if the matter was serious enough to concern the government and whether to prosecute the employee! The FBI was eventually armed, expanded and provided national jurisdiction to fight the gangsters! None of which would have been necessary had it not been for The Volstead Act! Slowly, the agency has grown into the giant it is now and ironically; the Legislature never authorized their expansion. Everything was done by the AG administratively! Where does it say in the Constitution that a federal employee has the authority to create law, create a police authority or expand a current one?

Do you see how our government has circumvented the restrictions placed upon them by the Constitution and manipulated the American people? Every catastrophe, calamity or disaster has been planned and financed by our so-called public representatives with an ulterior motive in mind. The creation of Homeland Security was done in the same way! A Terrorist attack was staged by hired men having connections to the Middle East. I’m not going to go into the conspiracy, other than to say that President Bush and the FBI were as guilty as the men who high-jacked the commercial airplanes! The director of the FBI confessed to the Congress of his Agencies involvement under Presidential Order. He was relieved of his position and Congress took no action against President Bush and the media did not report any of this to the American people! Treason charges were filed against President Bush, Vice-President Cheney and the FBI by a two star General from the Pentagon and no action has ever been taken and nothing was ever reported to the American public, upon the orders of President Obama.

This was just another government catastrophe designed to make you (the public) beg the government to come to your aid and protect you! Each time one of these catastrophes are staged; our representatives steal more of our liberty and freedom from us, but America doesn’t care because now they feel safe once again! And that’s what these foreign Agents want us to believe and feel!

We complain today that government has eroded our rights! Its true because we were lied to directly and indirectly and told to believe something other than truth! The correct term here is: Propaganda and all government controlled entities and institutions mentioned, are quite expert in the use of it! When I was a child; during a period labeled the Cold War; I remember my teachers telling the class how expert the Communists are in the use of propaganda! I can say now with absolute certainty that no one is as expert as the American government! In fact I believe that our government officials taught the World!

I don’t blame my teachers. Most of them were subjected to and spoon fed the same propaganda under direction of these foreign Agents and corporate entities that now employ them. Our teachers are simply spoon feeding our children with the same propaganda that was fed to them! Naturally, if a teacher becomes too creative and steps outside the box, or thinks outside the box, the penalty for such creativity is the termination of employment, their future profession and benefits! Generally, the reason used for termination is: Failure to adhere to the established curriculum and or meet the needs of this establishment! Who established the needs and curriculum? Why the government agents under the U. S. Department of Education, acting through the foreign Agents representing the Masters!

During the Bush Administration, a Treaty called the North American Alliance was negotiated and signed but the content was not reported to the American public. The Treaty guarantees that the boundary lines dividing Mexico, the United States and Canada will dissolve and become one country to be called North America, upon the installation of the New World Order Government! The currency for North America is being manufactured by the United States Mint. They are gold coins called AMEROS. I have pictures of these coins being minted, that were taken by an employee and smuggled out!

Everything in your life has been controlled from birth and you’re still being controlled! The free-thinkers of the world have either been murdered or institutionalized in asylums. Free-thinkers are a detriment to the Masters and their Agents! They have the potential to become (Martyrs), especially if the populace begins to pay attention to what the free-thinkers have to say or teach! Look at what happened to Jesus; John Kennedy; Bobby Kennedy; John Kennedy, Jr. and Martin Luther King, Jr.! If you believe John Kennedy, Jr. was an accidental death, then you probably believe that on 911, the attack on the twin towers was a real Terrorist attack!

[If you still think this way, after what you have read: Please stop reading; put your thumb in your ass and close your eyes! You are much too gullible, ignorant and brain dead to be helped and you deserve the treatment you and your family are certain to receive!]

Contrary to popular belief, nothing has changed since the day of Jesus! If Jesus was alive today, he would be declared a Terrorist and locked up in an asylum and slowly poisoned to death through the use of drug combinations that are designed to slowly consume life instead of heal. As long as free-thinkers profess their thoughts, they will be institutionalized until their death! Society will be told that these men are dangerous and or they will be classified as Terrorists!

The entire and is set up under this same principle by the Masters, the high contracting powers, who have been identified in certain International Treaties as the Pope/Vatican, the United Nations, the King/Queen of (England or United Kingdom) and principals of the International Monetary Fund.

The coming of a One World Government, which public representatives and the media have been talking about, actually began in 1790 with the passage of the Articles of Confederation! These Articles and the principles therein, were first suggested in the Magna Carta and later became the foundation of the U. S. Constitution but, there not for you!

The Capitol City of the World has been identified as New York City, according to the United States Code. The United Nations with the blessings of the Vatican, keeps the World divided and in flux, under the principle of Divide and Conquer, and all religious orders within the United States are instructed to keep us passive! People, populations, economies, religions and political agendas of every country on earth are manipulated by the Masters, which keep each Country in a euphoric flux against the other.

Partial proof of such Power:

We are presently living under the Babylonian Talmud, which was introduced to England in 1066 and has been enforced by the Pope, various Kings and every religious Order since. This Babylonian Talmud represents total and relentless mind control in that people are taught to believe in fictions, things that do not exist [e.g.] Private International Law is now Commercial Law, which only deals in fictions; fictions called persons, money, politics, government and authority. The Uniform Commercial Code, known as the Law of Merchants, which is 6000 years old, was derived from ancient Babylon and is now Private International Law. [See: The Uniform Commercial Code, section 1-201]. PS/ Human rights do not exist in fictions!

Prior to 1066, many of the Kings subjects [Lords and Dukes] held allodial deeds to land, which are land grants from the King or past Kings and which prevented the present King or his agents from taxing, trespassing or enforcing his will upon those subjects. Land protected by an allodial deed and improved by a home made the subjects, Sovereigns in their own right and the king of his castle. In 1066, William the Conqueror defeated England and stole the Kings Title, his lands and the lands belonging to his subjects. From William I (1066) to King John (1199), England found itself in dire straights because it was bankrupt! During this span of time, parishioners routinely passed their land onto their family or to the church without the Kings permission. So the King invoked the ancient, Law of Mortmain, also known as the dead mans hand, which is our modern day probate law.

The Pope and the Vatican objected to the Law of Mortmain because the King owed the Vatican a lot of gold he had borrowed and this law now prevented the church from receiving gifts of land. In 1208, England was placed under Papal interdiction (prohibition) and King John was excommunicated. King John was ignorant of the teachings of the Bible and was made to believe by Pope Innocent III, that the Pontiff was the Vicar of Christ; the ultimate owner of everything on earth, and the only one who could grant the King absolution for his sins; providing the King make a suitable gesture of repentance to the Pope and the Holy Roman Church!

The word VICAR is defined in Websters 1828 English Dictionary, to mean, A person deputized or authorized to perform the function of another, a substitute in office, and thereafter, all of the Popes since Pope Innocent III, pretend to be Jesus Christ on earth.

In his attempt to regain his stature, King John offered the Pope and the Holy Roman Church his Kingdom, plus 1000 gold marks each year as payment of a lease on the land, and he accepted the Popes appointed representative [appointed ruler] and swore submission and loyalty to Pope Innocent III and the Holy Roman Church. In 1213, a Treaty was entered into between the King and the Pope. The Treaty made the King a tenant of his former Kingdom and a trustee to the Pope and the Holy Roman Church. The Kings ancestors were later appointed Treasurer of the Vatican Bank and continue to serve in that capacity to date. [See: Treaty of 1213; and the Papal Bulls of 1455 to 1492; and The Selected Letters of Pope Innocent III concerning England from 1198 – 1216, Thomas Nelson and Sons, Ltd. 1956].

In 1215, the Barons of England reacted to the loss of their rights and privileges they once enjoyed before the 1213 Treaty, and so they revolted against King John and stormed the castle. Under the threat of death, they forced him to sign a document that recognized their stature and spelled out their individual rights! The document was named the Magna Carta. When Pope Innocent III was informed by King John about the Barons revolt and the Magna Carta; the Pope condemned the document and declared it null and void. In his written declaration to the Barons, the Pope stated that, The Declaration of Human Rights embodied in the Magna Carta, violated the tenets of the church. Imagine that a church that does not believe in human rights but has a prohibition against abortion! I believe that is called an, Oxymoron! [See: The Selected Letters of Pope Innocent III concerning England 1198 – 1216, Thomas Nelson and Sons, Ltd. 1956].

The Treaty of 1783, known as the Treaty of Peace, signed subsequent to the Revolutionary War; was a Treaty between King George, the Holy Roman Church and the representatives of the Corporate United States. The opening statement is written in Olde English and when interpreted means: The King claims that the Pope is the Vicar of Christ and that God gave the King the power to declare that no man can ever own property because it goes against the tenets of his Church, the Vatican/The Holy Roman Church and because he is the Elector of the Holy Roman Empire. [This is why no person or company can ever own real estate in America!] And the Founding Fathers agreed to that Declaration!

The Treaty of Verona, which took place on November 22, 1822, was another Treaty between the King of England, the Pope and the high contracting powers of the World and exemplifies the power that the Pope and the Vatican weld in the World and magnifies their interest in the Republic of the United States. It also explains what has happened to us in America.

The Treaty of Verona:

Article I: Basically states that the high contracting powers [the Masters] agree and decree that all representative forms of government and governments that recognize the individual sovereignty of ordinary people, is incompatible with divine right and all agree to use all of their efforts to bring an end to such governments, wherever they may be found or exist. [Isn’t the United States supposed to be a representative form of government, which recognizes individual sovereignty? At least that’s what the Declaration of Independence promised].

Article 2: That the high contracting powers agreed and decree that freedom of the press is a detriment to there existence and all promise to adopt measures to suppress the press in all of Europe. [If Americans want to know what is happening in the United States, they need to tune into the Foreign News Service because the American Press is suppressed beyond belief, ever since the Nixon administration and the Watergate scandal. Americas Press however, will talk badly about other countries and the Foreign Press reciprocates the favor. Do you remember my earlier comment about, Divide and Conquer? If you want to know what is happening in America, you need to watch and listen to the Foreign Press!

Article 3: Convinced that religion contributes powerfully to keep the people in a state of passive obedience, all of the high contracting powers agree to take measures to insure its continuation and a written accolade is directed to the Pope for his efforts to create and continue those measures. [An example of the measures they are speaking of involves the King James Bible.]

