
“The planet is fine. The people are fucked.”
― George Carlin


I wander through existence trying to find out what’s true, what’s a lie, and who creates the lies and who hides the truth. I ask, ”how do you know that what you think you know is actually true or not? Do you even care if what you believe has a basis in reality”? Everyone is entitled to their own opinion, but not their own facts. Opinions based on bullshit aren’t really worth much, yet many fight and die for them.  Who’s been pulling the strings all these years, and why do the collective ‘we’ let it happen? Basically, WTF is happening on planet earth other than a whole bunch of ”institutionalized” stupid?

I have several heroes I’ve learned from. I’ve started my links widget off by placing the youtube channels of Alan Watts, Terence Mckenna, Manly P Hall,  and Joseph Campbell. Also Google Tom Campbell, Rupert Spira, Bernardo Kastrup, Donald Hoffman. These ‘modern’ thinkers have a quality I really like in my life, they have a positive message and offer solutions. I hope to add to that list, there are more. In truth seeking we should avoid following any one human being. Intuitive Self Gnosis is the only thing that has real value. I happily cherry pick what’s out there without apology and with a healthy dose of skepticism. I avoid fear mongering. For as long as I remember,  I’ve never trusted the ‘system,’  and that includes organized religion, but I don’t ‘fear’ it. The paradoxical nature of existence means that there is always plenty to complain about. The world is full of unkindness. Bad stuff happens to everyone. There’s no denying the negative pole of life, but it is balanced with a powerful positive pole as well. To ignore the positive is to live in fear, and that’s not living. Listening to Alex Jones does not make one a Truth-seeker.

Much of my interests are esoteric, which by definition is ‘for the few.’  The path to Truth is a personal one. The description defies the limits of language. I am happy at the numbers of people awakening to the reality of a better dimension of existence. I witnessed the death of the hippies by the ‘powers that be,’  but believe me the hippy philosophy is still alive and being lived out by many.  So if you are here it’s not by accident! Leave some bread crumbs so I can see what you’re up to.

Inner peace begets outer peace. I believe each of us is a beautiful manifestation of Existence.  BE THE STRANGE YOU WANT TO SEE IN THE WORLD … I AM.

(This blog as it appears reflects my interests at the time. I went through this and have grown to become who I am today. 2018 a.d. –
Forever evolving, I AM becoming).

82 thoughts on “About

  1. yes plenty of less wise people and less informed. I have learned that we each come here to Earth at a certain level of being.. say evolution wise.. I feel all people are on their own journey towards real understanding.. Because we are all on many levels of consciousness, it is hard to bring about a peaceful earth or even a fair system to live by.. I remember my guru saying that people are all very different in size – shape and build, but the source of all being, that which runs through all life, depends on the soul of that person.. A light bulb comes in many different shapes etc.. but the wattage is the same – only some light bulbs have 10 watts. another 1000 watts. Hope this explains it… eve

    Liked by 2 people

  2. Dear friend, Thank you very much, I was really happy to have been following your blog. I’m still a lot to figure out, and here I can only say that you are an awesome blogger, full Inspiring and hope you can inspire more readers. Thanks and greetings compassion from Gede Prama :)

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Wanted to write this in private, but….
    A friend sent me to SNOPES after I told her what you said about the FBI/Activist/Bomber story. SNOPES has nothing on it or him. Yet it is all over the internet and was on our news?????Wish we were FB friends I could message you~ Feel free to delete this~

    Liked by 2 people

  4. I like how you have a strong message, and the idea of finding a “personal truth”. One can be much happier in their own truth than in accepting the truth of others. Just accepting leads to a false truth and happiness, which is not possibly the real happiness. Keep doing what you’re doing, for sure.

    Liked by 1 person

    • I think the great philosophers conveyed much about the mysteries of life, and as you said it’s kind of a dead art now. I think that’s a true tragedy. I remember wanting to take philosophy in college, but never did. I wish now I would have, but learning at my own pace is rewarding as well. Thanks for the comment. Be the strange you want to see in the world. Write your own myth and live your own gospel ;)

      Liked by 1 person

      • Thanks. I definitely appreciate those last two lines. Great message and words. Philosophy is dying and yet philosophy is always living because it is the way of everything. Learning at your own pace is just as good as learning in other ways. Self-teaching is the beginning of really learning.


  5. Dunno how I stumbled onto this blog, but definitely looking forward to zoning out on it in the future. I support anyone who’s aware and also trying to pull others out of their systematic slumber. Bravo sir, keep up the good work.


