Belief vs Gnosis


Yup, I’m going there again. Always my most unpopular posts are about the Jesus myth. This says more about the masses than this little post could ever say. I’m not politically correct and do not care if I hurt someone’s feelings. Feelings are the problem. OK, I believe that the mythical Jesus Christ being changed to an historical person was a deliberate Roman political invention to be used as a diversion and/or distraction that keeps humanity from true spirituality, and from working on and evolving our own souls. The fictitious character of “Jesus” was invented from spiritual CONCEPTS originating in the Far East, such as spiritual alchemy, the kundalini energy, Buddhism, Krishna, and what is known as the “vril” “chi” “life-force” and Astrotheology STORIES from the Old Testament. Judaism was very astrological. This bit about the exoteric story hiding the esoteric from the ”profane” is a bit of nonsense. It wasn’t until the Inquisition drove the true message underground that it became esoteric. I believe it was at one time common knowledge that these myths meant something much deeper than the Vatican would allow people to know, that we are Gods, we are the Jesus character and by following his Initiation example we would become aware that we are indeed ”God.” Truth be known, one saves one’s own soul through advancing spiritually. In this way I think Jesus is a mystical representation of each of us, but this Christian god-man, along with biblical Literalism, is a deterrent to gnosis of the mystery and therefore keeps humanity from doing anything spiritually, keeping mankind enslaved to living a totally material existence, separated from God, nature and everything else (even each other). Christians cannot argue with this, because they do not know true spirituality. They have not experienced it. They are programmed to ”feel” Jesus as an emotional truth and become trapped in the Empirical political/material deception.

Once one’s eyes are opened and one is aware of the black magick concept, they can clearly and easily see how and why this Literalism/Orthodoxy was invented, but those with fear based egos and beliefs will never see it. That is just the way it is. (And I guess that’s OK, although as a member of the human race I think we’d evolve quicker if beliefs were replaced with knowledge and fear replaced with love). I also think the art of meditation should be taught in school, but I don’t see that happening any time soon. Most parents probably don’t meditate thus wouldn’t be able to teach it to their kids, but what a better world it would be if it was a part of daily life in the whole world. Those who are a member of the mainstream, and who take network news as gospel truth (pun intended) are too involved in the fictional game of life to experience intuitive knowledge. These people are great in number and an angry bunch, prepared to kill for their belief in their ”loving” God. As George Carlin said: “Our God has a bigger dick than your God.” These people will use the most ridiculous arguments to ”save jesus” from the trash can. They don’t understand how history is invented, dates are incorrect and that their brains are thoroughly washed by the thought police.

The fictitious character of Jesus Christ:

The “Jesus saves” baloney [ad nauseum] and the “born again” phrases have been twisted and incorporated into this fictitious Matrix (Or paradigm, or culture. Words are always just symbols so take all this with a grain of salt, but not literally with a grain of salt, that would be …. weird). In other words, deluded ones have been deceived into believing this Jesus character will take care of everything spiritual as long as they conform to the ”agenda.” This deters one from working on one’s own spirituality. There is nothing at all spiritual about this Jesus thing, or the Roman invented Christian program. It’s emotional ego crap, and somewhat arrogant to think a God loves you and all you have to do is pray to another person (Jesus) that He (God) killed to forgive you from sins that He Himself created, but only if you stroke His massive ego with meaningless ritual and worship. Prayer doesn’t work, there’s no one to pray to, meditation is what works. Intent, intuition, self improvement takes work on one’s self from a position of knowledge, not belief. Consider one who does good because they believe it’s the right thing to do. They’re still doing something good, right? But is it coming from the heart or from a belief? If one knows that actions here will effect their future karma and the evolvement of the Consciousness of the human race, rather than just acting on belief, how much better the good deed will be.

The “Jesus” character has acted as the thought police for ultimate control. Wars have been fought repeatedly over beliefs and ideas. When the enemy controls what is in the mind of humanity, the enemy then controls humanity.