[e.g.] The King James Version of the Bible was concocted by the King under the guidance of Pope Innocent III. [This is the same King who was convinced by the Pope, that the Pope was Gods representative on earth!] This collaboration was kept secret to conceal the truth of their manipulation of the prophets written word. If you can locate an ancient manuscript of the Bible, which predates the King James Version; you will discover that [during the crucifixion of Christ], it is written in the ancient text that Jesus said: Forgive them NOT, for they know what they do! In the King James Version, it is written that Jesus said: Forgive them Father, for they know NOT what they do. The King James interpretation represents a passive version and is in keeping with the purpose and the accolade mentioned in Article 3 of the Treaty of Verona.

The King James Version of the Bible is the most popular version today and is presented to the masses by all government controlled Christian religions.

[Passive obedience however is not taught or practiced in the Muslim religion]. What was the lie our government used to explain the involvement of the armed forces of the United States and England, in the Middle East? I remember Muslim leaders screaming that this was a Jihad, [a holy war] and our so-called leaders denied the allegations. When the American people were later questioned by the media, they responded with disdain and disbelief!

Is there any wonder why there are now Muslim paramilitary camps being formed on American soil? And when our government officials were questioned why they permit these paramilitary camps to exist; their response was, [The U. S. Constitution protects their right to exist!] I remind you that this is the same Constitution that we are not a party too; has been circumvented by our government officials and fails to protect any rights of, We the People! The reason the foreign Agents posing as our federal representatives, are not concerned by the formation of these camps, is because of the mass genocide planned for the American population in the fall!

Korea is now in the news for testing nuclear weapons. Our government is making Korea look like the aggressors when in fact Korea does not want to be a part of the New World Order government and they are reacting out of fear! They simply want to live their lives as they see fit and our government officials and the United Nations are trying to bully them into submission!

The following further exemplifies the power of the Vatican in America:

If the Sovereign Pontiff should nevertheless, insist on his law being observed, he must be obeyed. [Bened. XIV, De Sgn Dioec., lib., ix, c vii, n 4. Prati., 1844].

Pontifical laws moreover become obligatory without being accepted or confirmed by secular rulers. [Syllabus, prop. 28, 29, 44].

Hence, the jus nationale, (Federal Law) or the exceptional ecclesiastical laws prevalent in the United States; may be abolished at any time by the Sovereign Pontiff. [Elements of Ecclesiastical Law, Volume I, pages 53 and 54].

[This passage is saying that the government has no authority to abolish or change ecclesiastical law in America and that only the Pope has the power to do that].

Keys to the Conspiracy:

Alice in Wonderland, a famous children’s story written by Leo J. Carroll, which was his pen name. The authors true profession was that of a lawyer, a lawyer who had a conscience, another oxymoron! Leo J. Carroll was English and was privy to the early scheme and conspiracy to destroy all the Worlds governments and eventually replace them with a One World Government! So he instituted his own plan to inform the Worlds population about this nefarious conspiracy, by writing about it in a children’s story! He figured that parents would buy his book, read the story to their children and when the real conspiracy began to unfold; the parents would identify with his story and rise up against this evil!

Kudos to Leo J. Carroll, but unfortunately his plan was too quick and the pace of the conspiracy was too slow and methodical for anyone to make the connection!

Consider this information:

1) During my research, I discovered a Congressional Record from the 1930s, which was a report compiled by an expert in counter intelligence hired by the British Parliament. The report detailed a plan or method to be employed by Parliament and the United States government, for the complete take over and destruction of the U. S. representative form of government! The report was sent to our Congress for review and then there was an argument from certain members of Congress who insisted that the report be recorded as Top Secret, out of a fear of reprisal, should the American people discover its existence!

The opposition members of Congress argued that the American people are functionally illiterate and too preoccupied with their own personal comfort, to be concerned about what we do! The report was entered into the open record of Congress and was never discovered until 2002! I have this Congressional Record in my computer documents!


2) I met a man who was once employed by Military Intelligence. He is now diseased. We became close friends and over time he confided in me something that had been bothering his conscious for many, many years! During his employment in the Military; he happened upon a scientific report by MI, prepared for the Congress. The report detailed a plan titled; How to reduce the population of the United States. The conclusion reached in the report was through mass vaccinations to cure a fictitious pandemic!

NOTE: As of June 2009, a former scientist, once employed by a large pharmaceutical company in the United States; has disclosed that before resigning from his employer, former President Bush, signed legislation that defers and eliminates the Federal Food and Drug Administrations mandatory product testing; defers and eliminates disclosure of possible dangers to the public; and defers and eliminates civil liability on the part of the FDA and the pharmaceutical company.

NOTE: This scientist revealed that the President and Congress are expected to order mass vaccinations for a (fictitious swine flu pandemic) in the fall of 2009 and that the vaccine to be used; contains small amounts of Bird guano, a substance known to cause serious illness and death and in several tests, killed the lab animals that were injected! This scientist suggested that most of the soldiers, who have died in the Middle East conflict, have died from these vaccinations, but no one is talking!

NOTE: The people who have died of (swine flu) so far, died because they were vaccinated with the vaccine that is planned to be given to the American population in the fall of 2009 and half of the Worlds population. The World Health Organization is expected to declare a (pandemic) and will request that President Obama and Congress order mandatory vaccinations in the United States! Any one who refuses to take the death vaccine, will be arrested as a Terrorist and will be committed into internment camps!

As a Terrorist, no one is permitted a lawyer, a hearing or a judge, pursuant to the new Patriot Act passed by Congress after 911.

The World Health Organization is owned by and under the direction of the Rockefeller and Rothschild families! Do you now see the pattern unfolding?

NOTE: Police officers, Sheriffs Deputies, U. S. Military personnel and their families will not escape this mass genocide! All will be compelled to take the death vaccine right along with the rest of the general public!

My guess is that the federal or state governments will install another police authority to replace our Police, Sheriffs Deputies and Military. My belief is that they will be using army personnel of the USSR and China. These armies are now occupying former military bases in each state that was closed down under the guise of budget cuts. Fort Dix in New Jersey now occupies a battalion of the Russian Army. I don’t know which bases are being occupied in the other states.

NOTE: One closed military base in each state, has also been converted into an Internment Camp. The Halliburton Corporation was hired by the federal government to modify each base and install maximum security buildings. Why would the United States require so many large Internment Camps? One camp should be sufficient!

Because these camps are expected to receive thousands of innocent Americans who simply refuse to submit to the death vaccine!

NOTE: Homeland Security is in charge of these camps and they have been training personnel to man these facilities since 911. According to one informant, the personnel have been told that anyone committed into their custody are members of a home grown Terrorist organization suspected of inflicting biological warfare upon America! The innocent people shot or interned will be blamed for the planned mass genocide being committed by our own government leaders!

The want ads in the newspapers, and on the internet by Homeland Security, seeking to employ people to help fight Terrorism, are the jobs they are attempting to fill at these Internment Camps!

What I don’t understand is why the members of the Press continue to follow Orders by not reporting anything when, from what my group of Internet Researchers have been able to determine; only members of the Congress, the Bar, Federal Police and their families will be protected and exempt from these vaccinations! The members of the press will be forced to submit to this death vaccine the same as everyone else!

NOTE: I have pictures of hundreds of thousands of plastic coffins purchased by our government, which are being stockpiled in New Jersey. These coffins are for the burial of dead Americans during this planned mass genocide.

I also have the statement by the scientist. He has been making Radio Announcements from a Pirate Radio Station in Chicago, attempting to warn the public of this planned mass genocide!

And I have copies of a complaint and restraining order, recently filed with the FBI, by an Australian Journalist, charging that the FDA, the World Health Organization and the

U. S. Federal Government is planning a World Pandemic against the population of the earth and that the United States population is expected to be decimated!


3) I met an elderly gentleman while living in Virginia. Somehow our conversation moved from the weather to the death of JFK and then the death of Franklin D. Roosevelt. I confessed to the gentleman that I had located Executive Orders signed by President Kennedy, six months before his assassination and that in those Executive Orders, President Kennedy disclosed that he and his brother Bobby, the Attorney General, have uncovered evidence that the Federal Reserve Bank was instituting a plan to undermine the American Economy!

President Kennedy Ordered the dismantling of the Federal Reserve Bank by these Executive Orders and Ordered that the U. S. Mint begin printing and circulating Silver Certificates to replace the Federal Reserve Notes in circulation. These facts were never presented to the special commission appointed to investigate JFKs assassination and these Executive Orders were never repealed however, the Federal Reserve was never dismantled and after JFKs assassination, the U.S. Mint ceased the printing of Silver Certificates. In the years to follow, the Federal Reserve Bank attempted to remove all of those Silver Certificates from circulation and destroy them. Only coin collectors possess any of the original Silver Certificates. The Collectors can trade or sell them between each other but they are prohibited now by law, from circulating them back into the American economy! Imagine that, the Congress passed a law prohibiting the circulation of lawful currency!

4) This same elder gentleman told me that when he was a child of 12, his father was a Mortician in Washington, DC and his family resided at the Funeral Home where his father was employed. This Funeral Home was eventually engaged by the White House to embalm the corpse of President Franklin D. Roosevelt, upon his death.

The elder gentleman then asked me; Do you know why FDRs funeral was a closed casket, when he died of natural causes?

I didn’t know the answer! Then the elder gentleman responded: Because my father didn’t know how to hide a bullet hole to the head!

The man went on to elaborate how the Secret Service and FBI had visited the funeral home during this timeframe and made everyone swear under threat of death, not to reveal what we saw or knew! Nothing was ever reported to the public or printed about it in the history books and, I’m too old now to give a **** about their threats!

Just in case the old guy was simply trying to best my research on JFK; I wrote down the name of the Funeral Home and his last name, once I entered my vehicle. Later that afternoon I began to research FDRs death and burial and discovered that the name of the Funeral Home matched! I then found a censes report for Washington, DC of that year and discovered that the old gentleman’s father was in fact a Mortician and he resided at the Funeral Home with his wife and two children!