  6. Hi! Liking my post brought you to my attention, so i owe you a double-thanks! Like your stuff and will peruse regularly :) hope the same will go for you (I just gotta put up more stuff first!)
    Take care,


  7. alan watts found me a couple of years ago, after joseph campbell was through with me . . .. whose next? . . .. i like how your articles align with my thoughts yet i’m learning something new at the same time . . .such as the existence of and the word . . . . “sheeple” . . . is such a state contagious? if states of being are infectious then being un-sheeple out to have the reverse effect injecting un-sheepleness into peopleness, and so there’s a pendulum effect in place no? . . .. . .. i question what effect a new word has culturally too. . ..is it just describing something that requires its own word due to enough of it being around or is it creating a wall of alienation? does it spread such states of being as sheeple-ness by giving them an easy to use word/name, (as words hold the power to shape and create realities , so the more you say it the more manifests)?? .. . .


    • A sheeple to me is one who is in a state of hypnosis by the cultural reality created by false information to make humans a consumer and keep the ruling elite in power. Those that are breaking away from that false reality, turning their TVs off and trying to create peace have broken from the herd of the majority. All we have are words, and if the word is useful, it is better than silence, although the Ultimate reality is non-duality, we live in the material world and we need the masses to wake up and stop the destruction of Gaia. We have all been indoctrinated into the ‘system’ but some more than others, and from cradle to grave automatons are no longer acceptable when the world is on the verge of total Fascist control by a few uber-rich banksters and multi nationals poisoning our food, air and water, and stealing our resources in oorder to sell it back to us. Those that blindly go along with it without questioning are sheeple. It doesn’t have to be taken offensively, but since they act like a bunch of stupid cattle, well I say to them, if the shoe fits, lace that thing up and wear it. lol Is it contagious? Yes, it begins at birth. Can it be escaped from? Yes, simply question everything and believe nothing from mainstream corporate owned media or school. Is this what you’re asking about, or did I just go on a rant?


      • lol! .. a bit of a rant but also a bit of what i was asking about though the questions always seem to lead to more questions . . .. if the shoe fits it can be laced up and worn but how about taking it off and walking about barefoot for a while instead . … happily a state of hypnosis can be come out of, usually at a triggering awakening word/sound/etc. . . . .although i also wonder can we as a species all be “awake” simultaneously to begin with because if we were then where would be that tension point that propels change forward . . .as in my awareness can come out of an encounter with another’s lack of, thus somebody else’s ignorance serves my illumination or vice versa . . . my great granny used to say, and i’m translating from farsi so a bit gets lost, . . .”from whom do you learn manners? from those who have none” . . . with no sheep there’d be no shepherds and vice versa, so i try to imagine a world without either and it seems kind of like a blank canvas . . .. tabula rasa . . . is that where we are really? . .. my stream of consciousness kind of curves around a bit, though i always think i’m making sense!


  8. Yes, you make sense. (But obviously sheeple refuse to walk barefoot or they wouldn’t be sheeple). I do believe we can all be awake at the same time and live in peace with each other, I think we once did and will again. I think most people want this, but have been deceived into a false reality. (because they’re sheeple). It’ll change, we’re immortals with all the “time” in the world.

    Liked by 1 person

  9. I don’t agree with all of your ideas, but you have interesting ideas nonetheless, and use varied formats to present them. I look forward to reading future posts.


  10. So sorry to hear about your mother’s condition friend. I hope you don’t mind my posting this here:
    By the grace of the great and mysterious my new book/app is finally out-
    Escape To The Homelands Of The Heart; Awaken Your Inner Poet
    It’s a guide to awaken that which is present within all of us yet often overlooked. It’s packed with video, voice, music, landscape photography and practical exercises.
    It is my Gift to you and the wider world please share with your loved ones and friends.
    The whole thing is free to download on iBooks, retail value $24.99, Mac and iPad only. If you don’t use a Mac or an iPad you can download the manuscript in the file section of the Facebook group.
    Getting it out there and really making a difference is all about ratings and reviews so please share your thoughts and feelings on your blog and at these links.
    The mission it serves is to support human beings from all walks of life to awaken to the healing and transformative power of their Inner Poet and live more meaningful, connected lives beyond right and wrong dichotomy-based thinking.
    I offer my full support should you require any help integrating and applying the inner technology to your life. Please share your journey, questions, work and insights here:
    Facebook group (https://www.facebook.com/groups/1423036211305518/1433320476943758/?notif_t=group_activity)

    – With Love and profound appreciation, Michael


  11. I am glad to have found you (intuition led me from one thing into another this morning, the latter being you!)… I am on my awakening path and believe we are all love and light (these are the two words I said to my son the day he was born five years ago:’you are love and light’, and keep reminded him today..)… Yes, Alan Watts, what an amazing soul and mind.., I was very touched a few years ago when I listed to one of his short videos about who we are… Yes, I believe we are infinite energy and I wish one day to dye in my sleep, just like he did… :-)
    (I am Spanish living and working in London for the past 28 years and since I was very young I was searching for the true, specially having been educated in a nuns catholic school, and believing most of the staff and lies we were told.. Needless to say, I have not interest in any religion… Esoteric being, on the path of awakening consciousness, interested in philosophy-new thinking, spiritually-science while expressing art hopping to lead me the way in finding myself).
    Thank you for being you..