Since Jesus is fictitious, he can be anything to anyone. He is whatever the current system claims and dictates. He changes with the times and conforms to any agenda, with the Bible which that has verses and contradictions to suit any argument or purpose. (See the oldest bible, the Sinai Bible, to view for yourself  later additions, many omissions, editing, and interpolations that suited the dogma of the times).  The ancient wisdom of that day was hijacked by politics and rewrote. What the ancient teaching were about is really not important as far as us learning any actual truths from them. They are mythical literature from days gone by. Truly we can write a new myth and live our own gospel in the present time. (I like the simulated reality/virtual reality analogy presented by Tom Campbell, Peter Russell and other scientists breaking away from mainstream science dogma and talking about their experience with Consciousness.

Gnosis is a word that is beyond man’s ability to define — and it indicates Spiritual Knowledge revealed directly to man by ‘God’ (I am beginning to have issues with the word God. It never bothered me before because I knew what it meant to me, and understood it meant something else to others. I just dealt with that fact, but now I feel it’s a word that is harmful and shouldn’t be tossed about as if there really was an egotistical entity that is the one and only God. I prefer Consciousness to God. Consciousness doesn’t have an ego, doesn’t need to be worshipped and is not separated from us). As for the bible, gnosis cannot be conveyed to another in a book. It can’t be taught by one person to another. Gnosis was deliberately suppressed by the Church. Gnosis has nothing to do with the wisdom of this world. It is impossible to study Gnosis in a school, college or university. The Gospel of Thomas portrays this world as dwelling in a state of abject poverty, because the wisdom of this world is devoid of the essential elements of what can be portrayed as Higher Spiritual Knowledge — the ‘Divine Manna of the Kingdom’ — or, in the Greek language what is portrayed as Gnosis.

It is impossible to enter the Kingdom in the manner that the Orthodox church teaches, without possessing the Knowledge of one’s true self and your relationship to Creator-God-Consciousness and receiving Knowledge (Gnosis) directly from Consciousness. The original objective of the Gospels was to alter and evolve the Initiate’s mind and body in the process of spiritual transformation that would enable the Initiate to achieve and bring about the necessary subsequent stages of birth — to learn directly from Source (instead of dependency on the organized church) — and become restored as a child of Consciousness, or whatever you want to call it. (In fact the Church had no other choice than to do this as it would have quickly died without using deception, murder, genocide, torture and trickery – but like the Scribes and Pharisees they are truly not needed and better off avoided. They just don’t want YOU to know they aren’t needed. For fellowship, join a poker club or something less mundane than Church). You can learn from wiser people without making them gods. How can any other human being be better than yourself? Give me a break!



“I will corrupt your seed and spread dung upon your faces!” (Malachi 2:3)

”Happy shall they be who take your little ones and dash them against the rock.” (Psalm 137:9)

”I permit no woman to teach or to have authority over man; she is to keep silent.” (1 Timothy 2:12)

”And I will make them eat the flesh of their sons and the flesh of their daughters, and they shall eat the flesh of their neighbors.” (Jeremiah 19:9)

”This is what the Lord Almighty says… ‘Now go and strike Amalek and devote to destruction all that they have. Do not spare them, but kill both man and woman, child and infant, ox and sheep, camel and donkey.’” (1 Samuel 15:3)

“Slaves, submit yourselves to your masters with all respect, not only to the good and gentle but also to the cruel.” (1 Peter 2:18)



In fairness, there is a spiritual meaning to these and other such quotes, but Literalism kills spirituality. Saul calls it ”the Letter that killeth.” Jesus tried to convey this and was crucified by religion and politics. Stupid ass Rome left some hidden treasures in the bible, too bad Christians don’t get it. LITERALISM KILLS SPIRITUALITY! To this day the Church does not pay taxes, they’re in bed with govern (means control) ment (means mind). Government by literal definition means ”mind control.” I mean how ”in your face” does it have to get?  Orthodox religions serve the Machine only, and the Machine is broken and hell bent on destruction. It’s a mass of ego induced lunatics with a perverted world view driving us all over the cliff. Counter culture always worked best for me. So yes, I went there again. No Historical Jesus as described in the bible ever lived ;) And remember, Jesus was a Greek name, it was never a Hebrew/Aramaic name. Now a days, when people pray to Jesus, they’re praying to some guy in Puerto Rico. How lame is that?
I end with;
Amen (Ra) Amen and Amen-Ra, Egyptian Gods. They still use the Egyptian God’s name to end a prayer to a fictional person, this cracks me up. Life is a comic book.