5) Not knowing as much then as I do today; I telephoned the Washington Post and spoke to Bob Woodward, who was one of the two famous investigative reporters responsible for bringing down the Nixon Administration. I told Mr. Woodward about the possibility that FDR had been assassinated in office and was covered up! I gave him what information I could and told him that I hoped he would be able to solve this incident as well! This was seven years ago and nothing was ever printed, discussed in the Post or was ever released by any news service! Two years ago, I found the evidence of the Treaty of Verona and many other details discussed herein, which strongly suggests that freedom of the press no longer exists in America, (if it ever did!)

Some of you Doubting Thomas’s may want to argue with me that: If this is such a huge conspiracy; how is it that you and your Internet friends can research everything on computers and write about it?

The answer is that our Masters and their government agents are quite full of themselves! They have intelligence, wealth, influence and absolute power and control over everything and everyone on this earth but, they are human and suffer the same common frailties that every powerful leader has endured since the beginning of time; fame and the desire for recognition! They cant talk or brag about their conspiratorial accomplishments while they are alive out of a fear of retaliation, which is in direct conflict with their human egos! So they are forced to settle for their accomplishments to be recorded in expectation that one day the MATRIX will be revealed and they will be recognized, revered and ogled by future generations of their kind!




via U.S Constitution made only for the ELITE….. – TALOFA LAVA.

Architects of Society and the Power of Division

I had just updated my ‘About page’ with a paragraph about fear mongering when I immediately found this article. Now that’s serendipity. If an article, news report, video, etc leaves you in a state of fear, turn it off! They have a different agenda that’s not connected to Truth-seeking. Some are selling survival products, some could even be government plants, some think they’re doing the right thing. Beware of fear mongers! Beware of fear! It results in irrational behavior, because it appels to the ego (the false self that believes things are separate). The lower vibrational material frequency is used to control human behavior. Advertisers have been exploiting this emotion for years to get us to buy things we don’t really need. Governments sell wars based on fear. If you want to understand anything about the true nature of reality you need to avoid fear based ‘news,’ Alex Jones type ‘truthers’ and so on. Dude, I’m NOT going to stock pile food and weapons for the big scary Apocalypse because 1). It’s very expensive. and 2). I’d only be getting stuff for the strongest guy in the neighborhood. Yup, he will walk into my house with his gang and take all my stuff. Think about it.  Read on….



Dear Humans,

There is much talk in the news about people taking sides on a certain issue, and if one believes the headlines, such talk is creating wide division within the masses. But what is division- and why should we care?

An Ancient Tool For The Masses 

In the following few passages I hope to present to you how “division” is really an ancient tool of control and to put it simply -an illusion. The only reason illusions work is because we think they do.  Most all of us have bought into them, believing the words of the illusionists and giving credibility to the practitioners of this brand of magic. The architects of society rely on such tools to govern the masses as they see fit.

I Am He As You Are He As You Are Me And We Are All Together

Yes, we are different and unique as individuals, but we are also very social and closely connected to one another as a species. When we first enter this world we are not separated by our minor genetic differences nor contrasting ideologies. Such things we are taught. At our most basic level we are simply human, by that I mean the most pure, perfect form of human expression. Our social nature allows us to build relationships, organizations and societies. No matter what your role may happen to be in this life –it’s an essential role. There are no minor players in this game.

But when we surrender our power and authority to an illusion we become compromised, and compromise begets among other things, fear.  Ironically it would seem, it’s these practitioners of illusion that are the fearful ones. They fear the masses will someday wake to this illusionary construct of duality- the “black versus white” the “good versus evil,” etc. It’s in this realm of duality that the tools of division work so well. They know the illusion is set and dwells in the hearts and minds of all people, but particularly within those who hold fear, hate and other ominous energies close to them. The architects will play with these very solid, dense vibrations. After all, it’s very easy to control a population that is fear-based or angry. On the other hand, it’s virtually impossible to reign over a world of enlightened, loving people.

No Wimps Here

While I’m on the point, one should not make the mistake of assuming that these enlightened and loving people are in some way docile or (for lack of a better word) wimpy. Nothing could be further from the truth. People who have faced reality with a clear and objective vision, who have had the courage to take a peek behind the proverbial curtain and shine a light on the operator, are the same people who will continue to inspire and lead the rest of us out from this maze of confusion.

So this will be a short entry today. But please consider the many, many ways humanity has been divided, and in the process weakened and compromised. We’ve been divided on the basis of race, religion, language, geography and ethnicity, divided according to political ideologies, economic status, hair color, eye color, -even by our sport teams and the list goes on. I think you get the picture. The closer you look at the many ways we’ve been divided, the clearer it will become. On one level we might appreciate the craft of the illusionist for spell casting such formidable illusions. From a higher level one is amazed by just how deeply entrenched the illusions are and how insidious the infection is.

It’s been said that “united we stand- divided we fall”. I have faith in the human condition and though I realize “division” won’t be going away any time soon, I can also choose to step somewhat outside the circle and watch from a different perspective. Wherever an opportunity presents itself I will offer my point of view and it will come from a position of love and understanding.

Which Race are You?

Today I would simply like to celebrate the only race I’ve come to know, “the human race”.  So as we become more aware of the devious and circuitous nature of the illusionist, we should embrace our internal light of truth, our compass of awareness, and watch as the shadows and lines that divide us begin to slowly disappear.

via Rattleberry Pie – 2013-07-15.

Photo Credits:

About the Author

There is a certain obscurity that follows Julian Wash.  After all, any writer that starts off with “Dear Humans” might be a little hard to nail down. We sense he’s benevolent, a little crazy and we think rather enjoyable to read. Email:

Immortality as Consciousness


As portions of the One, we are immortal. We have chosen to ‘play’ in space-time, the earth plane of Limitation. Caught in temporal mortal forms, our human body, veiled in the illusion of separation and Samsara, the cyclical ocean of death & birth, we fear our impending inevitable death.

While enjoying the adventure of Limitation, human beings since ancient times have fervently sought immortality. From the Akkadian Gilgamesh to the alchemist Sir Isaac Newton, eternal life has been the burning desire of many, especially the rich and powerful. Throughout our current Kali Yuga, all of written history, men and women have longed for immortality in the hope of prolonging their present identity and perhaps even bodily form. Yet most remain deluded — bound in our self-imposed sojourn.

There are now 176 billion observable galaxies. There are trillions of stars, each of which in all probability may have at lease one inhabitable planet awaiting life forms. There is no reason to assume that the numerous extra terrestrial races have no part in the seeding and colonization of planets. Indeed the idea that earth was seeded by various off-planet beings is not in conflict with the metaphysical traditions of consciousness and enlightenment found in the Sanskrit texts.

Ritual as Control

It appears that on occasion, the beings that colonized planet Earth, their priests and occultists, have offered their ‘chosen’ ones elaborate rituals, tests and quests that promised immortality. These chosen ones participated in elaborate, often costly and sacrificial rituals only to find themselves after death in yet another temporal realm – a slice of the myriad realms, the temporal astral planes, which they magnetized by the ritual practices. All these realms, every layer of 1000′s of heavens, hells and in-between are temporal, limited by time. Thus the ‘chosen’ who thought they were achieving immortality, found themselves eventually back in Samsara, the endless cycles of death & birth. They had not reached true immortality, the eternal imperishable One that pervades All — that which they were to begin with!

The idea that man could make himself immortal beyond time, through time-based priestcraft rituals and so-called ‘sacred’ material objects as instruments is a bit humorous. Everything is sacred. Immortality is not about life span, years in any particular bodily form, sharira. Real immortality is reaching God Consciousness, returning to our Source, That, the Tattva-ness we have always been. Therefore any and all elaborate secret arcane occult ritual dramas only got the’chosen’ ones to yet another temporal realm.

The Chandogya Upanishad III.6 explains the Real immortality, amritam, which is beyond the hands of time. The Seer Rishis reached immortality by ‘brooding’ on the verses in the Rig Veda, meaning they focused on the Wisdom Truth in the Sanskrit verses which are compared to the flowers of immortal nectar, a honey water that has the power to issue forth in its essence the birthless-deathless Reality. The wisdom woven in the verses holds the ineluctable power to immerse, absorb and return our consciousness into the One, the Source eternal beyond death and birth.

Our colonizers did indeed have much longer life spans than we earthlings. The Anunnaki were not the first of these colonizing races, but perhaps they were the last. One year for Anu, Enlil, Enki, Ninhursag, Inanna and the others is said to be 3600 of our human years. In terms of their years, they have not been ‘absent’ from our planet for very long. However they too die, even though we could not perceive their mortality because their allotted years greatly exceeded ours.

The Bhagavad Gita states that all manifest beings are mortal. In XVIII.40 Krishna says that no being, either on earth or in heaven among the ‘gods’ is free of Prakriti’s gunas, meaning the modes of material nature, the matrix that exists in time. Even the spheres of the Vedas, their rites and rituals, are said to be confined to the three gunas (sattva, rajas & tamas) and therefore belong to the plane of time. Krishna [BhG.II.45] urges his friend Arjuna to Become, to move beyond duality and liberate himself from the gunas, the power Shakti of Prakriti’s matrix.

Time Relative to the Vital Rhythms

Alain Danielou has a very insightful take on immortality in his book ‘While the Gods Play.’ He says that even though the duration of the gods may appear immense to our human consciousness, they are still “within the domain of multiplicity, the domain of Prakriti” and thus are mortal. How could these gods give us immortality when they do not themselves possess it?

Danielou states that the relative experience of time by various forms in creation is due to “the value that we attach to a given length of time…relative to our physical body. It is determined by the vital rhythms of each species.” Each life form has its own heartbeat and this vital rhythm dictates its duration in time.

Even though the immortality of the flesh is unobtainable, what was given to us is the sacred Wisdom-Knowledge to reach our own God-Consciousness that dwells within each of us. This knowledge was revealed and concealed in the Rig Veda. The Upanishads were written many years later and sought to illuminate the Rig Veda. “The Upanishads form a natural continuity of the glorious spiritual visions and realizations reached by the Rishis of the [Rig Veda] Samhitas… [T.V. Kapali Sastry].” The consciousness of mankind was continually ineluctably sinking into the solidification of matter through an increasing differentiated five-sense perception, as the Kali Yuga inexorably rolled on into ever-deeper density.