  12. Dear David:
    Have missed seeing your “like” on my recent posts.
    So went looking for a reason~ Found it!
    Please know that you are a very important presence in my WP world.
    I value your comments and appreciate them.
    I truly understand your personal Issues and hope that you will find peace in that situation soon.
    It is a tremendous burden to carry.
    Please feel free to email me or ??? if you wish~
    We Buckeyes must stick together.
    Hoping for your swift return to writing.
    Would rather read five words about what you think, than 5,000 by a Guest Writer~


  13. Aw, thanks Donna. I was hoping things would turn around quicker, but instead ended up losing a best friend to liver cancer, (the third and last best friend I had from childhood). It might seem to get harder, but thanks to meditation I can see the Light, not at the end of the tunnel but right in front of me. All I need is a couple pain free hours when mother is napping to bang out a post, because there’s so much on my mind. I’m trying very hard to keep up with you and others. Thanks for looking me up. :)


  14. Another example of wikipedia propaganda: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Enclosure

    Note how it’s the “marxist historians” who argue that the various enclosures were used, at least to some degree, for social and economic engineering, while those who argue against that are simply “historians”. As the good sheeple know, anything “marxist” is bad, so the “marxist historians” must be wrong, at the very least.


    • True. I commented on a blog discussing ways out of the current monetary system and I mentioned The Zeitgeist Movement of resource based sustainability plan. The blogger dismissed it as “Marxist.” If you know about the TZM you certainly know it’s not Marxist, but the blogger labeled it as such (probably never even investigating it), exposing his ignorance proudly. Disappointing how labels and words can close a mind down. “Occult” is another example of such a word. It’s amazing how easy it is for ‘them’ to control people’s minds. Even the founder of Wikipedia discourages people from using it as ‘authorative.’ It’s open source and anyone can pretend to be an expert. Actually the gov’t has been caught editing certain subjects.


  15. question everything inside and outside of yourself. there maybe answers or not. my painting is concerned with the subject of domestication of humans thru propaganda. good to read this blog and know there are others who want to “see”.


  16. I, too, feel the need to seek out those universal “truths” in the world— one, perhaps, being that the collective can’t settle on any one truth at all. Keep on your intriguing, peaceful writing– I look forward to reading. RJ


  17. I love your digging deep under the surface. So important to get some dirt under ones fingernails. : )
    Look forward to digging deeper myself…into your site.
    I am a philosophical thinker, a questioner, a nonconformist, and a lover of life.
    Glad to connect with you through cyberspace (and time).


  18. Hi Hipmonkey, and happy new year :)
    May I begin this year with a (light) criticism and follow it immediately with a request?
    The Criticism: This may be a failure on my part, or a deliberate effect on yours, but throughout your various posts, I often find myself struggling to identify where /your/ own opinions are expressed. You quote much – that’s fine, even great – but you seem to slide quickly, nigh imperceptibly, into and out of that quote/excerpt so that I don’t know where it ends and you begin. This even occurs with whole posts – I can’t tell which ones are genuinely from you or merely your intention of drawing to _our_ attention a particular excerpt or concept. Sometimes it appears that you are actually a collective of maybe 2 to 3 contributing authors (WordPress shows the articles as “by XYZ” where XYZ has not often been “hipmonkey”). Again, this could all be due to my own shortcoming… I don’t know. But importantly: Do you understand this frustration?
    The Request: You are a very mysterious person. I would like to respect that. But I also appreciate (what I think I’ve come to understand as) you, and thus would like a way of discussing topics/thoughts with you _directly_. Look here – my only means of reaching you is via a comment on your “About” page… see what I mean? In wishing to respect your privacy and/or anonymity, of _course_ I don’t expect you to flat-out publish an email address, or any such like – but you can by all means reach me on G+, Twitter (@ph4n_t0m), or email: (“tao.math.blog” at gmail yadda yadda). Thank you and I hope this opens a new year of better sharing!


      • Tom W, I’m also on Google+ as David Holmes. I thought that showed up in my comments or posts somewhere. You can visit http://beatlesnumber9.com and you’ll see a ”contact me” in the menu of that website. I only want to remain anonymous to my family, and fb followers on this blog. Also Twitter @Beatlesnumber9 if you need to message me. Ty


  19. hello this is the first time ive really bgeen online in over a year I would like to share a social experiment I have done over the past year but I now need others help on bring it to light yes this is the real me im in salt lake city and my name is Guiseppe M (the real one) find me at the Library


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