37 thoughts on “Belief vs Gnosis

    • Thank you so much. I really feel like I’m climbing out on a limb expressing myself on this subject, but more of us are waking up to the lies and this is good. I have a good network here on Word Press.

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    • It does exist in all religions, the government knows a good tool when they see one, so they hijack and ruin it, including Hinduism. Thanks for your feedback FGM. (I think literalism to a younger less evolved person is OK if it leads to spirituality. Seems like that was what Saul/Paul (Another Greek name) tried to say. Interesting. We cannot even know if Saul was real, many scholars theorize his character was based on Marcion.

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  1. Hello Hipmonkey, I myself being a Christian, still like your post. I always love to hear peoples opinions and views on different aspects of, well… everthing! You also taught me something I never knew. The Amen (Ra). That never really occurred to me until you mentioned it. I really enjoyed reading your post and hearing your view on the aspect. From what I have read on your blog, you have some pretty good, and very well thought out posts. Keep up the good work!


  2. Consciousness doesn’t have ego, and I think this says it all. Lovely post! Who would really enjoy a person who demanded praise and worship, promised much wrath to anyone who questioned, and played wicked tricks on his most faithful followers (eg Job)? Nobody. I think it was a way of manipulating human fear of mortality, and it created a sense of terror rather than awakening to love, interconnectedness of people, earth and life, and it covered up compassion with horror. Very sad.

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  3. Thanks for this. It takes courage to stand up and say there’s no Jesus and the whole thing is a load of crap. Yup, you’re absolutely right. I ran away and became a Buddhist, but still feel I’m standing in the crosshairs of “Thou Shalt Not”, an internalised guilt/sin/punishment thing… then I wake up from the dream and it’s gone. There’ll come a time when it’s seen how the Early Church destroyed the essential truth, the gnosis, and replaced that with a concept of ‘God’ represented by the tribal leader, and this is where we are today; bankers, politicians and television.

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  4. I only recently became aware of the extent to which corporate ideologues promoted the rise of fundamentalist Christianity. In New Zealand, where this didn’t happen, only about 10% of the population participate in organized religion.

    Alex Carey talks about equating free enterprise, patriotism and religion with social harmony in his 1995 Taking the Risk Out of Democracy: Corporate Propaganda versus Freedom and Liberty.

    Gerald Colby and Charlotte also published a more extensive book in 1995 about Nelson Rockefeller’s role (with CIA help) in promoting fundamentalist Christianity in Latin America: They Will Be Done The Conquest of the Amazon: Nelson Rockefeller and Evangelism in the Age of Oil.

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  5. “Prayer doesn’t work, there’s no one to pray to, meditation is what works. Intent, intuition, self improvement takes work on one’s self from a position of knowledge, not belief.”

    Them’s some good words there, hipsimian (more ape than monkey, really)


  6. A great post. I must admit that it takes a special effort for me to read things that appear to be about Christianity. The sentence that best explains why directly relates to what religion has meant for Indigenous people — “In fact the Church had no other choice than to do this as it would have quickly died without using deception, murder, genocide, torture and trickery – but like the Scribes and Pharisees they are truly not needed and better off avoided.”

    I’m glad I decided to read your thought-provoking, well-argued discussion.


    • Thank you Carol. The Indians suffered a lot, as did the Mayans and many other cultures as the were forced to use the Gregorian Calendar and adopt Christian “morals.” The whole time having an exceptional spirituality and natural out look on life that if wasn’t taken from them would benefit “civilization” very well today.

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  7. This is a tough post for me to read in some ways, because I sense that some rightful “pushing back” against organized mind control, and against literal and dogmatic approaches to “faith” that are devoid of true spirituality and authentic inner experience– conditions which are perhaps the most critical challenges to human peace, transformation and cooperation– are encumbered by the need to assert that Jesus simply does not exist.