The colonizers of planet Earth were taken to be gods because they possessed advanced technology and seemed immortal to us. The term ‘gods’ in Sanskrit devas comes from the root √div and simply means shinning, luminescence, effulgence. The devas are the invisible (to the five senses) forces which play their part in the subtle body to generate the creative give-and-take relationship with the manifest external, the temporal illusory holographic universe. “The gods of the Vedic pantheon – Agni, Vayu, Indra, Surya – are frequently mentioned as having a double function as nature powers in the universe, (adhidaivatam), and as lords of the sense, life, mind and other instruments of the soul within us, (adhyatmam). [T.V. Kapali Sastry]”

Dead Ritual

The ‘gods’ have been personified throughout written history and tyrants have used this tool of the personification of ‘gods’ and the mythopoeisation of history [Malati J. Shendge] to control us through fear. Tyrants benefit from fear and endless destructive wars, many of which have been religious. Ritual has played its role and I quite like this description of the birth of ritual by the Sanskrit scholar, Malati J. Shendge — any ritual, yours and mine: “When the events became symbolic and were ascribed magical powers to attain certain aims, the process of mythopoeisation was complete. History was forgotten and dead ritual became the end in itself.”

Many of the Upanishads reject ritual. Swami Muni Narayana Prasad says that the Mundaka Upanishad “highlights the defects and weak points of Vedism and its ritual, and advises the seeker to become indifferent to them.” In the Bhagavad Gita II.45-6 Krishna says that Vedic rituals belong to the domain of Prakriti’s three gunas and tells Arjuna to ‘Become!’ without them; and further, he says that the Vedas are of no more use to the Self-Realized person than a well, when the entire land is flooded. Priestcraft rituals will not deliver immortality or Moksha, Liberation.

Sanskrit is a very difficult language to learn, and is said to take eighteen years to master all the subtleties of Sanskrit grammar. Naturally this arduous task left Sanskrit and therefore knowledge in the sacred Sanskrit texts, under the control of an elite. In India a guru was the only means to access the knowledge of the Vedas, Upanishads, etc. because unless you were born into the priest caste, you could not read the texts. Thanks to the many translations of these jewels of wisdom, people all over the world can now read the ancient sacred Sanskrit texts. Some of the translations are surely superior to others, just as there are good gurus and better ones. A translation made by an enlightened master is going to carry the power of that consciousness, and therefore be a more direct revelation.

With a sincere heart and dedicated purpose, I believe that we don’t necessarily require a guru. Certainly an enlightened teacher would be a wonderful experience, but even the Kashmir Shaivite saint and scholar, Swami Lakshmanjoo has said, “Don’t pin this on me!” In the last moments, it is up to us. As Krishna says [BhG.VI.5], we must lift ourselves up by the Self, Atmana. Swami Muni Narayana Prasad has also said that some do reach enlightenment by their own efforts, alone and without a guru.

Wisdom from Altair

In my book ‘Inanna Returns’ based on my visions of the Anunnaki colonization of our planet Earth, Inanna told me that when the geneticists Enki and Ninhursag created us, the lulus, they intentionally unplugged some of the genes. These genes in the human body were connected to our ability to realize that we are the One. The colonizing family did not want a worker race that refused to take orders or might rebel. Our ignorance of our origins served their purpose and kept us in the bow-down-and-worship phase of our evolution. I assumed that this was natural because the radiation wars seemed to coincide with the advent of the Kali Yuga — and thus the exposure to radiation pushed the human race into deeper ignorance and limitation.

Inanna said that when she was given the Indus Valley, she was already quite fed up with the increasingly chauvinistic attitudes of the males in her family and thus she resolved to attempt to activate the unplugged DNA. If you think of how many metaphysical systems there are in India, just imagine that throughout the universe there must be countless versions of primordial metaphysics, Truth, Satya, Rita (from the root meaning to rise, tend upward), the Eternal Right, Sanatana Dharma. Inanna called the system Samkhya, and because I did not want to add more to ET confusion, I said it originated in the Pleiades; but Inanna told me that what she taught was from Altair. Ninhursag’s mother came from the Altairian system and Ninhursag in turn, taught Inanna. Setting up what amounted to Tantric temples that practiced tantric rituals with trained priestesses and priests, Inanna determined to give the humans, the lulus, an advantage in consciousness.

‘God’ Genes

The immediate offspring of the Anunnaki already had better DNA, meaning they had abilities to access other dimensional realms that most of the worker race did not possess. When Enlil found out that Inanna was doing this, he was horrified, angry, and gave Marduk permission to destroy the Indus Valley civilization.

I don’t ask the reader to believe what I say here about the Indus Valley Civilization, but look at India – how amazing is it that the ancient Sanskrit texts were preserved. How incredible is it that the British thought that India’s ancient religious beliefs were not worth destroying. Remember that the Romans burned the ancient books in the Library of Alexander. I know — I died in that fire. Sometimes when I am copying a Sanskrit verse, I see the letters through the eyes of that lonely old man in the library at Alexandria, slowly methodically copying old Sanskrit written on dried palm leaves.

It is a miracle that we do have the Rig Veda, the Upanishads and the Bhagavad Gita, the essence of them all, to guide us Home.

Think of how often tyrannical dark forces have destroyed great civilizations, devastating the earth again and again, leaving the vast majority of mankind in poverty, fear, hunger, and ignorance. Wouldn’t our acceptance of wisdom teachings allow more to become enlightened? Who doesn’t want us to remember that we are portions of the One? Surely if everyone is God, then it can only be that there are designated beings whose ‘job’ description is playing the Darth Vader roles. In the Mahabharata, the character Duryodhana, who has played a primary part in starting the war, in fact is upon his death greeted with cheers and showers of flower petals by the ‘gods’ in the heavens. He is said to enjoy a heaven for those who have played their role, meaning he has lived out his own dharma and contributed to the adventure of limitation, the human drama.

I know this may sound a bit crazy at first, but consider this — if we all became enlightened at once, would the universe collapse? Who would there be to ‘play’ and mirror the myriad aspects of the One into the temporal illusory hologram? Yes, the bad guys do have a role, and this included the Anunnaki. Some of the family are in fact now trying to help us and many have incarnated in human flesh-and-blood bodies to activate the dormant genome. The hope is to re-establish the Satya Yuga, the era of Truth, and our collective memory of primordial metaphysics, without which there can be no harmony with the Creator, but only further delusion and dissolution.

Fear Propaganda as Control

The cacophony of a threat-matrix around the Anunnaki coming is just one more in a long line of ritual-rackets from the Fear Inc. tyrants who seek to keep mankind bewildered, confused, in fear and safely away from the Wisdom-Knowledge of our true Being, the One. Instead of rapid-fire running around the Internet, chasing mendacity and demons, and messing up the synaptic patterns in our brain that are conducive to contemplation, let us focus on our own consciousness within. There we will find Peace, lasting Love, integrity, truly useful power, and even our own Immortality.

For thousands of years the Sanskrit texts have held the secret key to our freedom and enlightenment, the recognition of our innate God-Consciousness within. That is the only immortality we have ever needed. The rest is mere delusion and deception. Just as the only real Free Will we possess is latent within us, so it is that true immortality awaits us within, in the Heart.

I often say to myself and I hope you have a sense of humour, because I mean this in the highest most sacred loving sense — I often say that God is crazy! God is crazy in Love for Its Creation. There is only one Soul, forever dancing in crazy Love, Its mad blissful Joy across thousands of universes.

We meet in the Heart,

V. Susan Ferguson

“The gods of the Vedic pantheon – Agni, Vayu, Indra, Surya – are frequently mentioned as having a double function as nature powers in the universe, (adhidaivatam), and as lords of the sense, life, mind and other instruments of the soul within us, (adhyatmam). [T.V. Kapali Sastry]”

About the Author

V. Susan Ferguson is the author of Inanna Returns, Inanna Hyper-Luminal; her own commentary on the Bhagavad Gita and the Shiva Sutras; and Colony Earth & the Rig Veda. Her website is Metaphysical Musing.

“The gods of the Vedic pantheon – Agni, Vayu, Indra, Surya – are frequently mentioned as having a double function as nature powers in the universe, (adhidaivatam), and as lords of the sense, life, mind and other instruments of the soul within us, (adhyatmam). [T.V. Kapali Sastry]”

Brihadaranyaka Upanishad, I.iv.10:

“And to this day, [those] who…know the Self as I am Brahman [the One], become all this universe.
Even the gods [any other dimensional beings] cannot prevent his becoming this, for he has become their Self. …if a man worships another deity thinking: He is one and I am another, he  does not know.
He [who does not know] is like a sacrificial animal to the gods. As many animals serve a man, so does each man serve the gods. Even if one animal is taken away, it causes anguish to the owner; how much more so when many are taken away!
Therefore it is not pleasing to the gods that men should know this [that they are the One].”


– Lights on the Upanishads, with Sri Aurobindo Darshana, by T.V. Kapali Sastry; Sri Aurobindo Kapali Sastry Institute of Vedic Culture, Bangalore, 1947, 2004.

– While the Gods Play, Shaiva Oracles and Predictions on the Cycles of History and the Destiny of Mankind, by Alain Danielou; Inner Traditions International, Rochester, Vermont, 1987.

– Bhagavad Gita, In the Light of Kashmir Shaivism, with original video, Revealed by Swami Lakshmanjoo, Edited by John Hughes, Co-editors Viresh Hughes and Denise Hughes; Universal Shaiva Fellowship, 2013.

– Life’s Pilgrimage Through The Gita, by Swami Muni Narayana Prasad; D.K. Printworld, New Delhi, 2005, 2008.

– The Bhagavad Gita in the Mahabharata, A Bilingual Edition, translated by J.A.B. van Buitenen; The University of Chicago Press, 1981.

– The Bhagavad Gita, translated by Winthrop Sargeant; State University of New York Press, 1994.

– Abhinavagupta’s Commentary on the Bhagavad Gita, Gitartha Samgraha, translated by Boris Marjanovic; Indica Books, Varanasi, 2002, 2004.

– The Civilized Demons: The Harappans in Rig Veda, Malati J. Shendge; Abhinav Publications, New Delhi, 1977.

– Satyaloka in the Rig Veda, A Study, by Dr. A. Venkatasubbiah (1886-1969); Vishveshvaranand Vedic Research Institute, 1974.