    Whether a man named Jesus existed at a certain point in history or not is a moot point, and I would be inclined to suggest further that reducing arguments about what is right and good, or how one might arrive at an experience of the indwelling of Truth and of one’s natural Divinity to what is historically provable or not is just as dangerous as the materialism that has taken hold of silence. It is just as dangerous as saying that God is in all of us because of some wrinkle of quantum mechanics. The presence of God, or Consciousness, within us, is not nearly so flimsy as a constructed logical system. Truth does not take its license from wrinkles or oddities or mathematical equations, or from organized religions. I think we agree that authentic spiritual transformation and the inner, felt, lived, experienced encounter with the Divine Presence within us is the key ingredient. In this regard, it matters not whether a historical man named Jesus lived or not.

    But I think it is a disservice to the living spirit of what is termed “Christ” to insist that Jesus, as a living example of the merging of Consciousness-God with a tangible human presence, does not exist today. Jesus, as the face of Christ, as a spiritual force active in the hearts of those who seek the Truth, who seek to have the very experience you would encourage one to see within, is real– not in history, but in timelessness, in his embrace of the Divine Presence within each being. His loving presence is not the same as those who have manipulated his name to serve false ends. The judgmental and externalized organizations that have latched onto the myth of a historical man and leveraged it to serve various ends, to manipulate history and humanity, are the problem. But these are just systems, and the real “problem” is the human thinking that gives rise to them– the lack of authentic, deep inner experience. This is what I feel we will have to correct- the judgment and systematized hatred that arise from not knowing the presence of the Divine within. The living presence of Christ, a presence that is very much alive today, is not the problem in my opinion, as this Christ embraces all people of all walks and faiths, accepting them all as equals.

    I understand this is a slippery slope. Some will claim to have a relationship with Jesus, or Christ, that they will assert endorses their judgments and hatreds. But this does not mean Christ is false. It merely means a being’s heart has yet to catch holy fire. There is a holy presence at work in the Universe– call it by any name you like– that loves and accepts a judgmental being just as much as the person who is freed of dogma and literalism, a holy presence who recognizes the equality of all beings within the field of existence.

    If we in turn recognize the immutable Truth alive within in all beings, and have compassion for their suffering where awareness of this Truth is absent or dim, where does insisting Jesus is not real cross the line from a historical assertion to an effort to assert that an inner experience of today is disingenuous? If a person’s life line when addiction calls is an inner phone call to Christ, why call that into question? Without taking care, the historical argument and the sacred, living presence alive in awakened hearts are smeared together. What is the value of playing with this fire?


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    • Michael, I’ve read your comment and because of problems at home I’m unable to reply at this time. I will quickly just say that the most important factor in a spiritual awakening is being open minded and skeptical. The need to cling to ‘belief’ is ego based, and one will simply not have a spiritual awakening by using ego and it’s defense of what it feels is real or not. Don’t forget, I said the jesus in the bible is not a real historic person. All 600 manuscripts from the Jewish Chrestian religion were destroyed by Rome after a they invented the new gospels, so whether or not a Yeshua existed 100 years before is indeed quite moot. The bible is not talking about him and speculation is not gnosis. You will, with open minded research also find that there was no King David, no David and Goliath, no Noah, no Solomon (Sol Om On), Adam, Eve, Jacob etc. The stories were supposed to help an initiate reach a state of inner Gnosis, but scriptures were corrupted at some point and taken literally. Christ is a concept, Jesus was a myth. I find it amazing that people have a problem with this fact. Sorry I have to run, I hope we continue this talk and remain cyber friends :)


      • Hi David,

        Thanks for your note. I see no issue for an interruption of our cyber friendship, as the exchange of ideas is in my opinion the point. I have slept, eaten, listened to music, worked, reflected on my thoughts of yesterday, and am at peace. I do not feel a strong emotional “charge” to be right or wrong about matters internal to my own heart, or about matters internal to yours.

        The “Jesus” near and dear to my heart is the spirit who inspired the writing of A Course in Miracles and A Course of Love, who Tom Carpenter came to experience as “brother” in states of unity and helped write the book Dialogue on Awakening. I have no real attachment to any biblical stories, and have a very difficult time with literal interpretations of spiritual texts.

        The historical Jesus and historical characters of the Bible do not really inform my daily experience in any way, and are not really mentioned in these works, but an inner relationship with the “voice” of the relatively recent books I have mentioned above was a great help in times of inner need. It is a voice that has led me to transcend any religion or institution as a vehicle of Truth, and to recognize that Truth lives within, and has helped me to see the value in looking beyond the outer image that people present in an effort to see their heart. This is enough. And because these experiences have led one to another like beads on a string, to greater depths of peace and acceptance, I see no reason to alter any of what has been set in motion.