This article is offered under Creative Commons license. It’s okay to republish it anywhere as long as attribution bio is included and all links remain intact.

The Roman Conspiracy to Invent Jesus

Who was Jesus?

Why is there no historic archaeological evidence of his existence?

Who wrote the Gospels?

Why were they written in Greek, rather than Hebrew or Aramaic?

How did the Christian religion come to be centered in Rome?

Why were the first Christian pope and earliest saints all members of the

Flavius Caesar ruling family?

The truth will set you free…

The Forged Origins of The New Testament

                                                                                    Extracted from Nexus Magazine

Volume 14, Number 4 (June – July 2007)

from NexusMagazine Website

In the fourth century, the Roman Emperor Constantine united all religious factions under one composite deity, and ordered the compilation of new and old writings into a uniform collection that became the New Testament.


What the Church doesn’t want you to know

It has often been emphasized that Christianity is unlike any other religion, for it stands or falls by certain events which are alleged to have occurred during a short period of time some 20 centuries ago. Those stories are presented in the New Testament, and as new evidence is revealed it will become clear that they do not represent historical realities.

The Church agrees, saying:

“Our documentary sources of knowledge about the origins of Christianity and its earliest development are chiefly the New Testament Scriptures, the authenticity of which we must, to a great extent, take for granted.”
(Catholic Encyclopedia, Farley ed., vol. iii, p. 712)

The Church makes extraordinary admissions about its New Testament. For example, when discussing the origin of those writings,

“the most distinguished body of academic opinion ever assembled” (Catholic Encyclopedias, Preface) admits that the Gospels “do not go back to the first century of the Christian era”

(Catholic Encyclopedia, Farley ed., vol. vi, p. 137, pp. 655-6).

This statement conflicts with priesthood assertions that the earliest Gospels were progressively written during the decades following the death of the Gospel Jesus Christ.

In a remarkable aside, the Church further admits that,

“the earliest of the extant manuscripts [of the New Testament], it is true, do not date back beyond the middle of the fourth century AD”

(Catholic Encyclopedia, op. cit., pp. 656-7).

That is some 350 years after the time the Church claims that a Jesus Christ walked the sands of Palestine, and here the true story of Christian origins slips into one of the biggest black holes in history. There is, however, a reason why there were no New Testaments until the fourth century: they were not written until then, and here we find evidence of the greatest misrepresentation of all time.

It was British-born Flavius Constantinus (Constantine, originally Custennyn or Custennin) (272-337) who authorized the compilation of the writings now called the New Testament. After the death of his father in 306, Constantine became King of Britain, Gaul and Spain, and then, after a series of victorious battles, Emperor of the Roman Empire. Christian historians give little or no hint of the turmoil of the times and suspend Constantine in the air, free of all human events happening around him. In truth, one of Constantine’s main problems was the uncontrollable disorder amongst presbyters and their belief in numerous gods.

The majority of modern-day Christian writers suppress the truth about the development of their religion and conceal Constantine’s efforts to curb the disreputable character of the presbyters who are now called “Church Fathers” (Catholic Encyclopedia, Farley ed., vol. xiv, pp. 370-1). They were “maddened”, he said (Life of Constantine, attributed to Eusebius Pamphilius of Caesarea, c. 335, vol. iii, p. 171; The Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers, cited as N&PNF, attributed to St Ambrose, Rev. Prof. Roberts, DD, and Principal James Donaldson, LLD, editors, 1891, vol. iv, p. 467).

The “peculiar type of oratory” expounded by them was a challenge to a settled religious order (The Dictionary of Classical Mythology, Religion, Literature and Art, Oskar Seyffert, Gramercy, New York, 1995, pp. 544-5). Ancient records reveal the true nature of the presbyters, and the low regard in which they were held has been subtly suppressed by modern Church historians.

In reality, they were:

“…the most rustic fellows, teaching strange paradoxes. They openly declared that none but the ignorant was fit to hear their discourses … they never appeared in the circles of the wiser and better sort, but always took care to intrude themselves among the ignorant and uncultured, rambling around to play tricks at fairs and markets … they lard their lean books with the fat of old fables … and still the less do they understand … and they write nonsense on vellum … and still be doing, never done.”
(Contra Celsum [“Against Celsus”], Origen of Alexandria, c. 251, Bk I, p. lxvii, Bk III, p. xliv, passim)

Clusters of presbyters had developed “many gods and many lords” (1 Cor. 8:5) and numerous religious sects existed, each with differing doctrines (Gal. 1:6). Presbyterial groups clashed over attributes of their various gods and “altar was set against altar” in competing for an audience (Optatus of Milevis, 1:15, 19, early fourth century). From Constantine’s point of view, there were several factions that needed satisfying, and he set out to develop an all-embracing religion during a period of irreverent confusion. In an age of crass ignorance, with nine-tenths of the peoples of Europe illiterate, stabilizing religious splinter groups was only one of Constantine’s problems.

The smooth generalization, which so many historians are content to repeat, that Constantine “embraced the Christian religion” and subsequently granted “official toleration”, is “contrary to historical fact” and should be erased from our literature forever (Catholic Encyclopedia, Pecci ed., vol. iii, p. 299, passim). Simply put, there was no Christian religion at Constantine’s time, and the Church acknowledges that the tale of his “conversion” and “baptism” are “entirely legendary” (Catholic Encyclopedia, Farley ed., vol. xiv, pp. 370-1).

Constantine “never acquired a solid theological knowledge” and “depended heavily on his advisers in religious questions” (Catholic Encyclopedia, New Edition, vol. xii, p. 576, passim). According to Eusebeius (260-339), Constantine noted that among the presbyterian factions “strife had grown so serious, vigorous action was necessary to establish a more religious state”, but he could not bring about a settlement between rival god factions (Life of Constantine, op. cit., pp. 26-8). His advisers warned him that the presbyters’ religions were “destitute of foundation” and needed official stabilization (ibid.).

Constantine saw in this confused system of fragmented dogmas the opportunity to create a new and combined State religion, neutral in concept, and to protect it by law. When he conquered the East in 324 he sent his Spanish religious adviser, Osius of Córdoba, to Alexandria with letters to several bishops exhorting them to make peace among themselves. The mission failed and Constantine, probably at the suggestion of Osius, then issued a decree commanding all presbyters and their subordinates “be mounted on asses, mules and horses belonging to the public, and travel to the city of Nicaea” in the Roman province of Bithynia in Asia Minor.

They were instructed to bring with them the testimonies they orated to the rabble, “bound in leather” for protection during the long journey, and surrender them to Constantine upon arrival in Nicaea (The Catholic Dictionary, Addis and Arnold, 1917, “Council of Nicaea” entry).

Their writings totaled,

“in all, two thousand two hundred and thirty-one scrolls and legendary tales of gods and saviors, together with a record of the doctrines orated by them”

(Life of Constantine, op. cit., vol. ii, p. 73; N&PNF, op. cit., vol. i, p. 518).

The First Council of Nicaea and the “missing records”

Thus, the first ecclesiastical gathering in history was summoned and is today known as the Council of Nicaea. It was a bizarre event that provided many details of early clerical thinking and presents a clear picture of the intellectual climate prevailing at the time. It was at this gathering that Christianity was born, and the ramifications of decisions made at the time are difficult to calculate.

About four years prior to chairing the Council, Constantine had been initiated into the religious order of Sol Invictus, one of the two thriving cults that regarded the Sun as the one and only Supreme God (the other was Mithraism). Because of his Sun worship, he instructed Eusebius to convene the first of three sittings on the summer solstice, 21 June 325 (Catholic Encyclopedia, New Edition, vol. i, p. 792), and it was “held in a hall in Osius’s palace” (Ecclesiastical History, Bishop Louis Dupin, Paris, 1686, vol. i, p. 598).

In an account of the proceedings of the conclave of presbyters gathered at Nicaea, Sabinius, Bishop of Hereclea, who was in attendance, said,

“Excepting Constantine himself and Eusebius Pamphilius, they were a set of illiterate, simple creatures who understood nothing”

(Secrets of the Christian Fathers, Bishop J. W. Sergerus, 1685, 1897 reprint).

This is another luminous confession of the ignorance and uncritical credulity of early churchmen. Dr Richard Watson (1737-1816), a disillusioned Christian historian and one-time Bishop of Llandaff in Wales (1782), referred to them as “a set of gibbering idiots” (An Apology for Christianity, 1776, 1796 reprint; also, Theological Tracts, Dr Richard Watson, “On Councils” entry, vol. 2, London, 1786, revised reprint 1791). From his extensive research into Church councils, Dr Watson concluded that “the clergy at the Council of Nicaea were all under the power of the devil, and the convention was composed of the lowest rabble and patronized the vilest abominations” (An Apology for Christianity, op. cit.).

It was that infantile body of men who were responsible for the commencement of a new religion and the theological creation of Jesus Christ.

The Church admits that vital elements of the proceedings at Nicaea are “strangely absent from the canons” (Catholic Encyclopedia, Farley ed., vol. iii, p. 160). We shall see shortly what happened to them. However, according to records that endured, Eusebius “occupied the first seat on the right of the emperor and delivered the inaugural address on the emperor’s behalf” (Catholic Encyclopedia, Farley ed., vol. v, pp. 619-620).

There were no British presbyters at the council but many Greek delegates. “Seventy Eastern bishops” represented Asiatic factions, and small numbers came from other areas (Ecclesiastical History, ibid.). Caecilian of Carthage traveled from Africa, Paphnutius of Thebes from Egypt, Nicasius of Die (Dijon) from Gaul, and Donnus of Stridon made the journey from Pannonia.

It was at that puerile assembly, and with so many cults represented, that a total of 318 “bishops, priests, deacons, subdeacons, acolytes and exorcists” gathered to debate and decide upon a unified belief system that encompassed only one god (An Apology for Christianity, op. cit.). By this time, a huge assortment of “wild texts” (Catholic Encyclopedia, New Edition, “Gospel and Gospels”) circulated amongst presbyters and they supported a great variety of Eastern and Western gods and goddesses:

Jove, Jupiter, Salenus, Baal, Thor, Gade, Apollo, Juno, Aries, Taurus, Minerva, Rhets, Mithra, Theo, Fragapatti, Atys, Durga, Indra, Neptune, Vulcan, Kriste, Agni, Croesus, Pelides, Huit, Hermes, Thulis, Thammus, Eguptus, Iao, Aph, Saturn, Gitchens, Minos, Maximo, Hecla and Phernes

(God’s Book of Eskra, anon., ch. xlviii, paragraph 36).

Up until the First Council of Nicaea, the Roman aristocracy primarily worshipped two Greek gods -Apollo and Zeus- but the great bulk of common people idolized either Julius Caesar or Mithras (the Romanized version of the Persian deity Mithra). Caesar was deified by the Roman Senate after his death (15 March 44 BC) and subsequently venerated as “the Divine Julius”. The word “Savior” was affixed to his name, its literal meaning being “one who sows the seed”, i.e., he was a phallic god.

Julius Caesar was hailed as, “God made manifest and universal Savior of human life”, and his successor Augustus was called the “ancestral God and Savior of the whole human race”

(Man and his Gods, Homer Smith, Little, Brown & Co., Boston, 1952).

Emperor Nero (54-68), whose original name was Lucius Domitius Ahenobarbus (37-68), was immortalized on his coins as the “Savior of mankind” (ibid.). The Divine Julius as Roman Savior and “Father of the Empire” was considered “God” among the Roman rabble for more than 300 years. He was the deity in some Western presbyters’ texts, but was not recognized in Eastern or Oriental writings.

Constantine’s intention at Nicaea was to create an entirely new god for his empire who would unite all religious factions under one deity. Presbyters were asked to debate and decide who their new god would be. Delegates argued among themselves, expressing personal motives for inclusion of particular writings that promoted the finer traits of their own special deity. Throughout the meeting, howling factions were immersed in heated debates, and the names of 53 gods were tabled for discussion.

“As yet, no God had been selected by the council, and so they balloted in order to determine that matter… For one year and five months the balloting lasted…”

(God’s Book of Eskra, Prof. S. L. MacGuire’s translation, Salisbury, 1922, chapter xlviii, paragraphs 36, 41).

At the end of that time, Constantine returned to the gathering to discover that the presbyters had not agreed on a new deity but had balloted down to a shortlist of five prospects:

  1. Caesar

  2. Krishna

  3. Mithra

  4. Horus

  5. Zeus

    (Historia Ecclesiastica, Eusebius, c. 325).

Constantine was the ruling spirit at Nicaea and he ultimately decided upon a new god for them. To involve British factions, he ruled that the name of the great Druid god, Hesus, be joined with the Eastern Savior-god, Krishna (Krishna is Sanskrit for Christ), and thus Hesus Krishna would be the official name of the new Roman god.

A vote was taken and it was with a majority show of hands (161 votes to 157) that both divinities became one God. Following longstanding heathen custom, Constantine used the official gathering and the Roman apotheosis decree to legally deify two deities as one, and did so by democratic consent. A new god was proclaimed and “officially” ratified by Constantine (Acta Concilii Nicaeni, 1618). That purely political act of deification effectively and legally placed Hesus and Krishna among the Roman gods as one individual composite.

That abstraction lent Earthly existence to amalgamated doctrines for the Empire’s new religion; and because there was no letter “J” in alphabets until around the ninth century, the name subsequently evolved into “Jesus Christ”.

How the Gospels were created

Constantine then instructed Eusebius to organize the compilation of a uniform collection of new writings developed from primary aspects of the religious texts submitted at the council.

His instructions were:

“Search ye these books, and whatever is good in them, that retain; but whatsoever is evil, that cast away. What is good in one book, unite ye with that which is good in another book. And whatsoever is thus brought together shall be called The Book of Books. And it shall be the doctrine of my people, which I will recommend unto all nations, that there shall be no more war for religions’ sake.”
(God’s Book of Eskra, op. cit., chapter xlviii, paragraph 31)

“Make them to astonish” said Constantine, and “the books were written accordingly”

(Life of Constantine, vol. iv, pp. 36-39).

Eusebius amalgamated the “legendary tales of all the religious doctrines of the world together as one”, using the standard god-myths from the presbyters’ manuscripts as his exemplars.

Merging the supernatural “god” stories of Mithra and Krishna with British Culdean beliefs effectively joined the orations of Eastern and Western presbyters together “to form a new universal belief” (ibid.). Constantine believed that the amalgamated collection of myths would unite variant and opposing religious factions under one representative story.

Eusebius then arranged for scribes to produce,

“fifty sumptuous copies … to be written on parchment in a legible manner, and in a convenient portable form, by professional scribes thoroughly accomplished in their art”


“These orders,” said Eusebius, “were followed by the immediate execution of the work itself … we sent him [Constantine] magnificently and elaborately bound volumes of three-fold and four-fold forms”

(Life of Constantine, vol. iv, p. 36).

They were the “New Testimonies”, and this is the first mention (c. 331) of the New Testament in the historical record.

With his instructions fulfilled, Constantine then decreed that the New Testimonies would thereafter be called the “word of the Roman Savior God” (Life of Constantine, vol. iii, p. 29) and official to all presbyters sermonizing in the Roman Empire. He then ordered earlier presbyterial manuscripts and the records of the council “burnt” and declared that “any man found concealing writings should be stricken off from his shoulders” (beheaded) (ibid.). As the record shows, presbyterial writings previous to the Council of Nicaea no longer exist, except for some fragments that have survived.

Some council records also survived, and they provide alarming ramifications for the Church. Some old documents say that the First Council of Nicaea ended in mid-November 326, while others say the struggle to establish a god was so fierce that it extended “for four years and seven months” from its beginning in June 325 (Secrets of the Christian Fathers, op. cit.). Regardless of when it ended, the savagery and violence it encompassed were concealed under the glossy title “Great and Holy Synod”, assigned to the assembly by the Church in the 18th century.

Earlier Churchmen, however, expressed a different opinion.

The Second Council of Nicaea in 786-87 denounced the First Council of Nicaea as,

“a synod of fools and madmen” and sought to annul “decisions passed by men with troubled brains”

(History of the Christian Church, H. H. Milman, DD, 1871).

If one chooses to read the records of the Second Nicaean Council and notes references to “affrighted bishops” and the “soldiery” needed to “quell proceedings”, the “fools and madmen” declaration is surely an example of the pot calling the kettle black.

Constantine died in 337 and his outgrowth of many now-called pagan beliefs into a new religious system brought many converts. Later Church writers made him “the great champion of Christianity” which he gave,

“legal status as the religion of the Roman Empire”

(Encyclopedia of the Roman Empire, Matthew Bunson, Facts on File, New York, 1994, p. 86).

Historical records reveal this to be incorrect, for it was “self-interest” that led him to create Christianity (A Smaller Classical Dictionary, J. M. Dent, London, 1910, p. 161). Yet it wasn’t called “Christianity” until the 15th century (How The Great Pan Died, Professor Edmond S. Bordeaux [Vatican archivist], Mille Meditations, USA, MCMLXVIII, pp. 45-7).

Over the ensuing centuries, Constantine’s New Testimonies were expanded upon, “interpolations” were added and other writings included (Catholic Encyclopedia, Farley ed., vol. vi, pp. 135-137; also, Pecci ed., vol. ii, pp. 121-122). For example, in 397 John “golden-mouthed” Chrysostom restructured the writings of Apollonius of Tyana, a first-century wandering sage, and made them part of the New Testimonies (Secrets of the Christian Fathers, op. cit.).

The Latinized name for Apollonius is Paulus (A Latin-English Dictionary, J. T. White and J. E. Riddle, Ginn & Heath, Boston, 1880), and the Church today calls those writings the Epistles of Paul. Apollonius’s personal attendant, Damis, an Assyrian scribe, is Demis in the New Testament (2 Tim. 4:10).

The Church hierarchy knows the truth about the origin of its Epistles, for Cardinal Bembo (d. 1547), secretary to Pope Leo X (d. 1521), advised his associate, Cardinal Sadoleto, to disregard them, saying,

“put away these trifles, for such absurdities do not become a man of dignity; they were introduced on the scene later by a sly voice from heaven”

(Cardinal Bembo: His Letters and Comments on Pope Leo X, A. L. Collins, London, 1842 reprint).

The Church admits that the Epistles of Paul are forgeries, saying,

“Even the genuine Epistles were greatly interpolated to lend weight to the personal views of their authors”

(Catholic Encyclopedia, Farley ed., vol. vii, p. 645).

Likewise, St Jerome (d. 420) declared that the Acts of the Apostles, the fifth book of the New Testament, was also “falsely written” (“The Letters of Jerome”, Library of the Fathers, Oxford Movement, 1833-45, vol. v, p. 445).

The shock discovery of an ancient Bible

The New Testament subsequently evolved into a fulsome piece of priesthood propaganda, and the Church claimed it recorded the intervention of a divine Jesus Christ into Earthly affairs. However, a spectacular discovery in a remote Egyptian monastery revealed to the world the extent of later falsifications of the Christian texts, themselves only an “assemblage of legendary tales” (Encyclopédie, Diderot, 1759).

On 4 February 1859, 346 leaves of an ancient codex were discovered in the furnace room at St Catherine’s monastery at Mt Sinai, and its contents sent shockwaves through the Christian world. Along with other old codices, it was scheduled to be burned in the kilns to provide winter warmth for the inhabitants of the monastery. Written in Greek on donkey skins, it carried both the Old and New Testaments, and later in time archaeologists dated its composition to around the year 380.

It was discovered by Dr Constantin von Tischendorf (1815-1874), a brilliant and pious German biblical scholar, and he called it the Sinaiticus, the Sinai Bible. Tischendorf was a professor of theology who devoted his entire life to the study of New Testament origins, and his desire to read all the ancient Christian texts led him on the long, camel-mounted journey to St Catherine’s Monastery.

During his lifetime, Tischendorf had access to other ancient Bibles unavailable to the public, such as the Alexandrian (or Alexandrinus) Bible, believed to be the second oldest Bible in the world. It was so named because in 1627 it was taken from Alexandria to Britain and gifted to King Charles I (1600-49). Today it is displayed alongside the world’s oldest known Bible, the Sinaiticus, in the British Library in London. During his research, Tischendorf had access to the Vaticanus, the Vatican Bible, believed to be the third oldest in the world and dated to the mid-sixth century (The Various Versions of the Bible, Dr Constantin von Tischendorf, 1874, available in the British Library).