        The only overlap between this “voice” and my inner journey, and what you have written about, is the word “Jesus”. When passed between us here, however, it is just a word. My experience is not a word. My experience is a presence I have discovered within and am learning to find in those around me, to find it echoed throughout creation. I choose that no word stand between us… and at the end of the day, don’t know if I could ever put my experience of inner knowing into words anyway… I do not need to call this “Jesus”, if that creates a barrier… Love cannot be held by any name…


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      • It seems we agree more than disagree. Had Jesus been a Hindu he would have had no problem proclaiming himself God. This is the essence of Hindu philosophy, and it’s the message I got from A Course In Miracles. To use a story to teach is wonderful, to not understand the mystical meaning of the story is a dead end street. To comprehend the mystical one has to understand the mythical. Krishna Consciousness and Christ Consciousness are the same thing, however I do believe the Church corrupted and persecuted the true message to tax and control the population. Those that see beyond that will have no problem evolving into (or becoming) Love, and that’s always a good thing.


  8. After re-reading your post with more focus it’s occurred to me that the reality of Jesus’ existence (or non-existence as you assert) is not as important as the value that believers place on him. I totally agree that orthodox religion promotes a helplessness among their followers that seems to undermine the very teachings of the Jesus-figure that they are supposed to be centered around.

    However, I am not convinced that Jesus totally did not exist. With the hybridization of Christianity (or the teachings of Jesus as they are credited towards by orthodox religions powers) at the Council of Nicea, it seems to me that much of “Jesus'” teachings were reduced to the bare bones and the context in which they were spoken has been withdrawn. The Egyptian god references, for me at least, don’t seem to support your theory that Jesus is made up but speak more towards the fact that the origins of modern Christianity is tangled in a confused lineage, most of which has roots in spiritual truths from “pagan” practices and cultures. I’ve heard a lot of talk about where Jesus traveled during the “missing years” (ages 13-30) and some have suggested that he traveled to the East and to Egypt.

    I do agree with you on the point that the religion has been so far from the truth that the masses of its followers are oblivious to the real meaning to spirituality and their potential as spiritual beings.

    You state that “The fictitious character of “Jesus” was invented from spiritual CONCEPTS originating in the Far East, such as spiritual alchemy, the kundalini energy, Buddhism, Krishna, and what is known as the “vril” “chi” “life-force” and Astrotheology STORIES from the Old Testament.”

    So here are my questions: 1) is it impossible to think that someone from the region where Jesus was said to be born could have achieved the spiritual evolution that is part of the goal of Eastern spiritual paths?
    2) Do you also think that Buddha is a myth regarding the spiritual evolution of the people of that region?
    3) Do you think about discussions on Jesus’ formative years and the so-called gospel of Saint Mark are distractions considering you think Jesus is made-up?

    At the end of the day, the question of whether Jesus existed seems to more of a distraction than a revelation because most people will opt on arguing Jesus’ authenticity rather gleaning the real wisdom that you have put out there concerning truth and spiritual liberation. I say this all in positive spirits, brotha. I truly enjoyed your post. Thank you for this thought-provoking information!


    • The writings concerning the origins of a jesus were destroyed after the new religion was invented. I didn’t live 2,000 years ago, I can only say with confidence that the jesus in the bible is a made up figure. With this knowledge I personally have learned much more from the scriptures than if I read it as a history or autobiographical book. Myth is poetry, and many fall into the trap that myth means a lie. Buddha may very well have been an astrotheological construct, Krishna certainly was. But Buddhism isn’t really a religion and wasn’t corrupted by politics. The Buddha is quoted as saying, “If you see the Buddha, kill him.” Does this mean Buddha is a figure who’s words are more important than history? Krishna speaks very plainly with words one can better understand concerning the Source and mysteries of life and death. I’m only bringing to light that as an historic person jesus is meaningless in my opinion, yet creating his literal historicity has become a religion unto itself. I.E. the people who pick up rattle snakes because the bible says god will let no harm come to them. They simply don’t even try to understand the symbolic meaning of the snake in ancient wisdom. I can say that jesus was crucified at Golgatha, place of the Skull. The place of the skull is, which where my mind resides, so the crucifiction takes place in my head, and the Temple which is just in front of my ear is where I commune with Consciousness. I’m saying there’s a whole new meaning when read spiritually rather than literally, and that pushing the literal is what has corrupted a perfectly sensible message, further hiding the spiritual teaching from mankind. I think it was deliberate and well thought out. It’s known that Constantine worked 10 years on this invention, but there is still nuggets of gnosis throughout the bible, it’s a little harder to find since the tools of understanding have been taken, and Kabbalah is pretty much destroyed in the NT. I understand the Church used brutal methods to embed this religion into mankind, the the very thought of jesus being a myth is hard for many to accept. So yes, it’s a distraction in that sense, but utterly important to grasp if one wants to be free of the belief that only one person in all of history was god’s only child, and that by worshipping this ‘other’ human god-man you go to heaven after death. That is a total fiction carefully crafted to control the masses. It separates us from everything else while it should be obvious that what is called God is also our own essence and that we are all children of God. To me jesus represents us as Initiates into becoming love. As far as pursuing historical evidence for this historical fiction, my search is over and I’m 99% convinced the truth points very much to the mythical. I always remain open minded should something new be discovered at some point, but if it does become discovered I’m still betting the gospel jesus is mythical and has nothing to do with an historical person. Too much of what’s said was said by other earlier religions and philosphers. I have links to scholarly research if your interested, but it’s rather moot if you get the spiritual meaning.

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  9. Reblogged this on Project i•Am•You and commented:
    After re-reading your post with more focus it’s occurred to me that the reality of Jesus’ existence (or non-existence as you assert) is not as important as the value that believers place on him. I totally agree that orthodox religion promotes a helplessness among their followers that seems to undermine the very teachings of the Jesus-figure that they are supposed to be centered around.

    However, I am not convinced that Jesus totally did not exist. With the hybridization of Christianity (or the teachings of Jesus as they are credited towards by orthodox religions powers) at the Council of Nicea, it seems to me that much of “Jesus’” teachings were reduced to the bare bones and the context in which they were spoken has been withdrawn. The Egyptian god references, for me at least, don’t seem to support your theory that Jesus is made up but speak more towards the fact that the origins of modern Christianity is tangled in a confused lineage, most of which has roots in spiritual truths from “pagan” practices and cultures. I’ve heard a lot of talk about where Jesus traveled during the “missing years” (ages 13-30) and some have suggested that he traveled to the East and to Egypt.

    I do agree with you on the point that the religion has been so far from the truth that the masses of its followers are oblivious to the real meaning to spirituality and their potential as spiritual beings.

    You state that “The fictitious character of “Jesus” was invented from spiritual CONCEPTS originating in the Far East, such as spiritual alchemy, the kundalini energy, Buddhism, Krishna, and what is known as the “vril” “chi” “life-force” and Astrotheology STORIES from the Old Testament.”

    So here are my questions: 1) is it impossible to think that someone from the region where Jesus was said to be born could have achieved the spiritual evolution that is part of the goal of Eastern spiritual paths?
    2) Do you also think that Buddha is a myth regarding the spiritual evolution of the people of that region?
    3) Do you think about discussions on Jesus’ formative years and the so-called gospel of Saint Mark are distractions considering you think Jesus is made-up?

    At the end of the day, the question of whether Jesus existed seems to more of a distraction than a revelation because most people will opt on arguing Jesus’ authenticity rather gleaning the real wisdom that you have put out there concerning truth and spiritual liberation. I say this all in positive spirits, brotha. I truly enjoyed your post. Thank you for this thought-provoking information!


    • To those that opt out, that’s their misfortune. The jesus of the gospels is pure fiction, based on poetry, midrash and astrotheology and never existed as a figure in history. jesus is the story of the sun as plagiarized from 20 previous god-men with the same attributes. It’s stolen Paganism. It’s political mind control, the lie upon which all other lies have been built. I don’t believe it’s a distraction at all. It opened my eyes to what the bible’s hidden message really says. Peace.


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