It was locked away in the Vatican’s inner library. Tischendorf asked if he could extract handwritten notes, but his request was declined. However, when his guard took refreshment breaks, Tischendorf wrote comparative narratives on the palm of his hand and sometimes on his fingernails (“Are Our Gospels Genuine or Not?”, Dr Constantin von Tischendorf, lecture, 1869, available in the British Library).

Today, there are several other Bibles written in various languages during the fifth and sixth centuries, examples being the Syriacus, the Cantabrigiensis (Bezae), the Sarravianus and the Marchalianus.

A shudder of apprehension echoed through Christendom in the last quarter of the 19th century when English-language versions of the Sinai Bible were published. Recorded within these pages is information that disputes Christianity’s claim of historicity. Christians were provided with irrefutable evidence of willful falsifications in all modern New Testaments. So different was the Sinai Bible’s New Testament from versions then being published that the Church angrily tried to annul the dramatic new evidence that challenged its very existence.

In a series of articles published in the London Quarterly Review in 1883, John W. Burgon, Dean of Chichester, used every rhetorical device at his disposal to attack the Sinaiticus’ earlier and opposing story of Jesus Christ, saying that,

“…without a particle of hesitation, the Sinaiticus is scandalously corrupt … exhibiting the most shamefully mutilated texts which are anywhere to be met with; they have become, by whatever process, the depositories of the largest amount of fabricated readings, ancient blunders and intentional perversions of the truth which are discoverable in any known copies of the word of God”.

Dean Burgon’s concerns mirror opposing aspects of Gospel stories then current, having by now evolved to a new stage through centuries of tampering with the fabric of an already unhistorical document.

The revelations of ultraviolet light testing

In 1933, the British Museum in London purchased the Sinai Bible from the Soviet government for £100,000, of which £65,000 was gifted by public subscription. Prior to the acquisition, this Bible was displayed in the Imperial Library in St Petersburg, Russia, and “few scholars had set eyes on it” (The Daily Telegraph and Morning Post, 11 January 1938, p. 3). When it went on display in 1933 as “the oldest Bible in the world” (ibid.), it became the centre of a pilgrimage unequalled in the history of the British Museum.

Before I summarize its conflictions, it should be noted that this old codex is by no means a reliable guide to New Testament study as it contains superabundant errors and serious re-editing. These anomalies were exposed as a result of the months of ultraviolet-light tests carried out at the British Museum in the mid-1930s. The findings revealed replacements of numerous passages by at least nine different editors.

Photographs taken during testing revealed that ink pigments had been retained deep in the pores of the skin. The original words were readable under ultraviolet light. Anybody wishing to read the results of the tests should refer to the book written by the researchers who did the analysis: the Keepers of the Department of Manuscripts at the British Museum (Scribes and Correctors of the Codex Sinaiticus, H. J. M. Milne and T. C. Skeat, British Museum, London, 1938).

Forgery in the Gospels

When the New Testament in the Sinai Bible is compared with a modern-day New Testament, a staggering 14,800 editorial alterations can be identified. These amendments can be recognized by a simple comparative exercise that anybody can and should do. Serious study of Christian origins must emanate from the Sinai Bible’s version of the New Testament, not modern editions.

Of importance is the fact that the Sinaiticus carries three Gospels since rejected:

  1. the Shepherd of Hermas (written by two resurrected ghosts, Charinus and Lenthius)

  2. the Missive of Barnabas

  3. the Odes of Solomon

Space excludes elaboration on these bizarre writings and also discussion on dilemmas associated with translation variations.

Modern Bibles are five removes in translation from early editions, and disputes rage between translators over variant interpretations of more than 5,000 ancient words. However, it is what is not written in that old Bible that embarrasses the Church, and this article discusses only a few of those omissions.

One glaring example is subtly revealed in the Encyclopaedia Biblica (Adam & Charles Black, London, 1899, vol. iii, p. 3344), where the Church divulges its knowledge about exclusions in old Bibles, saying:

“The remark has long ago and often been made that, like Paul, even the earliest Gospels knew nothing of the miraculous birth of our Saviour”.

That is because there never was a virgin birth.

It is apparent that when Eusebius assembled scribes to write the New Testimonies, he first produced a single document that provided an exemplar or master version. Today it is called the Gospel of Mark, and the Church admits that it was “the first Gospel written” (Catholic Encyclopedia, Farley ed., vol. vi, p. 657), even though it appears second in the New Testament today. The scribes of the Gospels of Matthew and Luke were dependent upon the Mark writing as the source and framework for the compilation of their works. The Gospel of John is independent of those writings, and the late-15th-century theory that it was written later to support the earlier writings is the truth (The Crucifixion of Truth, Tony Bushby, Joshua Books, 2004, pp. 33-40).

Thus, the Gospel of Mark in the Sinai Bible carries the “first” story of Jesus Christ in history, one completely different to what is in modern Bibles. It starts with Jesus “at about the age of thirty” (Mark 1:9), and doesn’t know of Mary, a virgin birth or mass murders of baby boys by Herod. Words describing Jesus Christ as “the son of God” do not appear in the opening narrative as they do in today’s editions (Mark 1:1), and the modern-day family tree tracing a “messianic bloodline” back to King David is non-existent in all ancient Bibles, as are the now-called “messianic prophecies” (51 in total).

The Sinai Bible carries a conflicting version of events surrounding the “raising of Lazarus”, and reveals an extraordinary omission that later became the central doctrine of the Christian faith: the resurrection appearances of Jesus Christ and his ascension into Heaven. No supernatural appearance of a resurrected Jesus Christ is recorded in any ancient Gospels of Mark, but a description of over 500 words now appears in modern Bibles (Mark 16:9-20).

Despite a multitude of long-drawn-out self-justifications by Church apologists, there is no unanimity of Christian opinion regarding the non-existence of “resurrection” appearances in ancient Gospel accounts of the story. Not only are those narratives missing in the Sinai Bible, but they are absent in the Alexandrian Bible, the Vatican Bible, the Bezae Bible and an ancient Latin manuscript of Mark, code-named “K” by analysts. They are also lacking in the oldest Armenian version of the New Testament, in sixth-century manuscripts of the Ethiopic version and ninth-century Anglo-Saxon Bibles. However, some 12th-century Gospels have the now-known resurrection verses written within asterisks-marks used by scribes to indicate spurious passages in a literary document.

The Church claims that “the resurrection is the fundamental argument for our Christian belief” (Catholic Encyclopedia, Farley ed., vol. xii, p. 792), yet no supernatural appearance of a resurrected Jesus Christ is recorded in any of the earliest Gospels of Mark available. A resurrection and ascension of Jesus Christ is the sine qua non (“without which, nothing”) of Christianity (Catholic Encyclopedia, Farley ed., vol. xii, p. 792), confirmed by words attributed to Paul:

“If Christ has not been raised, your faith is in vain”

(1 Cor. 5:17).

The resurrection verses in today’s Gospels of Mark are universally acknowledged as forgeries and the Church agrees, saying,

“the conclusion of Mark is admittedly not genuine … almost the entire section is a later compilation”

(Encyclopaedia Biblica, vol. ii, p. 1880, vol. iii, pp. 1767, 1781; also, Catholic Encyclopedia, vol. iii, under the heading “The Evidence of its Spuriousness”; Catholic Encyclopedia, Farley ed., vol. iii, pp. 274-9 under heading “Canons”).

Undaunted, however, the Church accepted the forgery into its dogma and made it the basis of Christianity.

The trend of fictitious resurrection narratives continues. The final chapter of the Gospel of John (21) is a sixth-century forgery, one entirely devoted to describing Jesus‘ resurrection to his disciples.

The Church admits:

“The sole conclusion that can be deduced from this is that the 21st chapter was afterwards added and is therefore to be regarded as an appendix to the Gospel”

(Catholic Encyclopedia, Farley ed., vol. viii, pp. 441-442; New Catholic Encyclopedia (NCE), “Gospel of John”, p. 1080; also NCE, vol. xii, p. 407).

“The Great Insertion” and “The Great Omission”

Modern-day versions of the Gospel of Luke have a staggering 10,000 more words than the same Gospel in the Sinai Bible. Six of those words say of Jesus “and was carried up into heaven”, but this narrative does not appear in any of the oldest Gospels of Luke available today (“Three Early Doctrinal Modifications of the Text of the Gospels“, F. C. Conybeare, The Hibbert Journal, London, vol. 1, no. 1, Oct 1902, pp. 96-113). Ancient versions do not verify modern-day accounts of an ascension of Jesus Christ, and this falsification clearly indicates an intention to deceive.

Today, the Gospel of Luke is the longest of the canonical Gospels because it now includes “The Great Insertion”, an extraordinary 15th-century addition totaling around 8,500 words (Luke 9:51-18:14). The insertion of these forgeries into that Gospel bewilders modern Christian analysts, and of them the Church said:

“The character of these passages makes it dangerous to draw inferences”

(Catholic Encyclopedia, Pecci ed., vol. ii, p. 407).

Just as remarkable, the oldest Gospels of Luke omit all verses from 6:45 to 8:26, known in priesthood circles as “The Great Omission”, a total of 1,547 words. In today’s versions, that hole has been “plugged up” with passages plagiarized from other Gospels. Dr Tischendorf found that three paragraphs in newer versions of the Gospel of Luke’s version of the Last Supper appeared in the 15th century, but the Church still passes its Gospels off as the unadulterated “word of God” (“Are Our Gospels Genuine or Not?”, op. cit.)

The “Expurgatory Index”

As was the case with the New Testament, so also were damaging writings of early “Church Fathers” modified in centuries of copying, and many of their records were intentionally rewritten or suppressed.

Adopting the decrees of the Council of Trent (1545-63), the Church subsequently extended the process of erasure and ordered the preparation of a special list of specific information to be expunged from early Christian writings (Delineation of Roman Catholicism, Rev. Charles Elliott, DD, G. Lane & P. P. Sandford, New York, 1842, p. 89; also, The Vatican Censors, Professor Peter Elmsley, Oxford, p. 327, pub. date n/a).

In 1562, the Vatican established a special censoring office called Index Expurgatorius. Its purpose was to prohibit publication of “erroneous passages of the early Church Fathers” that carried statements opposing modern-day doctrine.

When Vatican archivists came across,

“genuine copies of the Fathers, they corrected them according to the Expurgatory Index”

(Index Expurgatorius Vaticanus, R. Gibbings, ed., Dublin, 1837; The Literary Policy of the Church of Rome, Joseph Mendham, J. Duncan, London, 1830, 2nd ed., 1840; The Vatican Censors, op. cit., p. 328).

This Church record provides researchers with,

“grave doubts about the value of all patristic writings released to the public”

(The Propaganda Press of Rome, Sir James W. L. Claxton, Whitehaven Books, London, 1942, p. 182).

Important for our story is the fact that the Encyclopaedia Biblica reveals that around 1,200 years of Christian history are unknown: “Unfortunately, only few of the records [of the Church] prior to the year 1198 have been released”. It was not by chance that, in that same year (1198), Pope Innocent III (1198-1216) suppressed all records of earlier Church history by establishing the Secret Archives (Catholic Encyclopedia, Farley ed., vol. xv, p. 287). Some seven-and-a-half centuries later, and after spending some years in those Archives, Professor Edmond S. Bordeaux wrote How The Great Pan Died.

In a chapter titled “The Whole of Church History is Nothing but a Retroactive Fabrication“, he said this (in part):

“The Church ante-dated all her late works, some newly made, some revised and some counterfeited, which contained the final expression of her history … her technique was to make it appear that much later works written by Church writers were composed a long time earlier, so that they might become evidence of the first, second or third centuries.”
(How The Great Pan Died, op. cit., p. 46)

Supporting Professor Bordeaux’s findings is the fact that, in 1587, Pope Sixtus V (1585-90) established an official Vatican publishing division and said in his own words,

“Church history will be now be established … we shall seek to print our own account”

(Encyclopédie, Diderot, 1759).

Vatican records also reveal that Sixtus V spent 18 months of his life as pope personally writing a new Bible and then introduced into Catholicism a “New Learning” (Catholic Encyclopedia, Farley ed., vol. v, p. 442, vol. xv, p. 376). The evidence that the Church wrote its own history is found in Diderot’s Encyclopédie, and it reveals the reason why Pope Clement XIII (1758-69) ordered all volumes to be destroyed immediately after publication in 1759.

Gospel authors exposed as imposters

There is something else involved in this scenario and it is recorded in the Catholic Encyclopedia. An appreciation of the clerical mindset arises when the Church itself admits that it does not know who wrote its Gospels and Epistles, confessing that all 27 New Testament writings began life anonymously:

“It thus appears that the present titles of the Gospels are not traceable to the evangelists themselves … they [the New Testament collection] are supplied with titles which, however ancient, do not go back to the respective authors of those writings.”

(Catholic Encyclopedia, Farley ed., vol. vi, pp. 655-6)

The Church maintains that “the titles of our Gospels were not intended to indicate authorship”, adding that “the headings … were affixed to them” (Catholic Encyclopedia, Farley ed., vol. i, p. 117, vol. vi, pp. 655, 656). Therefore they are not Gospels written “according to Matthew, Mark, Luke or John”, as publicly stated. The full force of this confession reveals that there are no genuine apostolic Gospels, and that the Church’s shadowy writings today embody the very ground and pillar of Christian foundations and faith.

The consequences are fatal to the pretence of Divine origin of the entire New Testament and expose Christian texts as having no special authority. For centuries, fabricated Gospels bore Church certification of authenticity now confessed to be false, and this provides evidence that Christian writings are wholly fallacious.

After years of dedicated New Testament research, Dr Tischendorf expressed dismay at the differences between the oldest and newest Gospels, and had trouble understanding…

“…how scribes could allow themselves to bring in here and there changes which were not simply verbal ones, but such as materially affected the very meaning and, what is worse still, did not shrink from cutting out a passage or inserting one.”
(Alterations to the Sinai Bible, Dr Constantin von Tischendorf, 1863, available in the British Library, London)

After years of validating the fabricated nature of the New Testament, a disillusioned Dr Tischendorf confessed that modern-day editions have “been altered in many places” and are “not to be accepted as true” (When Were Our Gospels Written?, Dr Constantin von Tischendorf, 1865, British Library, London).

Just what is Christianity?

The important question then to ask is this: if the New Testament is not historical, what is it?

Dr Tischendorf provided part of the answer when he said in his 15,000 pages of critical notes on the Sinai Bible that,

“it seems that the personage of Jesus Christ was made narrator for many religions”.

This explains how narratives from the ancient Indian epic, the Mahabharata, appear verbatim in the Gospels today (e.g., Matt. 1:25, 2:11, 8:1-4, 9:1-8, 9:18-26), and why passages from the Phenomena of the Greek statesman Aratus of Sicyon (271-213 BC) are in the New Testament.

Extracts from the Hymn to Zeus, written by Greek philosopher Cleanthes (c. 331-232 BC), are also found in the Gospels, as are 207 words from the Thais of Menander (c. 343-291), one of the “seven wise men” of Greece. Quotes from the semi-legendary Greek poet Epimenides (7th or 6th century BC) are applied to the lips of Jesus Christ, and seven passages from the curious Ode of Jupiter (c. 150 BC; author unknown) are reprinted in the New Testament.

Tischendorf‘s conclusion also supports Professor Bordeaux‘s Vatican findings that reveal the allegory of Jesus Christ derived from the fable of Mithra, the divine son of God (Ahura Mazda) and messiah of the first kings of the Persian Empire around 400 BC. His birth in a grotto was attended by magi who followed a star from the East. They brought “gifts of gold, frankincense and myrrh” (as in Matt. 2:11) and the newborn baby was adored by shepherds. He came into the world wearing the Mithraic cap, which popes imitated in various designs until well into the 15th century.

Mithra, one of a trinity, stood on a rock, the emblem of the foundation of his religion, and was anointed with honey. After a last supper with Helios and 11 other companions, Mithra was crucified on a cross, bound in linen, placed in a rock tomb and rose on the third day or around 25 March (the full moon at the spring equinox, a time now called Easter after the Babylonian goddess Ishtar). The fiery destruction of the universe was a major doctrine of Mithraism – a time in which Mithra promised to return in person to Earth and save deserving souls. Devotees of Mithra partook in a sacred communion banquet of bread and wine, a ceremony that paralleled the Christian Eucharist and preceded it by more than four centuries.

Christianity is an adaptation of,

  • Mithraism welded with the Druidic principles of the Culdees

  • some Egyptian elements (the pre-Christian Book of Revelation was originally called The Mysteries of Osiris and Isis)

  • Greek philosophy

  • various aspects of Hinduism

Why there are no records of Jesus Christ

It is not possible to find in any legitimate religious or historical writings compiled between the beginning of the first century and well into the fourth century any reference to Jesus Christ and the spectacular events that the Church says accompanied his life.

This confirmation comes from Frederic Farrar (1831-1903) of Trinity College, Cambridge:

“It is amazing that history has not embalmed for us even one certain or definite saying or circumstance in the life of the Saviour of mankind … there is no statement in all history that says anyone saw Jesus or talked with him. Nothing in history is more astonishing than the silence of contemporary writers about events relayed in the four Gospels.”
(The Life of Christ, Frederic W. Farrar, Cassell, London, 1874)

This situation arises from a conflict between history and New Testament narratives. Dr Tischendorf made this comment:

“We must frankly admit that we have no source of information with respect to the life of Jesus Christ other than ecclesiastic writings assembled during the fourth century.”
(Codex Sinaiticus, Dr Constantin von Tischendorf, British Library, London)

There is an explanation for those hundreds of years of silence:

the construct of Christianity did not begin until after the first quarter of the fourth century, and that is why Pope Leo X (d. 1521) called Christ a “fable”

(Cardinal Bembo: His Letters…, op. cit.).

About the Author

Tony Bushby, an Australian, became a businessman and entrepreneur early in his adult life. He established a magazine-publishing business and spent 20 years researching, writing and publishing his own magazines, primarily for the Australian and New Zealand markets.

With strong spiritual beliefs and an interest in metaphysical subjects, Tony has developed long relationships with many associations and societies throughout the world that have assisted his research by making their archives available. He is the author of The Bible Fraud (2001; reviewed in NEXUS 8/06 with extracts in NEXUS 9/01—03), The Secret in the Bible (2003; reviewed in 11/02, with extract, “Ancient Cities under the Sands of Giza”, in 11/03) and The Crucifixion of Truth (2005; reviewed in 12/02) and The Twin Deception (2007; reviewed 14/03).

Copies of these books are available from the NEXUS website and the Joshua Books website

As Tony Bushby vigorously protects his privacy, any correspondence should be sent to him care of NEXUS Magazine, PO Box 30, Mapleton Qld 4560, Australia, fax +61 (0) 7 5442 9381.

via The Forged Origins of The New Testament.

▶ The Art of Deception Official Full Movie

“It is impossible for a man to learn what he thinks he already knows.”

Over the past decade, the documentary genre has become a bad joke. Fact is no longer a factor. As technology has developed, sights like youtube and vimeo make it possible for anyone to broadcast information, even if the information they express is based on lies. In an academic environment, a paper must have detailed references according to a set of university standards, but in a film, anything goes. The Art of Deception is an explanation of how a documentary is constructed to communicate truth, brainwash the audience and push an agenda.

The Art of Deception explains the way the media has become a puppet for certain people. For example, Al gore used his documentary ‘An Inconvenient Truth’, as a puppet to persuade people that climate change is a real problem. The convenience of Gore’s investments is where the truth really lies, and not in his movie (Which is banned in UK schools because of its blatant lies and disrespect for science).

The US government used Kony 2012, or the invisible children, as a puppet to invade Uganda after they discovered huge amounts of untapped oil. This is explained in great detail in the documentary.

How can we ever KNOW if what we think we know is really a fact? How can we prevent being manipulated into believing lies? Why is there a need to lie and keep secret certain things about science, politics, religion, history etc? Do we live on the Devil’s playground? Everyone is entitled to their own opinion, but not their own facts! Opinions based on lies aren’t worth much, are they? Or perhaps they are … to someone. How important is it to YOU to know what’s true and what’s not?

“The mark of a stupid man is not that he does not know,
it is that he chooses not to know!”